Author Topic: My lil Protector  (Read 5337 times)

Offline Britz

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My lil Protector
« on: July 09, 2007, 09:42:59 am »
I was playing fetch with  zeus outside on  one  side of thehouse when all of asudden  he stopped dead and a started growiling and ran to the other side of the house.  There  was a yearling buffola baby. * my father in law HAs a bunch you see*  Well  a soons as that  buf saw  zeus  and zeus saw it  zeus started barking at it and  going in front of me and growling.  The  poor  buff pooed itself lol.  Zeus  never  chased it or nothing just stood his ground and barked and growled the buff ran so  fast  We oculd  see it  running all the way  down the road and on to the main  gravel  road that  comes to are place lol.  MY  Lil big protector.   


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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2007, 10:03:41 pm »

Offline Britz

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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2007, 10:50:58 pm »
iT was really  funny he  sure thought he was some hot stuff after. We have allways had problems  with teh buffallo  cutting through are yard and  wreaking are tree etc..  I guess we won't have that  anymore  when  zeus is out  and about lol.  Last night  we  tooka long  walk  really not that  long are normal  walk  but  we rested  for awile  before we went home sence Zeus  stitches  well once  we hit this one  little path  off the gravel zeus  turns in to a grass hopper tonight ill have to take  photos..  BUt when  we walk  there  he is totaly on guard making suree nothing comes for us. In away Im glad  he is showing this allready sence i know if something comes out of the bush and trys to attack me he wont be running the otherway  but trying to save me.


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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 05:59:43 am »
it's comforting, isn't it?  Grace just has to look like a Rott and i'm safe

Offline Britz

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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 10:14:34 pm »
LOL ppl  will  probley  be frightened  of the big baby  once he is all big,


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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 12:22:57 am »
LOL ppl  will  probley  be frightened  of the big baby  once he is all big,
i've met people who are afraid of the word Rottweiler.  and grace isn't that big (or as big as a male) and people are afraid of her.  they cross the street, stand really still when we pass, and avoid us completely. 
it's a Rott thing.  welcome to the club.

Offline Britz

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Re: My lil Protector
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 12:39:31 am »
LOL ppl  will  probley  be frightened  of the big baby  once he is all big,
i've met people who are afraid of the word Rottweiler.  and grace isn't that big (or as big as a male) and people are afraid of her.  they cross the street, stand really still when we pass, and avoid us completely. 
it's a Rott thing.  welcome to the club.

lol yeah   we will probley have that,  right  know its not so bad sence he has his tail  ppl  tend to  think he i  some sort of lab lol but then we get  the ones that know and they  freak  Or  then theres the  few who   have had rottis  and will sit there and  will  talk about the breed lol