Author Topic: Afraid of water  (Read 14329 times)

Offline Britz

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Afraid of water
« on: July 11, 2007, 06:50:49 am »
Well I walk to a dugout everynight  and  No matter what  zeus will not go in  he will drink out of it  but no  go in to it.  So  today sence my sister is here and it is soooooo  soooo hooooot  we thought we woudl take the kids and the pup  swimming.  well my kids  freaked out  of course even in life jackets etc.  so  My sister  swam  for awile and calle d zeus to come in he wouldn't.  I desided maybe  he would  come  with me or come see me when im in the water. NOPE  He  sat there and  jumped at the edge of the water.

Any one elses dogs afraid of going swimming?  Or is he  just to  young  and  once he is older will he go in? 

We have tried  Bribbing him by throwing  sticks that  are close to the shor line but no way.

Offline Britz

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 09:54:48 am »
Bumping   :) Just  wondering if pther ppls  big pups  where afraid to go in?!

Offline kathryn

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 10:07:49 am »
Kaila is my water baby and Cinder is a close second to her.  Shiner however was terrified to go into the kiddy pool that we have in the back yard.  It took my climbing in and Kaila and Cinder coming into the pool before he ever would enter.  Now Shiner will run through it and stand in it but that's about all.  Kaila will snorkle and roll and play and have a good time.  Maybe get a small pool or something that is less scary and build up to the swimming hole that you go to.  That way he can build up his confidence that the evil water isn't going to eat you or him.  He's still a puppy so I wouldn't worry too much about it. 
Kaila - Belgian Malinois
Shiner - Malinois x Ridgeback
Toulouse, Cayenne, Raven - DSH

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Offline 2Criminals

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 10:15:12 am »
Phelan wouldn't walk through a puddle for a steak dinner until this summer when at approx. 11 months we went to the dog park and the pond was full of water and 3 labs running in and out to play. He LOVES to play with other dogs so he really had no choice but to go in, so now he loves being in the water and lying down in it. He's had a few 2.5 second swims but really just prefers to hop around in belly deep water.

Offline Bernertomboi

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 06:51:35 pm »
Maddax was the same as zeus, but he is so afraid to be left that all we had to do was get in the water and he would follow.  We have been working with him taking him to the park at least three times a week and now he will go in up to the point that he has to swim and then no further.  We have been told by friends that we need to find a dog that swims and that it will help Maddax learn.  Now all we have to do is find that friend...

Offline Britz

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2007, 11:00:42 pm »
thanks  all.  Zeus will put his  front feet  in thats it, Last night we went  swimming again and no luck I ended up  carrying him  close  going in myself and holding him were he could still stand  he was ok with that  but then  ran out and rolle din  dirt so we had one muddy  puppy lol

Offline Moni

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2007, 11:07:14 pm »
All of my dogs have only been comfortable enough to only go in up to their belly/chest in the water.  Except for Faust(GSD), he LOVES swimming.  They were all raised basically the same way, so I think some of it has to do with just who they are.  I also live in New England though, so we only get so much warm weather to practice in.  lol
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Offline The Brindle Pack

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 02:22:08 am »
Of the four in our pack Tucker is my only water dog, can't keep him out.  Tyra will hang in the baha but the other two want nothing to do with it.

Offline Jas2Cats

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2007, 08:57:04 am »
My Husky/GSD/Wolf, Jasper hated water, and would not go in no matter what.  He would stand at the shore and whine/bark if we got in.

Woody couldn't really care less about water, its the Fishies that he wants  :)

Maple was afraid of water until she saw my BIL's lab/rottie fetch a stick in the water, then, something clicked.  She went in (ears pinned back--her "work" mode), swam out to the stick, and came right back to shore stickless LOL  Now, she'll go in, but, she's always in work mode, not play or enjoyment.

Maybe if Zeus sees other dogs swimming, he'll get the point?  Or, he might have been worried since the kids were afraid.

Woody  (aka Big Dog) (12 1/2) Shorthaired Laberaimer (1/2 German Shorthair, 1/4 Lab, 1/4 Weimaraimer)
Maple (aka Princess Poo) (7 1/2) Boxer/ GS mix
Fuzzy (15 1/2)long haired tabby cat
Trouble & Double 3 1/2 year old African Leopard Tortoises.
Ed (17+) and Cris (13+) skin kids

Offline Britz

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2007, 10:04:55 pm »
My Husky/GSD/Wolf, Jasper hated water, and would not go in no matter what.  He would stand at the shore and whine/bark if we got in.

Woody couldn't really care less about water, its the Fishies that he wants  :)

Maple was afraid of water until she saw my BIL's lab/rottie fetch a stick in the water, then, something clicked.  She went in (ears pinned back--her "work" mode), swam out to the stick, and came right back to shore stickless LOL  Now, she'll go in, but, she's always in work mode, not play or enjoyment.

Maybe if Zeus sees other dogs swimming, he'll get the point?  Or, he might have been worried since the kids were afraid.

Welp no  luck  yet   Hes  to funny though  when  we come to shore  he sits as far away from us as possible then  will slowly  come up and  see  if we are ok. I wias think ing about the dog thing  letting him  see another  dog do it.  Are good friends have chocolate labs that  love water  so  we may have to meet  up  with them  one day and see.


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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2007, 11:06:56 pm »
Cabeza used to HATE the water. He wouldn't go near it. But, after hanging out with his lab cousin, he'll now go in belly deep. If Molly is swimming, he'll swim with her. But not us. hahha!

Now Mabel, that chick is a WATER DOG. She would stay in the water all day long. She just floats aroud and smiles. Its the cutest thing.


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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2007, 12:25:30 am »
Marley has always been afraid of the water.  We continue to try and coax him in and at the lake last week, Laney finally put him over the edge!  He eventually went in up to his belly..haha but if I had something like Laney barking that shrill bark at me and biting my legs, I would chase her too!!  This video is really crappy but it gives you an idea!

Offline RMSChloe

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2007, 01:05:45 am »
Im not sure about my pup Chloe. I had her at my friends house once and she stood on the pool deck acting like MAYBE she would take a dip... but i didnt want to let her because i didnt want her to put a hole in the liner. I do know that her mother used to love the water, but her father wouldnt go in it... guess it just depends on the dog.
Shes not a dog... shes a Great Dane!


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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2007, 07:33:09 am »
Well I walk to a dugout everynight  and  No matter what  zeus will not go in  he will drink out of it  but no  go in to it.  So  today sence my sister is here and it is soooooo  soooo hooooot  we thought we woudl take the kids and the pup  swimming.  well my kids  freaked out  of course even in life jackets etc.  so  My sister  swam  for awile and calle d zeus to come in he wouldn't.  I desided maybe  he would  come  with me or come see me when im in the water. NOPE  He  sat there and  jumped at the edge of the water.

Any one elses dogs afraid of going swimming?  Or is he  just to  young  and  once he is older will he go in? 

We have tried  Bribbing him by throwing  sticks that  are close to the shor line but no way.
Grace hates to swim too.  Rotts have web feet too.  she'll put up with baths, but NO swimming unless it's to wade in the creek.  that's it.

Offline Britz

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Re: Afraid of water
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2007, 11:46:14 am »
Well I walk to a dugout everynight  and  No matter what  zeus will not go in  he will drink out of it  but no  go in to it.  So  today sence my sister is here and it is soooooo  soooo hooooot  we thought we woudl take the kids and the pup  swimming.  well my kids  freaked out  of course even in life jackets etc.  so  My sister  swam  for awile and calle d zeus to come in he wouldn't.  I desided maybe  he would  come  with me or come see me when im in the water. NOPE  He  sat there and  jumped at the edge of the water.

Any one elses dogs afraid of going swimming?  Or is he  just to  young  and  once he is older will he go in? 

We have tried  Bribbing him by throwing  sticks that  are close to the shor line but no way.
Grace hates to swim too.  Rotts have web feet too.  she'll put up with baths, but NO swimming unless it's to wade in the creek.  that's it.

I  found it so  funny that  he hated  water all teh rotti books I have says they are water  dogs lol.  Im going tos ee if i can  get are one friend  to  come  up with his  dog  Kelly  she loves  water the only  problem is Kelly is a she and isnt  fixed but i guess  zeus is so  there may not be a problem.  Zeus  will bath  fine  but the  water is  jusyt a little past  his feet in the tub.