Author Topic: Harry Potter Review!  (Read 2894 times)


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Harry Potter Review!
« on: July 11, 2007, 07:40:51 pm »
It was so late when we got home that I forgot to post my review of this movie!  Ok, let me set the start by saying we arrived at the movie theater at 10 pm...The movie was starting at 1230am.  So they were already allowing ppl in the theater so in we went.  Very crowded but we finally found 3 seats together...Thi s was my daughters treat by the way and she bought tickets for myself, my son and herself...So we are seated and its a very fun crowd...The beach ball is flying through the theater and everyone is laughing and having a super time!!  Oh did I mention this was the day that I got up at like 5am to drive to OK to get Amelia...Getti ng back to Mckinney around 4ish and taking Amelia to the vet and letting them check her out and picking up two snakes from my vet!!  So needless to say, I am kind of tired...Anyway ..after a giant xxl monster energy drink I am having a great time...Good crowd...lots of fun...great theater...grea t kiddos!!  All is good and boy are we excited!!!!  Finally at 1220, the previews start and we are on the edge of our seats!!  Then.......... ...the movie start......... .the lights go out........... .............. ........and do I :(
Slept through the whole thing...hahaha ha  my daughter was so mad!!!  Anyway...plann ing to see a very early matinee this weekend..maybe .


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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 08:50:07 pm »
Oh Lori - I am still chuckling over your "review".... you poor thing! You sure did deserve a nice nap after your day of rescuing Amelia! :) Hope you enjoy the movie this weekend!


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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 09:42:12 pm »
Not kidding at all!  haha...I finally went to the care around 2:15 because I had absolutely no clue what was going on...Of course I cant sleep at all when I get to the car but oh well

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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 11:39:10 pm »
Ah well I might be for the best if you're a book fan I was told the move is a 2.5 on the star chart. If you don't read the book it's 5 all the way. I'm going to see it today I think, hopefully!
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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 02:31:06 am »
lol.... sounds like something I would do. 

None of the movies have come close to the books.  What I'm waiting for is book seven.

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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 04:42:41 am »
that's too funny! well as long as you felt refreshed when you woke up i suppose it was worth it ;)
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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 04:47:05 am »
HAHAHAHAHAA!!  That's too funny!  My daughter really wants to watch that movie, but I'll have to wait until the DVD comes out, she likes to take naps during movies too! lol

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Re: Harry Potter Review!
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 01:07:32 pm »
I can relate to the falling asleep in the theatre!!  I didn't with this movie but I have done it before!

I liked the movie, and yes I read the book too!!  But I also know NOT to re-read the book (any book made into a movie for that mattter) before I see the movie!!  I don't envy the people who have to decide how much/what to put in the movie from the book!  It's a no win situation.  I have two friends, both of which have probably read each book like 5 times and even have the books on tape to listen to in the car!!!  One of them was waiting on-line, counting down, until it was time to pre-order book 7.  Anyway I went to the movie with one of them and the other one saw the movie too...two totally different takes, but they did say they liked it...then proceeded to point out the wrong stuff!!  Oh well, to each his own!  I am looking forward to the seventh book, I'm one of those 30 somethings who still has her childhood imagination and loves to dive into make believe!!
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