Author Topic: Need advice.. inlaws-Zeus <UPDATED>  (Read 22636 times)

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2007, 08:29:27 am »

Time for a reverse treatment here. Take a leash and Zues and just start parading him into the InLaws houses unannounced. Get a short leash (maybe even harness) So you have complete control over Zues. Keep bringing him everytime you interact with family (on his leash) When THEY Start complaining tell them Sheldon and you have ASKED THEM REPEATEDLY TO RESPECT you, your home and Zues, since they ignored your requests, you absolutely need to socialize Zues to the people who are constantly trespassing on his territory so he will be familiar and (stress this)HOPEFULLY not bite you next time they come over unannounced.

If they can be so disrespectful of you Sheldon and Zues you need to disrespect them to get your point accross.

I am sure after the 2nd or 3rd time you stroll into their homes with your dog they will get the message.
Fabulous idea. i have that mental picture in my head

Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!

I'd still lock everything, including the shed in the back.  If they have a key, change the locks and don't give them a key.  They are acting like spoiled children, treat them like children that need to be taught a lesson!

I love it!  LMAO  My only fear is that people that are as dense regarding boundaries and social cues as these folks sound, will pitch a royal a fit if Zeus and his parents come visiting, but will have no problem still doing it themselves.  They sound to me as if they think that there's two sets of rules, one for them and one for everyone else.  So I'd go for it, b/c I still love the idea, they deserve it, and just in case they are trainable, but I'd still fence & lock them out of my property (for their own good, you know  ;)  ::)) just in case they just don't learn.

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Offline Duramax

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2007, 10:25:31 am »
i agree, it's hubby's family, it's his responsibility to talk to his parents about things they do that are unacceptable. however, if the problem doesnt become resolved i fear that sweet zeus will be seen as a "nasty mean dog" by the ignorant inlaws. and end up causing a major rift between you guys. dont let zeus take the fall for their stupidity, if the inlaws need a serious talking to and not a nice polite one then so be it. and if they dont like it, well too bad, this is your house and your the woman of the house and it sounds like they have no respect for you or your wishes. it realy stinks but being polite doesnt work sometimes. :-\
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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2007, 10:26:31 pm »
lol WInslow I did that with my pom  when we had him, sence  he  had seperation auxiety I  had to  take him every  where  IM sure to god my MIL  owuld bleache the floors once i left  with him lol. IF it comes to that though I will be doing it.

Sheldon and I were talking about it last night and  we are  going to try to  knock  some sence in to them. Sheldon says he is  once again going to try to talk to them and if that don't work.  I Will and HEY Im PMSing  SO I guess  it  shoudl nock  some sence in to them.

See We would love to  lock them out But we are renting  from them  >:( We have  been wanting to  get out of here and just go  find  are own place but as of right now we are kinda  stuck her hopefully in the next year or so  we will be gone.  We have  changed the locks in teh house and  usually  dont have to  worry about them comming in to the house if we are not home.

One thing that chokes me is sheldon was telling me that  sence they think the dog should know them sence they seen  him a couple times  when  we first got him.  ARggg  then THey  were asking sheldon if I PLanned to  take that  DOg every where I go  even when it is full grown. (Im really  bad  Zeus is hardly left at home  if im leaving  for the day excpecially if Sheldon can't pop in and cheack on him.  Sheldon looked at them and  just  said  What's it to you but he  couldnt  say any more i Guess he said his  Dad  Changed the subject and that IS one thing his dad is good at doing. 

Ill   keep u all updated i just hope  we can g et  some sence  knocked in to them.


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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2007, 11:00:29 pm »
I love Winslows response. We had a sign at our old house that was posted on the gate with a picture of a big old rotti head on it that read" I can make to the fence in 3 seconds. Can you?"  They have them on ebay ;)

Offline Britz

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2007, 01:12:24 am »
I love Winslows response. We had a sign at our old house that was posted on the gate with a picture of a big old rotti head on it that read" I can make to the fence in 3 seconds. Can you?"  They have them on ebay ;)

HAHAH I think Im going to go look  for  one of t hem on  ebay.

Well update.
MIL  just  showed  up here unanounced once again.  She made a comment  on how the dog  chased her to the door  well "ok  he is a puppy  he wanted you to pet him dumb bum"  I told her  she  needs to talk to him when  she comes to the yard and say his name.  Guess what her responce is " WHAT IS  HIS NAME?"   arggggg I was  pleasent and  just said  Zeus.  I  then  told her  she needs to call me before she comes over etc. Of ocurse today   Zeus was outside when  she came, and she said  she will be walking over her later. WALKING   arggg  Zeus  will freak I  know that  for a fact if  she just  walks to the house he has growled  when it was just  sheldon walking  from the barn to the house untill sheldon  accnoledged him he then wagged his tail and  walked up to him. SO I  trie dto tell her  TO  Call me we will see.  I  also warned her that  Zeus's Breed  is  Very protective * i have told her this many time*  and that  if they   just show up unanounced  that  he may  growl and not let you in. THEy  Supposably  know his breed  but only  bad things. SO if they know the breed and only bad things why can't they  just   Listen to us  when  we tell them stuff. 

When MY mil  walked in to the house she seen  Zeus kennel that is under are air hockey table and all his toys scatered around  downstairs  she gaveme a dirty  look  and said " I SURE  HOPE YOU Arn't  planning on keeping him in the house when he is fullgrown"  UMMMM  Yeah  we are. 

HERE IS something that  made even  madder when  She asked about the dogs name she made a comment on how  she will remeber it now  sence  they  dont  need to remebr there dogs name any  more. (sparky the one that  got ran  over)  I  seriously  held  in everything I Felt that  was  cruel.  I have actually called the breeder I told her aboutso they  could get another pup  and told Jennifer ( the GOlden Breed) That if they  call simply tell them  you have no pups and tole  her about them.  She was so happy I did  so, I really  hope they  dont  get another  dog as  cruel as they are about mine ( they were the same way with my pom)  I know  they  will  treat theres like  Poo. i have s een it  and sheldon is even  with me on this one sence it was me who took there last  dog to the vet all the time and  just  billed them for the money  I spent on her

Offline heidismom

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2007, 01:21:38 am »
why would these people even want another dog?  "are you planning on keeping him in the house when he's full grown"..well, what's the point of having a pooch if you can't enjoy his company?  no wonder you're frustrated they are just not absorbing anything you say to them are they?  and people think DOGS are hard to train...

Offline Britz

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2007, 01:26:50 am »
why would these people even want another dog?  "are you planning on keeping him in the house when he's full grown"..well, what's the point of having a pooch if you can't enjoy his company?  no wonder you're frustrated they are just not absorbing anything you say to them are they?  and people think DOGS are hard to train...

I will seriously  be happy the day  we get the you know what out of here. Sheldon is sick of there you know what. They  even  treat there childern like there animals make them  WORK till they are dieing  practically..  That woudl be a whole  new  rant  to tell you truth I have had  problems  with them sence me and sheldon started going together. He is sorta of the black sheep of the family sence  He left there religion, * there minanights*  so meaning are childern and anything we have  they  dont treat  that  great.  THey also Blame me for sheldon leaveing there church even though  he left  3 or 4 years before he meet  me .. ARGggggggggggg gggggggggggggg gggggggggggggg ggggggggggg
I truly  can't stand my inlaws

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2007, 04:17:46 am »
Wow that really sucks. But you really need to take back control. It is your house! They can't walk in when ever they feel like it, they is rude and they have no right to do that. Lock the doors, if they have a key then change the locks.
When I visit my parents house I never just walk in, I always knock. It is no longer my house therefore I feel it is rude to just walk in and help myself to anything.

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Offline Britz

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2007, 04:35:54 am »
Well they  don't  have a key to the house and  probley  never  will sence  we dont  trust them to even  take  care of are things when we are gone. I think I  metioned about how  responsible they  were  for  are husky we had on  feeding her.

There  carpenter is  here today and I wasnt home yet  but I talked to him  before he came over  and  just told him  to talk to  Zeus  when I finally got home  He oculdnt  get over  how  friendly he was i guess zeus  did a little growl but  as soon as JIm are  carpenter  said his  name  He was just  fine and  came right up to him etc.

I just  cant  get  over my inlaws  any more im so ready to leave.  putting up iwththem  for  4 + years  has gotten  me to the limit and this is  the last straw for me.

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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2007, 08:56:43 pm »
let em get bit. your inlaws will learn that the dog will protect what is his and im sure if zeus is like my loki he will just nip at them. loki has never bittin anypne but me and has ran the telephone repair man up a power poll. Itialians are skittish of large dogs anyway. have you tried locking the gate to your yard. do that and leave a sign at the gate that says call this number to unlock gate. and if your inlaws dont have a cell phone they need to get bittin so they can wake up in the 21st century.

Offline Britz

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Re: Need advice.. inlaws Zeus <UPDATED>
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2007, 05:10:59 am »
well July21
They  may  finally  clue in My  Father in law showed up her un anounced  came to the door  Zeus was out side sence its a perfect day  and ofcourse what  does my  pup  do   he ran to the door when my father in law aprouched and growled.  When I went out  cuz My FIL  yelled my name  he told me what  Zeus  did. I guess even though he growled at him  my  stupid fatherin law  kept  coming to the door my poor pup  Peed himself :(   So  Tis  was it I  got  ticked off and  TOld him he has to call him by HIS NAME.  Guess hwta the retard asks ..

WHATS  HIS NAME Arggggggggg   BUt  I think this finally got something across to them I told  him simply that its in  zeus's  nature and that  they need to  callus  before  coming over  or atleast  call are dogs name.  He isnt even half the size he is going to be and I told him that  so I think/ Ihope they get  the clue

Offline Duramax

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Re: Need advice.. inlaws-Zeus <UPDATED>
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2007, 03:14:52 am »
it might " insult" your mil if you get down right dirty and to the point with her, and if you lock her out...haha, but it would solve the problems. if you are legaly renting from them, then it is tresspassing when they walk into your house like that...landlor d or no.
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Re: Need advice.. INlaws~Zeus
« Reply #27 on: July 29, 2007, 07:10:32 pm »
I wonder if a call to the local police or animal control can give you an idea of where you stand.  Tell them what you've told us.  They should be able to help you on your legal rights.

Good luck.


I agree that you should call the police and see what they say.  If nothing else they will have the call on record that this is an ongoing problem and that you have warned the in laws several times, and that your dog isn't vicious, just protective.  Make sure you tell them that you have told your in laws what to do to protect themselves and they refuse to do it..  If you don't document EVERYTHING and Zeus bites one of them...HE is the one who will suffer, whether he deserves it or not.
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