Author Topic: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal  (Read 30698 times)

Offline Cymbaline

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2005, 08:42:27 am »
they have to be getting out somehow...eith er that or your dogs had nothing to do with the incident...if they arent digging under and they arent jumping over then they have to be getting out somehow.  My  sisters Anatolian would go through an electric fence like it was nothing

You are right, I dont know you or your dogs and the only thing I can go by is what you posted.  You said they do good in OB but not together, then you need to work at both of them listening to you at the same time

In regards to killing a rabbit your dogs were only being dogs and that is no fault of their own...I mean did they go into the rabbits hutch and destroy the cage or was the rabbit out and about.  A dog can not distinguish a pet from a wild animal

The reason they are unruly together is because you have the pack mentality setting out for a hunt it seems

I can be harsh, I wont deny that and I apologized from the get go but your opening sentence is your whole problem.

It's ok that you do not like my opening sentence. I understand how it's easy to try to judge someone based on what you can and can not do and it's also easy to base an opinion about someone on a few facts.

As you did state you based your opinion on what I posted. I however did not post everything about me and my dogs, our daily lifes etc. If I did do that it maybe a novel you would have been reading instead of a very long post.

I'm sure you mean well and your passion for dogs maybe causes you to "harsh" however I know myself and I know that I'm a resposible pet owner even if by your standards I may not be.



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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2005, 08:52:51 am »
If your dog wasnt brought up around children and a child slapping in a petting sort of way is prob a bit threatening to a dog so your dog reacted.  He didnt just react and bite he gave a bit of a warning which some dogs dont

Only a reputable good trainer can tell you if your dogs are truly aggressive because no one is there to see your dogs in action around people, different places etc...and reputable trainers I feel are far and few inbetween

Have you tried marrow or knuckle bones...that keeps my dog occupied and he will not touch a kong if his life depended on it.  If you are giving your dog bones you should superives just for safety sake

What if you kept the two dogs separeted until play time so they are more excited to see each other and more inclined to play

Have you tried getting a harness and giving them a old tire to pull?  I know a lot of dogs that like that

Offline Cymbaline

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2005, 08:55:01 am »
RedyreRottweil ers -

Thanks for the suggestion - that bottle idea gives me some ideas.. maybe put some kibble in there that may make a cheap toy for them .

Once again Thank You, Thank You.. You do not know what kind of relief you have made me feel. I truly appreciate your input.

I agree, I should have not allowed the kids to crowd Bandit. I appreciate you bringing that to light. I have since then have told people that I do not want little kids petting him on the face. I take my boys to petsmart all the time and people love to come pet them.

Looking back the brief chase they gave the boys on the bike ... they did not have leashes on, we were on the lake bed (Austin drains town lake each year when it is cold to try and kill off some type of grass) and we were down there letting the boys run around.

I take my boys down to the lake during the summers.. it's freezing cold water but since I do not want to chance them running off I do not let them off the leash.

I use to let one at a time go but Bandit will run off and come back 10 minutes later.. during that time I'm concerned I'll never see him again so I stopped that.

Any suggestions which will allow me to let them go swimming and maybe run around a bit near the lake?

Offline Cymbaline

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2005, 09:02:20 am »
If your dog wasnt brought up around children and a child slapping in a petting sort of way is prob a bit threatening to a dog so your dog reacted.  He didnt just react and bite he gave a bit of a warning which some dogs dont

Only a reputable good trainer can tell you if your dogs are truly aggressive because no one is there to see your dogs in action around people, different places etc...and reputable trainers I feel are far and few inbetween

Have you tried marrow or knuckle bones...that keeps my dog occupied and he will not touch a kong if his life depended on it.  If you are giving your dog bones you should superives just for safety sake

What if you kept the two dogs separeted until play time so they are more excited to see each other and more inclined to play

Have you tried getting a harness and giving them a old tire to pull?  I know a lot of dogs that like that

Thank You, Thank You Zero for your input...

Yes, I give them knuckle bones etc. I honestly think your first suggestion about exercise is the key. I think they have tons of things to chew up.. no real "toys' since before talking to RedyreRottweil ers - I honestly didn't have a clue what kind of toys to give which wouldn't cause harm.

I think I became fearful when I was giving them stuffed toys, which they tore up, which I didn't mind but one day Amadeus threw up in the back of our Explorer and out came a stuffed rabbit arm....

I thought I had a good eye on them when they were playing with that thing and I thought I picked up all the pieces but.... once again I messed up.

I'm going to go get that tire but can it withstand a bored Malamut? Does anyone have one?

Offline Cymbaline

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2005, 09:11:27 am »
Opinions on this... thank You

I'm thinking about ways for more exercise for my dogs. I can not walk my dogs anymores. I could send my husband to do it but more guy works hard all day long and is tired by the time he gets home. Also he is gone for a few days at a time sometimes.

I'm thinking about hiring someone to walk them.
I do live near a lake and a dog park I will make more of an effort to take them there. The dog park is fenced so they can run around but the lake is not.

Any suggestions for the lake? They do like to swim.


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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2005, 01:04:29 pm »
As you are realizing, all the toys in the world are not going to "fix" your dogs...I don't know your particular breeds other than they are working dogs & need exercise & interaction with humans to be good dogs...What I am wondering is will they play fetch?...Chase a frisbee?...I know they are both dogs with a high energy level & prey drive so if you could toss a frisbee or a ball to them, that kind of thing it would help tremendously.. .Bored dogs will find a way to get in trouble if at all possible which (if it was your dogs) you have already found by the rabbitt incident...The dog walker is a good idea for sure...Try to follow up on that...Also, even if you can't walk them try to spend more time with them & I think you will see alot of change in them.


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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2005, 01:21:57 pm »
Might not be a good question but how come you are unable to walk them? 


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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2005, 01:34:58 pm »
I was kind of wondering that also Babs. :P :)

Offline greek4

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2005, 01:43:45 pm »
I think they are just not used to children, bikes, etc and are acting like dogs.  I had to work very hard to get Maia socialized and friendly.  She is still weary of new things but she is doing 100% better.
As for the rabbit...
My dogs kill wild rabbits, birds, squirrels, and anything else small (not cats) that comes into my yard.  Maia will bark at anyone she doesn't know who approaches the fence but she loves the people she does know.  Rocco hates rollerblades and will chase anyone on them.  Rocco loves to chase geese.  Rocco has been in two fights that he actually fought back, both with other males, one was because the other dog was humping him, the other because the other dog growled in his face.

I agree with just exercising them more.
In the winter, I have to wear my dogs out or no one sleeps.  I take them to the dog park which us tons of fun but takes a lot of time to get ready, get there, get in/out of car, etc.  I think daily walks around the block or playing fetch, or flashlight tag, laser pointer are great.

Good luck,you just need to find your groove agian with your dogs.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs

Offline pndlake

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2005, 06:32:49 pm »
hmmmm how old are these dogs?  Maybe you posted this but I did not see it. Age makes a big difference.   Each situation is different, each dog is different, each home enviornment is different.  You chose to have dogs that need a great deal of attention and you are in a city-type enviornment.  You are very wise by hiring somebody to walk them if you, for whatever reason, are unable to do so.  That is a great step.  You also seem to care a great deal which is an asset to your character - so many people don't care. 

OK,OK no you did not tell us your whole story, but I am curious, do you have a husband or a boyfriend (or both)  8)


Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2005, 07:47:53 pm »
Hi, I have a 6 month old Alaskan Malamute and use to have a husky mix. When I had my husky I was unsure of the exercise needed for the working group (I was 17 yrs old) and I happened to inherit the dog from my sister-in-law. Needless to say she escaped everything and did kill cats, rabbitts, etc... in the neighborhood, fortunately my neighbors were not so upset as to report the incident. This happened in 1-2 days.  She also tore up everything in the yard, fortunately my sister-in-law moved to where she would have acres to play on and took her with her. Now I have my mal and did plenty of research on the breed before getting her. She stays inside all the time and gets exercised a lot. With any working dog you have to keep them busy or they will keep themselves busy. Fortunately we can leave her for 4 hrs in the house not in her playpen and she just sits on the couch, when we are at work she is in a 3x2 playpen in the kitchen and does not seem to bother anything unless she it trying to get out then she scratches the floor. I have noticed with her that if I walk her first thing in the morning she is wonderful throughout the day, this does not happen everyday in the morning, but she does get walked sometime throughout the day. Even when you think they are pooped out they are not, she can walk 4 miles and act like she is so tired then see a rabbit and take off like she has not exercised in days. The breed is very deceiving in that way.  If you can try to exercise them for atleast 30 mins (hard exercise) per day, I know you said that is hard to do but it will pay off. I think someone else mentioned having them pull, that is wonderful, it will let them do what they are suppose to do.

As far as getting out and killing the rabbitt, make sure that your dogs did it before you get in trouble for it, it may be that this neighbor may not care for larger dogs and is trying to get them out of the neighborhood, if there are other dogs loose they may have done it.  Try not to let you or your babies get a bad rap. If you need any exercises to do with them let me know, we even have things that we do when she can't go outside that keep her calm


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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2005, 12:59:44 am »
hmmmm how old are these dogs?  Maybe you posted this but I did not see it. Age makes a big difference.   Each situation is different, each dog is different, each home enviornment is different.  You chose to have dogs that need a great deal of attention and you are in a city-type enviornment.  You are very wise by hiring somebody to walk them if you, for whatever reason, are unable to do so.  That is a great step.  You also seem to care a great deal which is an asset to your character - so many people don't care.  

OK,OK no you did not tell us your whole story, but I am curious, do you have a husband or a boyfriend (or both)  8)

I believe she said the dogs were 4 yrs. old if I remember correctly, Peggy...& I believe she said she had a hubby...I hope she'll find a solution for her dogs.

Offline mixedupdog

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2005, 05:00:18 am »
For swimming in places that are not off leash, I use a harness and a long line. I bought a 30' lunge line, it's basically a long leash for horses. Our Petsmart has a Stateline Tack store in it, but any horse supply will have them. I got a cotton one (easier on the hands than nylon). 
You could use the long line on the dog that runs off, or take them on different days (two long lines would probably be hard to handle).
Swimming is great excersize for hot days, and will go a long way to wearing them out.

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2005, 06:06:39 am »
I do know people who swim dogs on a long line.

You do have to be VERY CAREFUL not to let the dog get entangled, for obvious reasons.

Otherwise, it's a great way to let them swim and not be loose.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline pndlake

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Re: New Member in need of help - Agression problems with Siberian and Mal
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2005, 01:54:44 am »
Gypsy,  I thought I read first that she and her boyfriend were working on the problem then she referred to her husband. Having both is ok too.   I was just trying to be funny, really none of my business and nothing to do with the aggression problem.  ::)
