Author Topic: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.  (Read 7822 times)

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« on: July 20, 2005, 09:41:31 am »
A TV station in Portland Oregon is conducting a poll on banning pit bulls. You can cast your vote

I've voted 10 times no and I can assure you the AR folks are smoking those lines...

Cross post this to all of your folks...NOW
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline taijinrr

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
i 'm sorry  i won't vote

if you saw what ive seen,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 
but it's not up to me  so ill stay nuetral on pit bulls
TAIJIN Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Offline Kermit

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 10:19:27 am »
The thing is, if they ban pit bulls people will just start usung another breed of dog to abuse in dog fighting. Like Rottweilers or boxers.

Offline K9ldy00

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 10:53:54 am »
I voted NO.
What they need to ban is stupid owners. I've read about several different breeds killing people. If one breed gets banned it's  just the start. What's next Rotties, Shephards, Dobermans any breed over 5 pounds?????
Dog Mom to
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Offline Saintgirl

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2005, 11:02:18 am »
I voted NO!!! And will continue to do so. Pit bulls by nature are very loving, obedient dogs, good with children and adults, and if socialized properly (just like any dog) good with other animals. Never have I had a problem with one of these dogs, or heard of anyone that I know had a problem with one either. Maybe that is because I choose not to associate with people who treat their dogs in such a manner that would promote aggressive behavior. If the owners with untrustworthy pits had labs, I am sure that they would be just aggressive.
Leah, Hutch, and Abbey

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2005, 11:13:04 am »
I voted no several times  :) Banning a breed is stupid,  a dog isn't born agressive it is the way that it is treated that turns it this way. As K9ldy00 said they should ban stupid owners. Sometimes I swear people shown have to have a license to own pets, pass a test or something.... no stupid pet owners allowed. 

Here in Edmonton they haven't banned certain breeds but what they have done for the dog license is for certain breeds the amount they pay is higher than other dogs, and as far as I know the only breed on that "list" so far is the American Staffordshire, I have met an owner of one of these dogs and it was the nicest dogs I have ever met.  And as he said this type of dog is not for the novice dog owner, you have to take the time to work with the dog and train it.... anyway I could go on forever about this topic.....
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2005, 11:27:10 am »
I agree! Pitbulls are WONDERFUL sweet loving dogs. I still believe that they are definitely inclined to be more protective, have a high prey drive, etc. But, so are dachunds!!!! And Jack Russels! Its silly to ban a breed. Municipalities just need to crack down harder on abusive owners, or make it mandatory to take your dog to obedience if it is a certain breed...I don't know. I had a pitbull, the local Animal Control euthanized him. People are so stupid.

Offline jabear

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2005, 12:30:13 pm »
I will vote no as well for the same reason that the Doghealer stated. If they can do this to one breed then who is to stop them from going after other breeds as well. It is the owners of the dogs who need to be dealt with and not the dog. As a matter of fact, in Germany (I think it is there) my sweet loving Newf is required to wear a muzzle in public! Can you believe that?? They banned this lovable, snuggable baby from being normal in public and have labeled this breed vicious. If it can happen there, it can happen here. We have to stop it while we can.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2005, 12:59:47 pm »
It is never the fault of the dog.

It is always the fault of the people somewhere along the line.....

The breeder who bred dogs who should not have been used.

The breeder who could not or would not determine proper temperament in puppies before placement.

The breeder who did not place the puppy in a caring responsible home.

The buyer who does not do research before purchasing a puppy.

The person who ties a dog out with no mental stimulation or exercise and allows it to go crazy living on a chain. Or in a small run. Or worse places that dogs "live" that you don't even want to imagine.

The person who lets a dog run loose. Or encourages bad behavior.

I could go on for pages.

It is never the fault of the dog, but sometimes the individual dog must pay the price for the neglect or abuse of humans.

It can never possibly be the fault of the breed. Not in any way. Banning or restricting an entire breed of dogs is punitive to way too many responsible breeders and owners who love and carefully steward CORRECT representives of their breed. They do not deserve to have their years of care, love and devotion and their beloved pets snatched away from them or forcibly rendered unable to reproduce so that they cannot continue their lifetime of trying to breed better dogs.

It is NEVER the breed.

It is ALWAYS the people.
Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline mastiffmommy

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2005, 01:05:39 pm »
I will vote not also. In a way I understand where you come from taijinrr, I have seen too what pits have done to both children and adults. BUT I still dont think banning a breed is the way to go. Education education education about why certain dogs get like that, and to lock up people who conduct dog fights and make them the mean dogs they can be.

When working as groomer I dealt with lots of pits and every single pit or pit cross I have come across are wonderful, charming and funny dogs, I would hate for any breed to be banned, since it is not their fault they act in a bad or mean way, whey they do.

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Offline greek4

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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2005, 01:53:23 pm »
I admit I don't know much about Pit Bulls.  I do know I would be more afraid of a Pitbull I didn't know than any other dog.  Just from what is on the news.  People only hear bad things about pitbulls but most other breeds have at least one good story out.  I think like all other dogs, the pitbull should be taken on a dog to dog level.  I don't think I would seek out to have one.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs


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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2005, 02:01:27 pm »
in the building i live in....we are not legally allowed to have....

-st bernards (LMAO)
 and some others.....

the insurance will not cover us, and we were all tld upon move in that if we or someone we know are walking our dogs...and anyone we DONT know asks us questions...we are to say we are watching them for the day. 

HOW BAD IS THAT!  we aren't allowed any of those dogs in the area unless its a private owned residence. 

my building alone has a pit (Tazz, best dog ever, cody's first friend when we moved here)...shephard mixes, a mini bernard, among others.  god help us the day anyone finds out....DONT TELL PEOPLE....

i think its terrible that breeds aren't allowed places because of a "story" from long ago, or a "story" her or there.  yes, pits have a bad rep in the news....but EVERYONE has a bad rep on the news.  i have known several and they are all GREAT loving dogs...probabl y better than cody, and for sure better than angus.  lol.  i would be SOOO pissed if they banned pits.

long post.  way to go nick.  sheesh


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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2005, 02:10:23 pm »
I remember some yrs. back it was german shepards & dobies that got the 'bad dog" rap...I wonder what breeds it will be next...I voted NO!


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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2005, 02:17:42 pm »
i 'm sorry  i won't vote

if you saw what ive seen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  
but it's not up to me  so ill stay nuetral on pit bulls
I understand that Pits (among other breeds) can cause awful damage but it's not the breed's fault but rather the irresponsible owners...Breed specific legislation is not the solution but rather a bandaid on the problem...You might be interested in knowing that even Rhodesian Ridgebacks have been the target of breed specific legislation as read in this article:


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Re: Please vote NO on banning APBTs.
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2005, 04:52:33 pm »
Hey, Jenn-
 So, here's the story....

Actually, I personally think that Bo was an American Bulldog. He was quite a bit bigger than a Pitbull and all white. And, he had much bigger a bulldog., Bo was a stray. I never was able to find someone to claim him, which didn't surprise me considering the absolutely terrible disregard for dogs in my community. Anyway, so, he was mine. I totally loved him. Spoiled the absolute crap out of him, etc. One day, my boyfriend came over to my apartment looking for me. I wasn't there, and I had left Bo out of his crate cuz he had just gone potty and was being a good boy. I was over at my mom's. He ran out of the apartment, so Mark had him out in the yard for a few minutes. This woman and her husband/boyfriend walked by, singing and being really loud. Bo ran up to her, and she FREAKED. I mean, FREAKED. She screamed as if she was being mauled, and this was just upon seeing him. She ran to the neighbor's porch and grabbed a broom and began to hit him with it. Her boyfriend ran up with a cinder-block and threw it at Bo. I guess Bo jumped on her, and its sort of unclear if he nipped her or if one of his nails scratched her. But, she had a scratch on her arm. (Nothing major) So, she called 911, and they sent police and animal control, etc. But, this was AFTER Mark put Bo in the house and came out to ask her if she was OK. She said she was, and then she left. (And THEN went and called 911--but refused medical treatment)  So, the next day, they came and took Bo AND sweet, sweet Cabeza, our Newf mix. They kept them for 21 days, denied us any type of hearing or investigation, and on the 21st day, they euthanized Bo. Then, they gave Cabeza back.

Isn't that totally insane?