Author Topic: yippy little dogs!!!  (Read 5058 times)

Offline lokibud

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yippy little dogs!!!
« on: July 20, 2007, 09:35:01 pm »
i thought i would share this funny little story with everyone. my rott loki is six months old. my wife and i are very stern with him when it comes to aggrisve behivor. we always scald him when he tries to chase other dogs and cats. no that he is a mean dog but i just dont want the other dog to get froggy on loki. well a friend of mine called me and asked if i could watch his dog for a week while he was on vacation. i had seen his dog interact with other dogs and figured his yippy little dog would have no problem getting along with loki. as soon as i get this yippy dog to my house it was play time for the two. all day for three day they ran around the yard wresling and playing tug with each other. well after three or four days loki had enough of this hyper, yippy little monster. loki is perfectly content with lounging in the shade all day. well this yippy fur ball wanted to play all the time and when loki didnt want to she would bite at his ears and lips. the day before my friend was to arrive home i was playing fetch with the two dogs. since loki has a 50 pound weight atvantage over the other he could get the ball just by sheer force. after about 5 throws of the ball the yippy monster decided she had enough of the big bad bully rott. after fetching the ball loki started trotting back to me when all of a sudden the yippy monster latched her razor sharp puppy teeth into the side of lokis face. the yippy monster was riding my rott like a cowboy rides a bull. well after a few seconds loki wasint having fun anymore and decided enough was enough and with a swift jerk of his neck the yippy monster was airborn. loki strutted over to me tail wagging as if he was on top of the world. the yippy monster flew about five feet away and landed in the grass unharmed. i was so amazed that loki was capable of such a thing and that he didnt try to bite or attack the other dog that i could not punish him. in fact a actully gave him a treat for the action. loki was full of self confidence after that and the yippy monster now knows not to bit a dog that can launch her in the next county.

Offline Britz

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Re: yippy little dogs!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 09:55:50 pm »
hahah  to bad yo udidn't  tape that it would have been  funny.  STupid lil yippy  dog lol.

Offline AltDeutsche

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Re: yippy little dogs!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 06:11:05 pm »
hahaha Flying dog! we don't accept that behavior from either our dane or yorkie. But it is fun to watch them play.
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Offline Ali

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Re: yippy little dogs!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 07:52:53 pm »
OMG - too funny! I know lots of people love the little paws, so I don't mean to say anything disparraging, but yeah, the little yippers are a bit much. You either like them or you just - don't! Good job Loki! Way to put her in her place with out making a snack out of her! Great name, by the way! Are you in to Norse mythology, or The Mask movies?
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Re: yippy little dogs!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2007, 07:41:10 pm »
WOW!  loki sounds like a level headed dude!  It's amazing how gentle and polite rotts are.  They have the power to back up what they say too, but rarely use it.  Grace loves to butt check other dogs to gain her advantage during play too.  it's kinda funny and i like to see other dogs bully her back.  she needs it really.
but when she's trying to put someone or another dog on notice that "The next time you do that, it's gonna hurt", she firmly punches you with her nose.  she won't bite the first time or shread or tear or bear her teeth.  after a big ole show of force, which is scary enough, she just punches you hard with her nose. 
She does it to me once in a while too but for much different reasons.  it's usually to say "HEY MOM!  we've been standing in this same spot far too long!  you done yet?  put the camera down and let's walk." then we're off to our start, stop sniff walk. 
I think Rotts have so much personality... the hyper ones like Grace and the mellow ones alike.  They are just big babies who know their own strength.

Offline Sillygoose

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Re: yippy little dogs!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 06:27:47 pm »
That's a great story. I guess she won't be bothering Loki anymore. LOL