Author Topic: loki's friend  (Read 6654 times)

Offline lokibud

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loki's friend
« on: August 02, 2007, 11:28:57 am »
I live right behind an old itialian couple who love loki, the old man expecially. loki always gets excited when he sees the old man who is probley in he mid 70s. the old man dosent speak a bit of english but his son told me one day that his father loves loki and often pets him and gives him a "treat" which probley means some kind of raw meat. well last night around ten o'clock i was woken by loki's constant crying at the bedroom door. as always i throw the closist soft object at him which usally ends up being a pillow and tell him to be quiet. he didnt stop crying and actully jumped in the bed with my wife and i which he had never done before. my first thought was either the house was on fire or someone broke in. i sent to dog out of the bedroom searching for the intruder and noticed the flasing blue strob light out front. loki ran straight for the the front door so i put some shorts on and took him outside on his leash. well turns out that loki's new friend suffered a heart attack and didnt make it. they wheeled him out on a strecher and even though you couldnt see his face loki knew who it was. loki cried till they left and the family was outside crying. the son came over to tell us what happened and loki stood dead quite while he was talking. when the son leaned down to pet loki, loki bowed his head in respect. the son assured me that somone would keep loki company during the day since his father wouldnt be able to anymore. this morning i made some cinammon rolls and took them to our new friends and in exchange they gave loki the BIGGIST ham bone i have ever seen. its so big that i cant even boil it. i dont have a pot big enough. death is always a sad event and i never thought a dog could grieve like humans but all loki has done this morning is lay at the end of the couch and whimper. i feel sorry for him. he lost his daytime pal. i know what he is feeling and it will take time but im sure he will be alright.


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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 02:57:00 pm »
That is a sad story.  i almost cried. 
the ham bone got me...right here!!! :)

dogs are very sensitive to things we never expect them to be sensitive to. They do bounce all of us do.
it's nice to hear your big boy has a sweet side like that. 

and you're probably glad to know you'll be the protector instead of your big scarey, "I'll stay in bed with Mama" gaurd dog when an intruder breaks in.


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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 03:18:40 pm »
Thanks so much for sharing your story....Wow.  Loki is an amazing little guy! 

Offline Sillygoose

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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 03:24:31 pm »
It's surprising how sensitve our animals can be at times. I hope Loki finds a new day time friend.


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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2007, 04:36:33 pm »
awwwww poor Loki! What a touching story, and what a sweet boy. Such a bond he and his friend shared.


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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 06:13:09 pm »
What a sad day for Loki. It is amazing how connected our animals are with us. It surprises me more and more each day. Tina had a really great idea with the t shirt. Give Loki a big hug from us.

Offline Britz

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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2007, 06:21:41 pm »
Poor Loki, That is sooo sad.  I hope he gets over the grieveing. I have seen a couple  dogs  go through the grieving process when  a human  pal  dies and its just sooo sad

Offline navarre1316

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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2007, 07:36:15 pm »
The t-shirt idea is a good one if the family doesn't think it's too odd!  Stone laid on Navarre's blanket for 4 days after he died, it was the only time he wasn't howling!  How nice that Loki had such a friend outside of the family, especially since most of the people there are afraid of him.  Sorry for his/your loss.
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Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2007, 08:37:59 pm »
Im so sorry to hear about your neighbour, and friend Loki... It truely is sad.
Jodi & Darcy
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Offline lokibud

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Re: loki's friend
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2007, 12:34:49 am »
honestly i hardley ever talk to my neigbors because of the laungage barrier but they seem like good people and this morning i decided to let loki play by himself out side. i watched him from a window as he sat by the gate and waited till someone from the mans house came outside. he barked and barked and barked till they came over to say hello. first time he has ever barked for attention. puzzled me really. they came over gave him a pat on the head and some table scraps >:( (need to ask them not to do that. maybe ill give them a box of treats to for him) after that he was happy and playfull again.  they also thanked me for the food i broght them and invited us to the funural but i had to decline but they broght over a HUGE plate of pasta for dinner. couldnt eat it all. there good people and im glad i got get to know them better. wish it was under diffrent terms but thats how life goes.