Author Topic: Major new problem with my DDB....  (Read 3025 times)


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Major new problem with my DDB....
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:58:08 am »
Hello again my dear colleagues dog raisers

unfortunately a new problem poped up, and this time I really dont knw how to solve it. the sad side of the story is that I blame myself on this.

The thing is that to try to educate my dog not to pee in my flate, as many other guys withoput any experience, I try to put his nose in his urine and give him little and un harmful hit on his nose... I know.. you probably angry about me right now... but I can sure you no harm is done.

but now because the DDB is very smart dog, he developed new technique to hide he is peeing on my floor...
when Im not around, and he doesnt want me to see it, when he pee in my flat he lie down on it and hide it from me...
after little time a found out he is smelling of urine and have to clean his lower body of it...

I need a psychologist.. .. for my self...
I try to go out more often with him nd watch after his behaviour, but it doesnt help...

Have you seen something like tat before...?
please smart and quick advices....

« Last Edit: September 07, 2007, 12:10:13 pm by Bordeaux »

Offline Sillygoose

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Re: Major new problem with my DDB....
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2007, 12:40:47 pm »
Yes I would say that that is a problem. He is now afraid becasue he thinks when he pees you're going to rub his nose in it. Never hit him for peeing and never rub his nose in it. There is nothing you can do about it if you didn't see him do it. If you catch him doing it you tell him no right away and out the door you do with him. Maybe you should try crating him until he is housebroken. Crate him and every time you take him out of the crate bring him right out. Never give him the opportunity to do it in the house. Also don't leave water down for him all the time until you can trust him in the house. Put it down with his meals and take it away right after. Limit his intake until he is house broken. What about going poo in the house. Does he do that too?

Offline kathryn

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Re: Major new problem with my DDB....
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2007, 05:50:49 pm »
I'm not sure where you are located and if they have them near you but I used puppy pee pads for Kaila when we were potty training her.  She had such a small bladder that she would have to go out every 30 minutes.  So I got the puppy pads and she would use them while I was at work.  I had her isolated to my bathroom because I didn't have a crate at that time.  They worked well although sometimes she would stand on them and miss the pad but she at least tried so no corrections for that.  Having good aim at 8-10 weeks old is asking a little much.  I also started placing 2-3 pads down to give her a larger area.  Plus I had friends come over and take her out while I was at work.  Hope that helps some.
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Re: Major new problem with my DDB....
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2007, 12:17:49 am »
And don't get discouraged when they seem to have "gotten" it and then have an accident!!  And they may also realize to try and hold it in the house but haven't figured out how to tell you they need to go out, so you will still have to guess.  Patience and good luck!
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