Author Topic: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)  (Read 7399 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2007, 08:24:11 pm »
I'm so sorry the news wasn't better about Jake.

As we all know the joy of owning a furry friend turns to pain so quickly when they are taken away from us.  Thank goodness Jake has your Dad and your Dad has Jake.

I know they will be spoiling him and making his time the best possible.  Again, I am so sorry

Randy & Harley


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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2007, 08:28:15 pm »
Aw, Rachel! Not the update I was hoping for, dang it. Well, your dad and Jake have had such a good life together, and what a blessing that they still have one another. So many old dogs don't get that gift, ya know?

Please tell your dad that we're all thinking of him! Or, take him here and show him this thread! Its something that we all share with him (or will share in the future!) so we know how he feels!

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2007, 09:52:12 pm »
Oh no!   :'(
I'm so sorry to hear about Jake.  My heart broke a little when I read that they found tumours.  I'm glad for Jake and your dad that they get to spend that last few months together, and I know that it will be a very special time for the both of them.  May every day Jake has left be pain free and filled with happiness.

Give them both a big hug for Naja and I.
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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2007, 10:04:07 pm »
Thanks so much y'all!

I talked to my step-mom...  she sounds exhausted and sad too...  She gave me more details about Jake's diagnosis...  He has a tumor one or near his liver, but the big problem is the tumor in his stomach... it is in the upper portion of his stomach, which is blocking the food from traveling further... which is why Jake is throwing up... WSM (Wicked step mom - a term of endearment we use - she is anything but wicked) says Jake is still drinking and if he takes in too much water, too fast he throws ups... so she is monitoring his intake. The vet says Jake's bladder and kidneys are fine.

Amazingly the big guy isn't complaining at all and still wagging his tail.

WSM is at a loss... she doesn't know what to do for him as he throws up the medicine that can help shrink the mass, allowing some food to pass through...

Any suggestions?  She is going to try chicken noodle soup in hopes he will consume some of the liquid.


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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2007, 10:41:26 pm »
That's what I would do, Rachel. Chicken broth. I'd go with the low-sodium kind, though. If he's vomiting, you don't want to add to the dehydration factor.

Poor guy! :(:(


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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2007, 10:47:08 pm »
Oh man.  I'm SO sorry, Rachel.  Lexi was in a very similar situation with her stomach cancer and it was so hard.  She was just happy and loving, but nothing would stay in her tummy.    

Is he still wanting to eat, even though it comes back up?  We did a lot of broth, Gatorade, baby food, and pureed dog food with Lexi when she was like that.  If the food was soft enough, it could get down into her stomach.  Your dad may want to talk to the vet about supplimenting with some Nutri Cal as well.  It's very calorie dense, so it can help a lot when they can't get much of the good stuff down.

I'm just so sorry.  I hope one of those works for him.  Give him some love from me.

he is really not interested in eating but gets pretty thirsty because of the steroids.... thanks for the suggestions... I will pass them on to my step mom.

hopefully something will work for the big guy soon.

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2007, 11:05:50 pm »
Ohhh, I'm so sorry for your family and for Jake.  My dad is 73 and he's been so sad b/c he lost one of his beloved dogs this summer, so I particularly feel for all of you.  

Rebound is a electrolyte solution for dogs & cats that is chicken flavored and we had good luck with it when Halley had cancer, it really perked her up.  It can be frozen so they can lick Rebound cubes if they like that, too.  It's available on line or from your vet (they may have to order it, so it might take a day or two).  Also, I'd like to second the Nutri Cal suggestion, we're using it now for our cat with liver problems.  Liver issues can really depress the appetite and cause vomiting, and as I understand it the longer they go w/o eating, the worse the liver problems become, so it's important to try to find something that he'll eat (even if it's nibbles of chicken breasts or something).  I'm glad that he has all of you loving and taking care of him.  He sounds like such a sweet boy!   :-*

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees

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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2007, 11:17:39 pm »
Rachel, I am so sorry to hear that poor Jake, your dad and your WSM have to go through such a hard time  :'(  :'(  :'(
We will keep them in our prayers and thoughts  :-*
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

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Re: Could Really Use Some Good Thoughts For My Dad's Dog - MORE UPDATE (Part 2)
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2007, 02:04:08 am »
I am so sorry it was not the news you wanted to hear. Wishing your dad soothing thoughts and Jake is in our thoughts.