Dobermans > Doberman Pictures

Light of my life *pics*


I've been really down lately due to all the family stress going around me so I did something I haven't done in a LOOONG time and that was take pics of Maggie(and Roxie). I wanted to share some pics of my baby girl that makes me feel so much better about everything and helps take my stress away, even for the moment.

FYI I know I look like a total dork but I like these pics for some odd reason

My silly girl

These are me throwing treats at her. When I looked at them I can't help but laugh her faces!

and a few of my precious Rox(who's home fell through FYI, but that's ok I am having doubts I don't know if I can give her up)

Together <3

Awesome pics Megan!  I LOVE Maggie's "one up, one down" ears.... and the pics of you two together are wonderful!  And the pic of Maggie and Roxie together is precious! Hang in there sweetie, brighter days are on the horizon!

Oh, Megan! Those are great photos! I'm glad you took them, I know how much you enjoy taking pics.

Thanks everyone! Yesterday I went outside again and I swear I spent an hour taking pics of Maggie and Roxie and then another hour just playing with them. I haven't been modivated to do anything lately but now, all I really want is to be outside with them and I usually feel so much better afterward.


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