Author Topic: bad zeus whats up  (Read 4857 times)

Offline Britz

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bad zeus whats up
« on: September 18, 2007, 02:44:47 pm »
Well We have been really lucky with Zeus SO FAR.. HE hadn't disstroyed anything till yesterday. I went to town like I have many times sence  getting him  and I leave him at home outside ( we  are on the farm etc and aways from town). Well I guess he got mad and wreaked a couple toys and ripped off the padding to my sons bike seat and  some other  things that are allways outside  that  he has never  touched  sence he has his own outdoor toys. THen last night I usually dont let him in till 9:30 - 10:00 for night giving him time to pee etc.. Well he got mad at us I am guess and on the outside of the house rippped out the cable that attached the upstairs tv to the down stairs so know I have no satelite up stairs arggg. Sheldon (hubby) will be fixing that tonights. but we have had him sence june and he has never done anthing like this why all of a sudden. I wasn't  even gone as long as I usually am and at night time  he is  allways  out till then. I feel bad becasue the way its looking is that we are going to have to tie him when we leave or keenel him, so  he doesn't disstroy things well we are gone. and I really  dont  want to do that.  We are in bettween looking for a new place  but  I just  dont know  what to do  if this continues.

I need suggestions I   really  dont wamnt to tie  him and  well kenneling him  i feel  awfull. BUT  why  is this all of a sudden happening he has been a great  pup   so far.  HE  went threw the teething and   he  did  good  and  the sad part is that he isnt  chewwing the things he is demolitioning them


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Re: bad zeus whats up
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 02:55:34 pm »
Well, Britt. Here's the deal, crating (or kennelling) is MUCH kinder for Zeus than tying him up.

A crate is like a den. Once a dog gets accustomed to it, it becomes HIS cozy little home. His toys are in there, his blankie, and he's safe and hidden. Tying, however, can drive a dog bonkers. Plus, he's at the mercy of whatever happens by. Kids throwing rocks, other dogs, coyotes, etc.

Don't tie Zeus up. Get him a sturdy, solid crate ands start putting him in it for a few minutes at a time while you are there. DO NOT TAKE HIM OUT IF HE IS CRYING. That will just teach him that crying gets what he wants. You can take him out the MOMENT he stops, but NEVER while he's actually crying.

Start by leaving it open with some yummy treats and toys in there. Let him explore at his own liesure. Once he's routinely going in for a minute or so on his own, then close the door. Just for a second. Then let him out. You see where this is going. Once you're up to being able to keep him in there, always stash a few yummy treats under his blankie where he'll be surprised to find them later. Also, put in a Kong filled with peanut butter. That will keep him occupied.

He may have never chewed or destroyed anything before, but he's getting into his teenager stage where he is going to be a snot. Its an EXCELLENT time to get him used to the crate. It will keep him safe, keep your stuff safe, and ensure that he's a good boy and doesn't ever have to find a new home.

I can't remember, is he neutered? If not, this might be a good time to do that, too!

I hope this helps!

Offline Britz

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Re: bad zeus whats up
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2007, 05:08:21 pm »
Zeus is  5mths almost  6 mths.  He is  neuterd  got that  done awile  back lol. 

Welll  we  have him crate trained  what is in the house but its to small  to  be put in  for more than  just a couple  hour's. We did  have a pen put out side for him but  it was  just a last  mionute pen  when we got him and havent had chance to build a proper one  yet  but  we  are going to have to know. I  don't  want to tie  him and that is one thing I   will not  do  Excpecially being out here  if something were to come in the yard etc...  i  dont  belive in tieing  him up  unless im  right there  watching   you know what i mean  like   camping were they  need to  be on a leash  24/7..

I just  dont understand  how  4 mths  he left  thsi stuff alone now all of a sudden   he  just turned in to  a brat lol

I  guess we will just  have to  go and  watch  him  fo everything again.  aaa puppy days


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Re: bad zeus whats up
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2007, 05:33:10 pm »
oh yes...i remember those rebelious teen months well. 

Offline Britz

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Re: bad zeus whats up
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 05:58:33 pm »
aaaaaaa iwas  thinking it  may  be somethuing like that lol.   Training and  stuff he is doing  great   but yes  he has  been  pushing limits  he  tried  to go back to the   wrestling the  pant leg  last night again  but   once i  growled at  him he  rembered that  wasnt  aloud  even  still.  well  we will get through this one way or another  money is to  tight  right now to get  a larger crate.. I  will go price  some out though and  see wright  now  we have  one  of the largest  travel  kennels you can  by and he has enough  room in there  for now and should  once  he is  full grown  but  by the tim  he is older hopefully  by then  we  will  be able to  just  leave him be in the house and he can  sleep in his bed.  As  for right now  he is being a good  boy and  laying on the  step  pad to the door  chewwing on one of  his  chew toys.  We have   had  some  ewwies  with the teeth  the bigging of this  month  byut   I think  all of them  have  come through   by looking in his mouth.
I have to call soon and  get  his  shots  kinda  late  going there

Offline Britz

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Re: bad zeus whats up
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2007, 07:54:03 pm »
He  gets alot of  exercise and  play time   so I know thats  not the cause  he is practically  spoiled lmao There is   many times  he is alone out doors and by winter  he will be in more than  out..
He knows  he was in troubl;e  for all he done  yesterday and its like he can tell im  still alittle  upset  so  he is supper sweet  listening and all  when we  did  are refresh  traing he  listened  great and did all  comands 