Author Topic: You've been chewing my shoes again!  (Read 8730 times)

Offline Lorena

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You've been chewing my shoes again!
« on: July 24, 2005, 09:31:59 pm »
This is Sasha after crewing my husband's shoes again! ....
It takes only a second after you pronounce the "magic word" "shoe" and her face suddenly changes from cute  :P to " ... oh oh...I think mommy found out already..."  :-[
Amazinly she gets stuck in one spot and she does not move again until you call her .. then she knows that everything is ok again...

Offline Lorena

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2005, 09:35:00 pm »
I missed one more pict.

Offline jabear

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2005, 09:36:00 pm »
Aw Mom! It is just a shoe after all.  ;D I can imagine how he must have felt... when I was away for my bachelorette party Bear chewed a pair of my favorite heels. He ruined one so badly that I had to throw them away. I was so mad and sad that I couldn't do anything but cry when I found them.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline Lorena

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2005, 09:49:21 pm »
Yes..I know they're only shoes, but so far she chewed like 3 pairs since march and 3 pairs or my husband's flip flops...This is really an issue...But I can't be mad for more than 15 mins...
Then she grabs her toys and everything is back to normal..

Offline contammified

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2005, 06:57:52 pm »
My puppy deja never chewed shoes until I got her a toy shoe now it is her favorite thing.

Offline jabear

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2005, 09:35:17 pm »
I am so sorry! That is way too many pairs of shoes and I was totally kidding when I said they were just shoes. I love my shoes and would be hiding everypair I had if more than that one pair got ruined!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline Greytmom

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2005, 10:06:41 pm »
 ;) Hi Lorena,
Jessica my adult greyhound used to take my shoes into her bed but did not chew them, she collected things mostly mine. It had to do with the fact that until then she never had anything that was hers. She does not do that anymore but my puppy Oz (also a greyhound) who is 8 months old chews everything in site. I keep my shoes either on top of my dresser or on my feet. He does tend to chew on my husbands runners and loves to chew the laces off. I have found a product called Crib Stop that is used for horses and dog. The dog sprays like Bitter bite did not do anything. The Crib Stop smells really bad and you have to put in on in a area with the window open. It has capsicum flavor to it and it works. You need to put in one with rubber gloves so it does not get on your hands. Try it and see if it works for you. It might not be called that in the U.S. I live in Australia, but I am sure they would have something like it at a horse supply store in the U.S.


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Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2005, 08:13:44 am »
Yes..I know they're only shoes, but so far she chewed like 3 pairs since march and 3 pairs or my husband's flip flops...This is really an issue...But I can't be mad for more than 15 mins...
Then she grabs her toys and everything is back to normal..

You need to help your puppy not to do this, or you will never extinguish this behavior.

Shoes are very attractive to dogs. They hold a lot of scent, both from the wearer, (usually someone the dog loves) and also on the soles and outside of the shoe that is collected as they are worn. Dogs LOVE shoes.

But they must also learn that shoes are not their toys.

Keep your shoes in your closet with the door shut. From now on, you need a NO SHOES OUT rule. Close your bedroom door, and keep the shoes put away.

If you don't have a toy box or basket for her, get one. A plain cardboard one will do, keep it in ONE place, and make SURE it's stocked with interesting things to chew....when you are going to do this SHOE exercise, make sure you have smeared several toys with a dab of peanut butter or cheese.

Each evening, take out ONE pair of shoes ( a different pair each time) and put them in  your LR floor sort of near your feet in an area where you have a clear view of them.  Make sure the toy box has baited toys in it. Wait for her to sniff, look at, or try to put her mouth on the shoes. When she does, correct her. Use the least correction that will interrupt her attention to the shoes. Start with "HER NAME, AH AH!" when she looks at you, get up and rush her over to the toy box in a happy exited tone, while you say, "lets go get a TOY from the TOY BOX!!!"

Make sure you are smiling, and help her over and make sure she finds a baited toy. Praise, praise, praise her for taking a toy from the toy box.

Continue to watch her, and each time she looks, sniffs, or tries to chew one of the shoes, same thing. Interrupt, and redirect to the toy box, with plenty of smiles and praise.

Combine this with confining the puppy while you are away, and keeping shoes etc put away out of her reach.

Remember, puppies are forming their permanent lifetime habits, and much of what they learn is permanent.

PREVENTION of behavior problems is a LOT easier than paying someone like me to come over and try to help you fix them later.

Redyre Rottweilers
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Offline jabear

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2005, 11:47:32 am »
Good advice Red. That is exactly why when we are gone our bedroom door is closed.
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.


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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2005, 11:51:13 am »
All of my doors are closed...and I lock up my shoes tightly.  But I had always just gone and chased down my shoes and scolded instead of distracted.  :) I'm such a bad mommy.  but I'll try the other way this time and with other items.  Gracey loves anything she knows she shouldn't have in her mouth.  Socks, underwear, hair ties, and the list goes on and on and on. 


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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2005, 11:53:43 am »
My husband is forever leaving the closet doors open. I kept telling him to close them. The puppy can't wait to get in there. Of course he never grans my husbands stuff, it is mine or Alexis's. :-X
That is one thing I can't tolerate is shoe chewing. Farley prefers slippers, they are softer. Feels more like a bird to him I guess.LOL


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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2005, 12:01:55 pm »
You can say Farley likes you best then since he chews on your shoes more. 
I had a cat once who HATED slippers...the pink ones with bows.   man he'd bat at my tootsies something awful if I wore those. 

Grace and Lady haven't met slippers yet...since I was born and raised in the south I haven't met too many slippers myself...but I hear they're nice...and soft and comfy. 

Offline Anky

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2005, 12:29:08 pm »
Hobo was a shoe eater.  The other two just have an underwear fetish.  They'll snag it any chance they get.  Sanity got mad at me for coming home late the other night and while I was sleeping opened up the closet door and devored my $80 favoritest bra.  I couldn't even look at him in the morning, I was so angry.
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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2005, 12:30:59 pm »
Our little monsters have good tastes that's for sure.  Until Gracey gets out of this phase I will get my bras and stuff at Walmart. 

Offline RedyreRottweilers

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Re: You've been chewing my shoes again!
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2005, 12:33:56 pm »
Lins, I would substitute the words "that smells like me" for "that she knows she should not have".


Gotta learn to think like your dog, kiddo.

Redyre Rottweilers
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