Author Topic: Update on Adak  (Read 4751 times)

Offline LuvmyMal

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Update on Adak
« on: September 27, 2007, 06:06:17 pm »
Well as some of you know, I have/had 3 malamutes,  I only now own Adak, Tonka and Nala are now living fully with my ex, no sharing, and I will not see them. This was my decision as things were getting hard for all of the dogs. I had Nala for 2 days this week and she was so upset because she missed her sister, even at daycare she paced the gate and cried. I know this is the best decision for the dogs and Adak, well he could care less if he has a companion, he is a hog when it comes to attention anyway. I fully intend on, later down the road, getting a companion for him from the same breeder I got him from, I just can't beat the temperment he has, I love it! But this will be atleast a year or so. Just wanted to give a quick update and will add pictures later today.

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: Update on Adak
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2007, 11:08:37 pm »
it was very hard, but I had to do what was best for them, not for me and I know they are getting taken care of and he loves them as well. It was just best for the girls to stay together. I will have the pics tomorrow, will have to take more new ones, I swear his grows daily!