Author Topic: confused about Zack  (Read 8193 times)

Offline Keith

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confused about Zack
« on: September 18, 2007, 12:06:56 pm »
Zack is 7 months now and i never had any problems with his behaviour. He is friendly with everyone. My girlfriend come to see him everyday and they get so well with each other. yesterday before she left home, Zack was laying in the hall way, my girlfriend got down on her knees, grabed his cheeks and kissed his head, when he got kissed he growled at her. any advice what was wrong with zack ??



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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 12:10:47 pm »
Your girlfriend should growl back!!!!!  seriously!!!!  Grace gets snotty too and i get in her face in a hurry about it. 
both of you need to stay on top of his moods...with rotts expecially you need to be the alpha 24/7.  it's a never ending thing since they will push their limits and try to catch you off gaurd daily. 
try rolling him on his back at least once a day and dominating him.  growl at him...moan in his ear...clamp on the back of his neck...and hold him down.  you'll never regreat teaching him submission. 

Offline Keith

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2007, 12:29:05 pm »
usually when he do that to me i grab him from the back of his neck and shout with him and tell him that he is a bad dog, but she got shocked, stood up and left. bit is there a chance of biting ?

Offline navarre1316

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2007, 12:33:32 pm »
It's a dominant thing, whatever your girlfriend does, if he growls at her again she shouldn't just leave him alone because then he's won.  He was laying down, she was over him and in his face this put him in the submissive position so he was testing her to see "if I growl will she go away" and if she simply walked away from him then he won.  It could be something she has done all the time, but he's getting to the age that he is going to start to test boundaries and see if he can move up in status.  Like Lin said, you cannot let him get away with it.  Basic training will help along with NILF and some dogs do need the submissive positioning that Lin talked about, my GSD did.  Good luck, he's just testing you right now but nip it in the butt before he gets too big.
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 12:33:52 pm »
if she teaches him to respect her too there should be no chance he'd snap at her.  rotts are dominate dogs.  the people in their lives need to be dominate "assertive" people or they will be looked upon as a lower member of the pack.  she needs to get over the shock and demand his respect.  Zack should not be given the choice.  none of this bad dog stuff either.  
it took me a while to learn how to get physcial with Grace.  now...if i look at her cross eyed she falls to the floor and rolls over.  that's respect.  i've demanded it and i expect it.  

Offline Keith

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2007, 12:44:52 pm »
is it good if i teach her how to put him on submission and somethimes she put him on submission to teach him ?


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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2007, 12:48:07 pm »
is it good if i teach her how to put him on submission and somethimes she put him on submission to teach him ?

she needs to be #2 in the chain of command.  do with that what you will.  some rotts are more stubborn than others.  some are just the most docile dogs...others will test you. 
i've never tried to put fear into Grace.  my training has always been geared toward showing her i would win the arguement and to let me do the job until i am unable to.


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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2007, 01:03:46 pm »
i guess since there wasn't any abuse involved it wasn't a fear instilling behavior as much as a dominance gaining excersize.  my breeder actually told me to do that to contain Grace's dominance instincts. 
i've never hit her or abused her. 

Offline RMSChloe

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2007, 05:26:00 pm »
personally, i dont mean to offend. but i think rolling a dog (be it any breed) on their back to instill "authority" is going to prevoke behavioral problems. i can only see this prevoking more agression almost as if you would be "challenging" them. my pupperz growls a lot, but its nothing nasty, she just growls to be vocal. her bark actually scares herself though so she doesnt like to do it lol. but she will growl for attention, when cuddling, etc. i think you need to evaluate what the growl meant, was your dog trying to just be vocal, or did it simply want to be left alone. i think everyone needs to understand, with a dog, be whatever size, sometimes, they DONT want you up in their face. let me put it this way: if you were laying down relaxing, and someone came and grabbed your face and put theirs in it, how would you feel? i think dogs need a personal space as much as people do, and it needs to be respected just as much. if my pup wants me to get all kissy kissy with her, she lets me know, if not... i leave her alone, and i dont force that. i hope this might help you understand and work out your problem!
Shes not a dog... shes a Great Dane!


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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2007, 05:31:33 pm »
i haven't taught Pupper to fear me at all.  she's not the least bit skiddish.  maybe i followed to roll rule because of all the people with Rottie fear and i wanted to make sure my Rottie was the most well mannered one around.  she's a good girl....and she actually likes her rolls now.  she knows she'll end up getting a belly rub and a big ole hug and kiss in the end. 

Offline RMSChloe

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2007, 05:40:42 pm »
*shrug* i guess its just another "personal" thing. im not for it, but if you are, hey what the heck. as long as your educated and can do it properly, im not going to say anything.
Shes not a dog... shes a Great Dane!

Offline Britz

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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2007, 06:05:46 pm »
I have  done  the  roll over, actually  lin told  me about it and   it has worked  great  with  Zeus. But of course there is o ther  methods blah blah blah.  He  aswell isn't  skiddish or afraid of me at all though.  It  has  all around changed  his  Rude  Behaviour he  gets towards  us  everyonce in awile.  Like the mean  growls...  

But this  is  another  touchy  subject.. lmao  
I would just say  get  some  books about  Rottis and  training them  That  will help alot  excpecially sence its aimed at the certain  breed, It has  helped me out alot withmine Zeus  who is just about  6mths old.  

Also The  getting  down on her knees in the dogs  face  may  have  thrown him off And scared  him a bit wouldn't y ou be freaked if out of  know where some  one  grabs you  by the head and starts  kissin ya


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Re: confused about Zack
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2007, 03:35:13 pm »
I have had a few rottis over the last 13 years. Some where easier to train than others. I would have your girlfriend do obedience training with him and have her walk him as well making him heal right beside her not in front. Don't let him lead her around and sniff at things. If she just gives him a gentle correction that way. I think he will learn to have more respect for her and see her as more of an authority figure not a palymate.
Even taking him to an oobedience class together and working together to train him. Rottis can be very stubborn so the sooner you start with him the better.
Good Luck--he is a handsome boy ;D

oh another thing you can do is have your girlfriend put a leash around her waist and the dog attached to the other end. As your girlfriend walks around the house or everytime she makes a move he has to follow her. If she sits at the couch then he can lay on the floor beside her. If she gets up to get a coffee he goes with. He them learns he has to pay attention to your girlfriend and the moves she is making and it is not the other way arounrd
« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 03:40:31 pm by Icerotti »