Author Topic: Jumping on Furniture  (Read 2611 times)

Offline Mickey D

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Jumping on Furniture
« on: December 03, 2007, 05:26:33 am »
I just adopted a 10 month old dog and brought him home a little over a week ago. I made the decision not to let him on the furniture before I brought him home. 10 minutes into his introduction to my apartment he got on the couch climbed the arm and started to climb onto the end table, this reaffirmed my decision.
When he gets up I am usually near by or lying/sitting on the couch, he is crated when I am not home so he doesn't have unsupervised free range of the apartment. Every time he gets up on the couch or bed I immediately tell him "down" and point to the floor. He gets down. Lately I have added the command for him to lay down on the floor after he gets off the couch/bed. He's listening, but he doesn't seem to be getting the point that I don't want him up there in the first place. I think it may just be an attention grabber, but I walk him several times a day, play with him and give him lots of attention. He is doing so well every where else, but he is not letting this go.

Any suggestions?

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Jumping on Furniture
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 05:42:19 am »
I figured out with my Springers that down just meant "down right now".  The same with sit, stay, etc.  No on the other hand meant that whatever they were doing was wrong and they should stop it.  I would try telling him no whenever he jumps up, just like you would if he were picking up a shoe, or chewing a towel or anything else that is wrong.  That way he understands that jumping up on the furniture is bad.  I allow my dogs to sleep in the bed with me, but if they jump in bed when I am making it or changing the sheets, they know to get down when I say no.  If you consistently say no each and every time he jumps up, he should quickly get the picture.  Good luck.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
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Offline People Whisperer

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Re: Jumping on Furniture
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2007, 06:06:01 pm »
Does he have his bed? We have a very comfy bed for Lily right next to the couch. That way she can comfortably lay right next to us and not feel isolated.

I would use the command "OFF" instead of "down". I think it sounds furmer. You can also teach a command "place" for him to go on his bed.   
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Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Jumping on Furniture
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 06:17:33 am »
I agree it sounds like he was probably allowed on the furniture at his previous home.  So it may take awhile for him to understand he's not allowed on there anymore.  He's probably a bit confused as to why he's not allowed so I agree to use "no" so he understands that it's wrong.

My two larger guys aren't allowed on the furniture either, except the bed and one couch that is designated just for Gunther.  They all know "off" and at night if Gunther wants to get on the bed and there's no room (full sized bed with 3 dogs is crowded, let alone adding a dane to the mix) I will tell him "gunther bed" and point to his bed and he knows to go lay down there, albeit sulkingly.

Just give him some time, I'm sure he'll pick it up eventually.  He's also going thru an adjustment period with you so he's needing to learn the rules.  Plus he may be trying to push his way around a bit just to see if he can.  Be consistent and firm and reward him when he listens.

Offline Mickey D

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Re: Jumping on Furniture
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2007, 03:35:30 am »
I bought him a bed and a new ball yesterday. He did so good for the first hour (that's when I took his picture!) When I went and sat on the couch he went and sat in his bed, I was so proud! And then the awe of the new ball wore off and he started chewing on the bed. I tried to distract him from chewing on it with his other chew toys, but it didn't work so I put it up. Later in the evening after playing and going on a walk I brought it out again to see if he would sleep on it instead of the floor. Nope, still thought it was a giant chew toy. We will keep trying though.
I am trying "off" instead of "down" because I realized that I am telling him "down" to get off the couch and "lay down" to lie down. That was probably sending mixed messages. I think overall it is getting better though.
He was a stray (someone found him at a McDonald's hence the name Mickey D) and then he stayed at a foster home with lots of other dogs. He is still getting used to being in an apartment and having one person tell him what to do. I don't know exactly what breeds he is. I think border collie (something I didn't but together until I brought him home and realized he has boundless energy) and a lot of people say he looks like a mini St. Bernard.
Thank you for all your advice!

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Jumping on Furniture
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2007, 04:20:02 am »
It is amazing to me that dogs are so much like people.  They may look similar, but they sure are different.  My Springers ate beds, not chewed, ripped apart and ate them.  Our current dogs have never even chewed on any of their beds, but will rip a comforter, sheet, blanket, etc. into long thin strips, pull out all the stuffing if there is any and carry it through the house, so it is scattered everywhere.  Cody came to me, when I adopted him, with a comforter.  It is the only one I can put down and know that it will not be touched, other than to lay on.  I am so glad your boy is settling in better.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats