Author Topic: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)  (Read 6660 times)

Offline jagersmom

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Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:42:51 am »
So it's taken me 2 days just to recover from taking Jager to PetsMart and tell about it.

I bought a Kurgo thing from the SkyMall magazine (I lived in hotels across the country for 4 weeks). I read that it can be confusing and difficult to put it but I also read it works very well. Um.... NO. My headrests don't come out so yes it was difficult to put in (I have a Mazda6). After fighting with it for a week I decided to take Jager to PetsMart and leave the very top mesh piece off. There's no way he could get into the front with it, his heads too big. WRONG! We weren't even to the corner of our street and Jager was trying to climbing into my mom's lap. Half of him was over the little divider!

So we put into the business parking lot at the end of the street and FOUGHT him into the back to put the mesh piece at the top. We get onto the main road and who decides to say "Screw that little mesh piece with metal holding it up, I'm coming up front!" Yeah. I'm soing like 45 with him stuck on this "great" divider BARKING in my ear. So I pull into the closest parking lot and stop the car. My mom is like squished under half the dog asking what she wants me to do. So I have her get out real fast and act like she's opening the back door. He decides "Free seat" and climbs all the way into the front. Mind you this divider is now all drooping because it works "great."

So I have to get out and leave Jager in the front seat and open the back door to try to get him to the back. There is a homeless guy sitting next to the building watching us and stiffening at the barking. I felt bad for him ("MONSTER!"). Jager finally</> got back in the back seat but got his leg stuck on the divider then tried to run out of the car as I was reaching in to help him. I tied his leash around the back headrests so he could stand, turn and sit but not come in front.

We get to the store and for the first time he's pulling my arm out of socket to get inside. We get inside and he just STOPS.  >:( Now I'm pulling him to the bones and stuff. At this point my mom is like "He doesn't deserve *beeeeeeeep*."  :D I love my mom. Well he decides to start behaving when we pass the Kongs. Kong=peanut butter in his mind.

We pick up a new kong, some rawhides (I know not the best but it keeps him from chewing on the cat) and go to the check out. Well some lady walks her like Yorkie out the door. Jager decides to let out two big boy barks in line.  :
-[ He scared the lady and little girl in front of us AND himself!  :D

So I gave my mom my debit card and went outside with him to check pee-mail in the bushes. He was better on the drive home but again had to tie him to the seats. I guess I gave him a little more room this time because I had a big "monkey" nose in my ear  at the traffic lights.

::Sigh:: I need to clean all the snot off my windows.

Does anyone else have these problems? How can I fix this without sedating him just to go to the store? LOL

Seriously though, what do you guys use to keep the pups in back? I DON'T recommend the Kurgo!
Dogs laugh.... by wagging their tails

Annette, mother to:

Jagermeister - Bullmastiff
Bacardi - DSH terror cat


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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 02:54:37 am »
OMG...I am still laughing!  but I am laughing with you..I promise!  My Laney is exactly the same way!  I have tried everything to get her to ride calmly but so far the best thing I have found is I leave my back seats in place.  I have an escape and when I fold the back seat down its like her playground and it gives her xtra leverage to get into the front!  If you find something that works, let me know!  Marley is the perfect angel in the car...I just wish it would rub off on Laney!

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 06:25:00 am »
I am laughing myself sick over your story.  I can't help it.  It sounds so familiar.  I have to tell you, when I got Max, he was 5 months old.  I flew into Memphis, rented a van and drove into Arkansas to get him, then drove back to Memphis, spent the night and drove back to FL the next day.  When I left the breeders house, it was dark.  We did not get 1/4 of a mile down the road and I had a 5 month old wolfhound sitting in my lap, while I am trying to see, steer and get him off me.  He had no manners and knew nothing.  What a fun trip home that was.  Now, the only problem I have is Jake.  He thinks he should sit in the front passenger seat whenever we go anywhere.  If I don't have anyone or anything there I will let him, but when I do, I let him get in the front door and hop up into the seat.  If I put him in the back, he has to stay there.  Usually a hard shove into his chest and a really loud NO is enough to stop him.  We take the dogs to Petsmart every weekend, but usually in my hubby's truck.  It is a little harder for him to crawl over the console in the truck than it is in my jeep, so it is usually not an issue.  Good luck.  At least he didn't try to eat the little dog.  Jake would have.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline zchic

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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 07:20:27 am »
Surprisingly mine do pretty well in the car. We recently upgraded to a Honds minivan, and I can fold the rear seat into the floor and put a big comforter i there and they lay down. Once I tried to go somewhere in my Honda civic...and first Morgayne jumped in, then while I was trying to get her out Tisha jumped in, then thorn...None of them would get out. There was 2 ib the back and one in the front. It looked like a clown car at the circus. LMAO
Just a thopught...wha t if you gave him his peanut butter stuffed Kong for the ride to keep him busy. :)
Mom to:
Thorn- 8 year old fawn male dane
Morgayne- Wolfhound pup
Gracie- Merelequin (deaf) dane pup

1996-2007 best friend, I miss you girl.

Offline mynameislola

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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2007, 05:55:42 pm »
After trying to drive with a 120-pound dog after he figured out how to push down a tensioned barrier, for years I only drove with them crated.  Then
I got this nifty diesel VW Beetle that gets over 40 MPG and I wanted to take the dogs places but none of my crates for big dogs fit in the back. 

With the back seat of the Beetle folded down, there are two sturdy attachment points exposed that now have a swiveled chain attached to them.  The chain has another swiveled piece in the middle that has a clip on it for Zita's harness.  She can still reach the windows, but she can't reach me.  We did some training with her before going out into the world; things like don't bark in Mommy's ears, and don't lick the windows.

If anyone is interested in duplicating what I made, holler and I will post pictures. 
The canine kids:
     Cody Newfoundland
     Wally Italian Mastiff
     Zita Italian Mastiff
     Sparky Chihuahua

Offline jagersmom

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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2007, 02:04:28 am »
Thank you guys for letting me know that I'm not suffering alone! You would think he ran a marathon since he's STILL just laying around, unless your cooking then he's next to the stove.

I'm going to see if my "baby daddy" will buy the Bamboo leash for him for Christmas. Let Daddy spend some money on the boy. Mommy pays for all the vet bills, food, and toys! J and I were dating when Jager came home so he has and always will be Daddy. We stayed friends so when I go on cruises he'll stay here so I don't have to board Jager.

I'm going to have to look if I put my seats down if I can attach him to the hooks as a temporary fix!

I was told that Saturday PetsMart is doing pet photos and asked "Are you going to take Jager?" I sent the link for this post and said "Um...probably not since he goes a little crazy" time to just load him in the car and drive around the neighborhood to have him behave in the car.
Dogs laugh.... by wagging their tails

Annette, mother to:

Jagermeister - Bullmastiff
Bacardi - DSH terror cat

Offline Pyr Heaven

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Re: Ugh. Thankfully it's over (Long. Sorry!)
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2007, 02:16:22 am »
Hahahaha. That is way too funny! Thankfully, Miles does well in the car. If it's just the two of us in the car, he MUST sit in the front seat. If my boyfriend is riding with us too, he knows he has to get in the back, and he's finally accepting that. hahaha I also have a seat belt for him for when we go on long car rides or I'm driving by myself on the highway. For one, if I slam on the breaks, he would go flying, and two, sometimes he still thinks he can sit on my lap when I'm going 70 in downtown chicago ::)
Milwaukee, Wi

Great Pyrenees