Author Topic: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!  (Read 2670 times)

Offline shine

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Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« on: December 23, 2007, 01:35:21 pm »
Bodhi is still in his Wussy Baby stage...he likes things just so in his home.  If you bring a new item in or move an old item, he gets upset and will bark and bark at the offending item, lol.  So as you can imagine, Christmas time is tough for him!  He is okay with the tree....but the stockings hanging from the mantle drive him nuts.  He barks at them for 10 minutes....lea ves the room...then apparently forgets they are there and when he comes back in and sees them again he starts barking again!  We've taken them down and showed them to him several times....he smells them and seems okay....then as soon as we hang them back up he doesn't like them again.  What a retard. LOL! 

Last night was the worst: one of my husbands agents got us this cute little fiber optic snowman.  It's really sparkly, and changes color every few seconds.  I sat it on the mantle and forgot about it....then Bodhi walked into the room, took one look at it, and went nuts.  ROO-ROO-ROO-ROO-ROOOOOOOOOOO-ROOOOOOOOOOO!!!  WOOF WOOF WOOOOOOOOFFF!  ROO-ROO-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  I took the snowman down and tried to show him that it is harmless....he gave me this "What, are you crazy?! Those things kill Newfies!!" look and ran away.  I put it back on the mantle.  Two minutes later....ROO-ROO-ROO-ROO-ROOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I finally turned it off so it didn't change colors....that seemed to make it less dangerous, because Bodhi went from ROO-ROO-ROOOOOOOOOOO to WOOF-WUF-WUFFFFFFF.  Still, he keeps a close eye on it when he is in the living room.  He seems to think it may fly off the mantle at any moment and attack (makes me think of the rabbit in Monty Python's Holy Grail....they say "It's just a harmless bunny!" right before it flies through the air and rips their throats out, lol!)

Anyone else have a Big Wussy Baby who is afraid of their Christmas Decorations??
Sharing my life and love with
Bodhi - Newfoundland
Rio - Loyal Lab/Beagle Mix
Zildjian - Dalmatian
Dolly - Weird Hound Mix
Stubby - Weird Corgi Mix
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House Cats - Bump, Delilah, Stashe, Mischa, Moose
Barn Cats - Archie, Betty, Midge
The Pigs - Ginger & Marianne


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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 01:48:05 pm »
hahaha sorry but that is just way too funny ;) Rosie is the opposite ---things like that really excite her for some odd reason--could be that she is just

Watchout for those snowmen ;)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 01:48:36 pm by Icerotti »


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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 02:20:36 pm »
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

This is TOO funny!

Mister Whisper is the Biggest Chicken ever! You should have seen him when I hauled the tree (trees) in! Rain went with me to cut and haul it home. (She's unflappable.) He hid in the corner of the kitchen and REFUSED to move. It was a Monster!!

He'll finally come into the living room now. But avoids even looking at it. Like, if I don't "look" it's not going to get me!  ::) Poor Pupper!  :'( He thinks I'm a Bad Mommy!!!  :-\
« Last Edit: December 23, 2007, 03:38:17 pm by marypyrs »

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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2007, 03:20:51 pm »
Yeah Harley isn't afraid of anything (except the vacuum) My poor tree still doesn't have any prensents under it because Harley thinks all presents are hers and she opens them all!  :o I think she is in that me me me me stage. Typical 4 year old LOL But she is so cute so I let her get away with it.

Nina and Tim
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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2007, 04:08:55 pm »
When I said the title of your post I thought you were talking about Tub ;D  The Christmas tree is the worst and if you go near it he is sure as heck that it will eat you!!! Every thing I have put out has got the "What, are you crazy?! Those things kill Saints!!" I'm soooooooooo glad I don't have the only Big Wussy Baby dog ;)
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2007, 05:23:13 pm »
Hahaha!  I love this thread!

Naja and Moo are pretty alright with everything in the house.  However!  We have a giant 8 foot inflatable Holiday SpongeBob thingy out in the front yard.  Naja was outside with me while I was setting it up, and she was fine with it, she would walk over top of it and think nothing of it.  But then, I plugged it in!  That's a whole other story!  She started barking in her biggest meanest, scardest voice, started circling it, and jumping around on her lead, all while staying a good 10' away from it at all times!  Whenever I'd go near it to adjust the tethers, she'd freak!  "MOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!  It's gonna get you!!!!!!!!!!!"  But wouldn't come any closer to it, when I backed away and came to see her, she'd have to sniff me to make sure it didn't steal my soul or infect me with its evil!  hehehe.  :D :D :D :D

Nope no scaredy dogs here either!  ;)
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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2007, 06:57:20 pm »
The only thing that has scared any of my dogs yet this year was Santa at Petsmart.  Max was hiding behind my hubby and peeking around his legs at him.  Nothing has phased Cody or Jake.  Cody layed down on top of my fake pine garland, when it accidently fell off the table and landed on his blankie.  They are oblivious to anything changing in the house.  I thought since Max was the only one here last Christmas that Jake and Cody might be a little uncomfortable if not downright scared, but no.  They followed me from room to room as I took things down, put them away and put up all the Christmas decorations, but that was it.  Our Springers would bark at all the storage containers when they came down from the attic each year, but these three, no, don't care.  In fact the springers would bark like crazy every time I carried a laundry basket through the house and heaven forbid I sit it down anywhere along the way.  They would dance around it growling and barking like crazy.  Hubby says our dogs are so happy to have a home, they really don't care what shape it takes or what is going on in it, as long as they are in it.  I guess he is right.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline jagersmom

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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2007, 07:54:44 pm »
I have to say I'm laughing to hard over here I had to make a potty trip before responding. Lynn, I seriously had "run away! run away!" stuck in my head for like a week now! Now I'm going to have to watch it tonight LOL

I have to say Holly: That thing is a little creepy looking LOL  :D I'd probably go biserk too.

Alex, Jager did the same thing as Naja. I had him on his lead tied to the tree (he's got 25' to run in my yard and the neighbors driveway) while I was putting up the Christmas lights. He was okay with the lights and my little cow (screw reindeer! We have a light up cow!). My neighbor plugged in an 8' snowman and you would have thought that the ground open and the hounds of h*ll were let loose in the yard. I have NEVER heard him to upset and scared all at the same time. The little blow up penguin was bad enough at WROOWROOWROOOW ROOWROOOF but Frosty is a demon apparently. I had to help Raul fix Frosty since his sign was twisted and he was fixing the anchors, you would have thought that I was playing with 14 different dogs at one time because he was sniffing me up one side and down the other.

Kathy - I have 'friady dog when it comes to the washbasket. I've never tormented him or put him in a wash basket but that white plastic thing comes out of the laundry room and slides on the floor towards him and you would think your chasing him with fireworks.

However, I must add that while putting up the tree my mom was repotting some plants on the pool deck so I had the screen door shut so we could talk. Jager starts whimping to go potty. I have to open the baby gate between the kitchen and the living room to let him out. Well, protector-of-the-yard spots a squirrel before he even gets to the back door. Normally (sans-squirrel) he'll walk slow and bounce of the screen and look "Mom, the force field is great but I have to go!" If the glass in shut he'll stand there. Oh no. Evil squirrel caused me to plan on replacing my screen door come spring time. He ran full speed through all 16" of the living room, through the screen, around the pool and to the back fence.  >:( The squirrel wasn't the only think unwanted in the yard Saturday!  >:( I was able to fix part of it but I have about 6" of screen that isn't tucked in and the rubber gasket that doesn't fit right either. Ugh. Anyone want a squirrel chasing-screen-door-breaking-'Fraidy-Dog?  ;) He's slept pretty much since then. Guess that squirrel gave him a work out!
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Re: Deck the Halls with things that freak your dog out....LOL!
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2007, 12:42:18 am »
HAHAHA I really don't have to say alot..did anyone see Miss Libby opening her SS gifts?? Yes she did try and hide behind the tree in the pic but that was cause the mean evil SS gift was coming to get her. Every year since we have had her the tree going up is a BIG deal cause we have to move her blanket acouple feet...all Heck breaks loose for the next 2/3 nights she'll poop on the floor ~ darn girl!!
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. ~ Will Rogers

mama to ~Libby 6.5yr E.Mastiff
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