Author Topic: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long  (Read 7338 times)

Offline maxsmom

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Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:47:48 pm »
Help!  I am at my wit's end and poor Max is pathetic.  The base of his tail and his lower back are bloody again today from his chewing.  Since January of last year, we have been fighting his allergies trying to find a solution.  On the advice of our vet and our vet allergist we have done the following;
Given him 5 generic benadryl 3 times daily.  Small improvement.  The brand name benadryl don't help since we can only find caplets and they apparently don't dissolve quickly enough to be effective.  We have tried a slew of other antihistamines to no avail.  We have had numerous deep skin scrapings done to see if there is anything else going on and each one has been negative.  We have used numerous shampoos, conditioners, etc. Some helped for a few hours, and some did nothing.  We have used Benadryl and other anti itch sprays as well as gold bond powder.  They help for a few hours at most.  We had him tested in June for allergies.  He is allergic to dust mites, fleas, fungii and mold.  We started him on the allergy serum in July.  As per the instructions we gradually worked him up to 1 ml, but never saw enough improvement to get past the 7 day interval.  In October, we were told to back him down to .4 and gradually bring him back up to see if that made a difference.  No, it hasn't.  We have had the A/C ductwork cleaned, removed the dining room carpet and replaced it with tile, scraped down all the popcorn ceilings and had orange peel texture sprayed in.  We vacumn the bedroom carpet every other day and clean the carpet weekly.  I sweep daily and steam clean the tile weekly.  I wash all the dogs bedding, including the stuffing twice a week.  I have not seen fleas in 6 months and have the house and yard sprayed monthly.  We use the dust mite spray on the carpet.  I wash our bedding weekly and we have a waterbed, so it is not the mattress.  Cody is allergic to most all grasses, trees, dust mites, fungii and mold, so I do not let the dogs play in the yard or stay out on the deck.  Cody is on allergy serum and once a month is working great for him.  No itching, etc.  Currently we are giving Max .7 ml weekly of the allergy serum, giving him Atarax twice daily, using the powder and sprays and baths and he is still chewing and itching.  The vet and allergist and I agree that he is still too young to be put on Prednisone.  Has anyone dealt with allergies?  What did you do?  Any ideas or comments will be appreciated.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline jagersmom

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 09:37:04 pm »
One of my co-workers just had her weiner dog (thats the technical name  ;)) diagnosed as being allergic to the christmas tree. I guess they are finally justified in getting a fake one! Could there be something new brought in the house that he could be reacting to?

I really hope you find something that will work!
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Offline Butts Mom

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2007, 04:20:55 am »
Have you looked into trying Noni Juice? I know quite a few people that are trying it on their birds for skin issues(myself included) and seeing some results.There are other people on my bird board that are using it on their dogs for allergies as well as arthritis.I haven't tried it with the boys,but they are soooooooooo picky about what they will try.
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie


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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2007, 05:17:04 am »
Poor Max! He must be miserable. You too for that matter. Not just seeing him that way, but all that extra work you have on a daily basis.

Just wondering if your Allergist has been in contact with others in his/her field? Have the Vets suggested boosting his immume system? Making sure he's getting enough of the omega 3, 6, and 9's? Maybe even a Co Q 10? I use Solid Gold Seameal for the omega issue. (Just grasping at straws.)

Sure hope you can find some relief for your Boy. "Butts Mom", that's interesting about the Noni Juice. I've never heard of it before. I swear, BPOers share a wealth of knowledge.

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2007, 12:29:08 pm »
Our vet has also contacted and spoken with the allergists at Heska, the company that makes the serum.  I give the dogs vitamin C twice a day to boost their immune systems, but did find that an allergic reaction is a sign of an overactive immune system.  Oh well, can't win.  I also give them Fish oil twice daily and flax seed oil.  I also put  Missing Link in their food at supper.  What is the dosage for the Noni Juice?  Max will eat just about anything and I will try almost anything at this point.   
I absolutely agree about the knowledge shared by the members of this group.  It is amazing.  Thanks for you suggestions and help.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats


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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2007, 01:11:04 pm »
I haven't seen SC Trojans on here for a while, but I'll bet she'll have some wonderful suggestions and she's certainly a wonderful resource for a very wide area of health issues.

SC Trojans. Are you out there?

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2007, 01:53:13 pm »
I think I remember telling this in another thread awhile ago but I don't remember if it was you, so I'll repeat it...

When I was growing up we had an Irish Setter named Ginger.  She had horrible allergies.  Her skin got red and scaly and itchy and it gave off an odor.  She chewed herself all the time and most of her hair fell out....we had the world's only BALD Irish Setter!  We had her tested for allergies and were told she was allergic to fleas, dust mites and mold, just like your Max.  The vet gave us medication for her, but it didn't seem to help.  Finally, we took her to Michigan State (one of the best veterinary hospitals in the country...we were lucky enough to live only 90 miles away).  They kept her for several days and ran all kinds of tests.  Their conclusion was that Ginger was allergic to her own staph.  Wow...the World's Only Bald Irish Setter Who Was Allergic to Herself!

They started her on Keflex....and the change was amazing.  Her hair grew back.  Her skin wasn't scaly anymore.  And she was a much happier dog!  The Keflex was very expensive....t o this day my parents say it cost almost as much to raise Ginger as it did to raise me!  However, this was back in the late 70' now Keflex is an old med and probably much cheaper, or there are even better antibiotics available for these kind of conditions.

I just wanted to share this with you in case it might help you with Max.  Has he been tested for allergic reaction to his own staph?
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Offline Butts Mom

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2007, 02:54:20 pm »
Here's the dosage info for Pets:
The amount of dosage given to dogs depends upon the health and weight of pet. A healthy dog or cat should be given a 1ml of Noni juice in proportion of per pound of body weight of pet. It can be given trice a day. Maximum amount given must not exceed 1 ounce in a day.

Start with 1 tablespoon for cat and 2 tablespoon for dog. Increase the dosage if seems to be affective.

There are a ton of places on line to buy it.I get mine at a local health food store,I use Tahiti Trader because it has more juices in it to make it taste better for the birds. I'm going to look into getting some pills for Butt,since he is so picky.

Modified to add: I had a brain lapse and you probably can't use the Tahiti Trader brand of Noni Juice on dogs,because it contians grape juice and if I remember right dogs aren't suppose to eat grapes.So you want to look for a stand alone Noni Juice.

I also wanted to add that if you goole Noni Juice you can get a ton of info.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 03:05:13 pm by Butts Mom »
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

Offline maxsmom

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Re: Max's allergies are driving me nuts, sorry this is so long
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2007, 06:30:12 pm »
Thanks everyone for your help.  I have started Max on the noni juice, 1 ounce a day.  I steam clean the carpet and tile floors with nothing by hot water.  I was our laundry in liquid tide, no softeners.  I tried dreft for over a month with no effects.  I don't use flea powder, sprays or collars on the animals, since we don't seem to have any.  The pest control guy ordered some kind of all natural flea killer/repellent to use on the yard and house and I take them off property for the day it is done.  I feed them Innova Evo mixed with Blue holistic large breed kibble.  I cook chicken and brown rice and mix that in their food for supper, cottage cheese mixed in for breakfast.  I cook liver and puree it, adding oat or soy flour and eggs to make their biscuits.  I dehydrate chicken, beef liver, beef heart and beef tripe for their treats.  They also get boiled eggs.  I think their diet is okay as we went through 6 months of eliminating everything the allergist suggested and I could think of and gradually added back one ingredient at a time.  For a while, he ate fresh salmon and cooked sweet potatoes.  I think I have tried it all, but I know I haven't.  I am just trying to find something, anything that will work for him.  He is only 1.5 years old and hopefully has years ahead of him to hopefully be happy and healthy, if we can just resolve this issue.  I will be talking to the vet about the keflex on Monday and see what I can find out about it.  Thanks again for all the suggestions and input.  I know Max appreciates your concern and heaven knows I do.
Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats