Author Topic: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!  (Read 7081 times)

Offline behr babe

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Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« on: December 31, 2007, 01:04:14 pm »
This is my first New Years and I'm loving it!  Hope everyone has a great day kicking back with their families.  As for me, I think I'll chase a bunch of leaves because it's windy outside, and then I'll run around my new house and play with all of my new toys.

Behr  :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 01:12:08 pm by behr babe »

Offline ratdog

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2007, 04:19:11 pm »
Oh, how cute!!! Cody just got her tape off yesterday. We'll keep it off unless her ears start to droop. Happy New Year to you as well. Hope it is filled with good health and joy to the WHOLE family!!!

Terri & Cody
Best friends forever:
Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
Ratdog, my dog, 1992-2004

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Offline behr babe

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 03:16:59 am »
Wow!  Cody is beautiful!  My last dane was named Cody, so the name touches a warm spot in my heart and makes me smile.

Behr :)

Offline ratdog

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 04:42:59 am »
Hey. What breed is your dog (I feel stupid asking that) and how old is he? That little pup of yours is adorable!

Best friends forever:
Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
Ratdog, my dog, 1992-2004

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Offline behr babe

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 04:11:53 am »
Behr is a female great dane puppy.  In this photo she is 9 weeks old (she is 10 weeks today).  Behr means "little bear", which is certainly appropriate for her little personality right now.  That's not meant in a mean way, she is extremely bold and playful.  I've watched bears in the wild a lot, and the name seemed to fit.

Holly (Behr's mom) :)

Offline ratdog

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2008, 04:49:55 am »
Well, Behr is adorable! How much does she weigh now? Cody was about 22.5 pounds at 10 weeks. She is now 13 1/2 weeks and weighs 29 pounds. And she is so spastic! Very intertaining. She'll be eating her food and in about 20 or 30 seconds she thinks, "Oh, I have toys to play with!" and she will go play with some of her toys. Then about 20 or 30 seconds later she thinks, "Oh, I have food!" and she goes and eats for about 20 to 30 seconds. This goes on for 20 to 30 minutes then I take up her food. It is so funny to watch her. You can just see the wheels turning in her little head.

What is Behr's personality like? Is she spastic, too?

Best friends forever:
Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
Ratdog, my dog, 1992-2004

My new love:

Offline behr babe

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Re: Happy 2008 to eveyone (and their fur kids) !!
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2008, 07:32:27 am »
Hi Terri,

I haven't weighed Behr yet this week.  Maybe I can remember to do that tomorrow.  She turned 10 weeks on Friday.  I know that at 9 weeks she weighed 25 lbs, so she's probably around 28-29 now.  I haven't ever had a Dobie, but it sounds like Cody is pretty big for a Dobie.  Is that right?  She really is very pretty, and has such a cute look on her face in the photo  :)

The breeder we got Behr from made an entire notebook of instructions for all her puppy buyers, complete with pedigrees and photos from birth up.  Anyhow, the night we brought her home, we read the directions for feeding her.  It told us how to make her food, and that we should only give her 10 min. to eat, and then take the food away (to encourage her to eat all at once).  So, we set the timer for 10 min. and put her food down on the floor for her.  She was done in 2 1/2 min.  We laughed it off, saying it was just because she got dinner later than normal.  Turns out that she is nuts about dinner time (and breakfast for that matter)and we certainly don't need a timer with her! (my last dane acted like it was a chore to eat)  She knows which cabinet has her food in it, and around time to eat she goes over to it and cries.  When we are fixing her food, she barks and acts crazy.  You'd think we were starving her or something. (we aren't!)

She has her "wild dog" routine where she drags every toy out of her toy box and races around the house with them.  She loves ivy for some reason and goes nuts pouncing in it and rolling in it. I keep trying to catch pictures of it for her blog, but she's always too close to me.  She makes silly noises ALL night long in her sleep and is quite vocal.  She barks at herself in the window and tries to play with the "puppy in the mirror" (her).  We are enjoying having a puppy so much, even tho we are still getting up with her at night and potty training her. She did sleep 6 hrs last night, and we're hoping we are going to keep getting that kind of sleep out of her now.  We've only had her 9 days now, and one of them was spent driving home with her.

Again, your pup is beautiful and sounds like a lot of fun.  Enjoy her while she's young  :)

Holly (AKA Behr's mom)