Author Topic: I have a puppy...need help what breed to call it.  (Read 1946 times)

Offline tabitha864

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I have a puppy...need help what breed to call it.
« on: January 02, 2008, 03:58:31 am »
I have a puppy that i got as a family member, not just a pet..She is 1/2 chinese crested hairless and 1/2 rat terrier, i have been looking all over the web trying to find infomation about this type of mix, and i can't.... Maybe you can shed some light on this for me or guide me in the right area to find the info.  Thank you, Tabitha.

Offline mynameislola

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Re: I have a puppy...need help what breed to call it.
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2008, 10:04:54 am »
The top suggestion from my family for what breed to call it is "Hairless Rat."  For information, I would look up the breeds individually and use whatever information seems most appropriate for your little mutt.

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The canine kids:
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Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: I have a puppy...need help what breed to call it.
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2008, 01:29:41 pm »
hi there. im owned by Reba, the chinese crested. Now, if its anything like a crested, they are really sweet, and always wanting to be loved. not very barky *unless someone is at the door*. a happy little breed. unique in every way. ;) i hope you find all the info you are looking for. and i'd love to see pics of your wee one.
Jodi & Darcy
Proud Parents of
Zero-Bull Terrier
Jigsaw-Bull Terrier
Repo- Jigsaw's baby Bull Terrier
Reba-Chinese Crested
Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~

Offline GoldenPyrs

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Re: I have a puppy...need help what breed to call it.
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2008, 04:50:50 pm »
Hi Tabitha, congratulation s on your new puppy!  When I was a kid we had a little dog that was a pom/small terrier/mini pin mix and he was short haired and looked like a little red fox. He was a wonderful member of the family and lived to be 17 yrs old.  He was adorable and I bet your little girl is too.  I think "Crested Terrier" sounds nice.  ;D  Congrats again. 
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 04:54:16 pm by GoldenPyrs »

And my pups:
Daisy a 9 y/o Golden/Lab mix
Sammy a 6-7(?) y/o Great Pyrenees adopted 3/07
Cassie a 3 y/o Pyr/Mystery Snuggle Bunny mix adopted 2/07

My angel girls waiting at the Bridge:
Cara 1989-2001 Great Pyrenees
Sally ? - 1993 Dobie(rescued '92)
Halley 2002-2006 Great Pyrenees