Author Topic: Grrrrrrr!  (Read 8664 times)

Offline Pyr Heaven

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« on: January 05, 2008, 02:33:43 pm »
I just looked at the local craigslist, and it makes me so upset that all these people are rehoming their dogs because, "we don't have time for him", "i'm moving", "he fights with my other dog". Seriously, why did you get a dog in the first place if you weren't prepared to take the responsibility of caring for him/her for life.

The only time I think it would be acceptable to get rid of a dog "because you don't have time" is if you have a job or something where you travel all the time, (but then why did you get a dog in the first place)....Otherwise, MAKE TIME.

If you're moving, you better take that dog with you. If you can't, then you better be lookin for a place that you can. I can't imagine not taking my dog with me because I'm moving! Seriously. If you're moving into an aparment...kee p lookin' because I'm sure someone allows pets. I would live on the STREET before I would move into a place that doesn't accept pets. hahaha No, but seriously. I would never leave my dog behind for this reason.

This beautiful husky is on craigslist because, "it fights with my other dog too much". Almost always you can work something out. The dogs may never be best friends....but you can work something out. >:(

Ok, I'm done.

P.S. I wish I had a ton of money and a huge yard and house so I could take some of these babies from these irresponsible owners >:(
Milwaukee, Wi

Great Pyrenees

Offline Pyr Heaven

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2008, 02:39:50 pm »
Two dogs. Free. "I need to downsize my animals". I have too many and I can't take care of them all.

Stupid, STUPID, people.
Milwaukee, Wi

Great Pyrenees


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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2008, 05:22:31 pm »
A note on the "downsizing" one. At least they realize that they can't take care of all the animals and are re-homing them although they'd be smarter asking for a small adoption fee to help insure a good home.

Would you rather those dogs be starved and neglected?


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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2008, 10:03:46 pm »
Oh yes stupid people. First, Samantha, I am looking for people like you that would want to adopt one of the Pyr babies. I have been thru so much with them and they have been a huge part of my life since they were 3 days old and it scares the crap out of me that some day they will end up not wanted, neglected or in a kill shelter. I am not going to be a foster failure, but I am about to need some type of ulcer medicine. I am hoping that whoever adopts then will call me if they can no longer care for them so I can take them back and work on getting them into another home.

Most people dont realize that 800 dogs per hour are euthanized in the United States. So many of these dogs are the result of Puppy Mills or irresponsible people who dont spay and neuter.

I know that I am fighting a losing battle and that can actually be a bit discouraging, but I am going to continue to do as I can to save as many from being to sleep as possible.

Maybe something will happen to change the statistics in our lifetime.

You also have to wonder how they treat thier kids if they have any kids, I know that there was more than one time that I wanted to "rehome" my kids when they were teenagers... if we ever have a society that looks at all living creatures with compassion then maybe just maybe the overbreeding, euthing and the age of the disposable pet will come to an end.


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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2008, 10:06:04 pm »
i would do the same if i had the money and all the dogs in the world.   I didn't have time for my dogs now just dog either...but when they came along i made time and love every minute of it.  people don't say that when they have babies..."I don't have time for a baby!"  that's very sad.  if you don't have time, don't get a dog.

Offline jennifer

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2008, 01:28:46 pm »
Tina - I totally agree. 

Paige - Amen!

We do as much as we can with what we have and hope it makes some difference. I KNOW most BPO-ers have made a HUGE difference to many dogs. Let's keep this loving and generous spirit alive and growing!  :)
:) Jennifer
Mom to Saint Nakita and Charlie the cat

RIP sweet Bear (9/02-8/08)

Offline Pyr Heaven

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2008, 03:26:43 pm »
A note on the "downsizing" one. At least they realize that they can't take care of all the animals and are re-homing them although they'd be smarter asking for a small adoption fee to help insure a good home.

Would you rather those dogs be starved and neglected?

Yes, I am very happy they realize they can't take care of their animals and they need to rehome them for a chance at a better life, but any sane person would realize they don't have the funds to care for a dog before they actually got another dog, or any animal for that matter. If you already have one, you know the cost of caring for it. The only way I could see this being somewhat acceptable would be if you lost your job, got laid off, or something like that and you ended up getting another job with a much lower income or something.

And how in the world do you choose which ones you want to get rid of!? I can't even imagine how difficult that would be. Unfortunately, for this person it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.
Milwaukee, Wi

Great Pyrenees

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2008, 12:07:07 pm »
DOWNSIZE?  How in the h*ll does one get to a point where they must downsize? 
Accidental breeding=get the animals fixed.
Can't say no=lack of self control and lack of true compassion for animals.
But he was sooo cute as a puppy=u got it, lack of self control.

When you obtain an animal, u have to recognize they are part of your family and aren't  COST FREE.  if they have problem behaviors, it is the OWNERS responsibility to get  them fixed....PERIO D. 

These are probably the same "psycho  lack of self control irresponsible cowards" type who tossed their dogs off the bridge yesterday in st louis!  If you can't afford to feed your kids-stop sleeping around and if you don't have the means to support your animals then stop taking them into your home.  DOWNSIZING.... ..?  I'm perplexed.  ok...stepping off my box!
ps...having an animal and children should REQUIRE a license just like driving.  If u are caught drunk driving, u lose ur license n pay a fine n go to jail.  If you are an IRRESPONSIBLE parent or pet ownr, you lose your license to EVER own an animal  or be a parent!  MY solution to deal with stupid people!  ok....odd my box...again.
karma is kewl!

Offline marinafb

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2008, 03:10:57 pm »
Sometimes i just have to laugh when i read the reasons for getting rid of a dog or cat. Cats seem to be more Disposable then dogs on our craigslist posting yesterday a lady said if someone did'nt take her dogs by yesterday she would take them to the pound today.I remember when we were little and we moved over seas for 3 years my uncle took my brothers dog until we move back to the states and i had to give my tiger cat to one of my teachers and never saw it again i will never for give my mother for it.It breaks my heart every day to think what people do to animals i know i live it when i rehome animals you can see it in there eyes.
Freya-9 years collie shepard mix
Milo-6 years Pitt Bull
Bryce-3 years English Mastiff
Mab and Angus cool cats

Offline navarre1316

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2008, 02:37:47 am »
Both my girls are rescues/adopted.  Daphne lived in a vets kennel for 5mths, when I first visited with her she didn't want to come anywhere near me.  Now if one of the other dogs is getting love she practically crawls in my lap!! 

I too wish I could save more, but I will do my part as much as I can while I'm here. 
God placed me on this earth to accomplish certain tasks...I'm so far behind I'll never die!!

Navarre: GSD 9/13/99-5/14/06 patiently waiting
Issabeaux: GSD 1/27/07
Daphne: Boxer
Stone: Siamese mix

Offline ratdog

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2008, 09:17:06 am »
Dogs continually amaze me with their loyality.   ;D

People continually amaze me with their selfishness.  >:(
Best friends forever:
Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
Ratdog, my dog, 1992-2004

My new love:

Offline pyr4me

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2008, 12:41:10 pm »
Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed at the number of animals who are treated as disposable and left to be killed in shelters, I remember something I read once about and "how I can't make a difference to all of them, but I can make all the  difference to the one I adopt."  :'(

Tipper (8 1/2 yrs) Golden Retriever/Sheltie mix
Jenny (4 yrs) Great Pyrenees
Gabriel (14 yrs) Sealpoint Himalayan cat
Melanie (11 yrs) Domestic medium hair cat

"You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us."
~Robert Lewis Steven

Offline Saint and Mal mom

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Re: Grrrrrrr!
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2008, 04:13:23 am »
It makes me sad to see things like this in the newspapers too. People should really think about the responsibility and cost of having an animal before going out and on impulse getting one. In fact, I will be fostering my cousins' dog this summer because when they were little, they wanted her. Now that they're older, they don't have time for her and don't want her anymore. So while I'm sad that they are giving her up, I'm happy that she'll be able to find a loving home now where someone can treat her the way she should be treated. I wish I could help more dogs out and rescue more. I'm not able to right now, but someday I will.  :) There will always be dogs in need, right?  :(

Zoey- Alaskan Malamute, 4 years
Dolly, CGC- Saint Bernard, 4 years
Foster mom to Clarence- Basset Hound, 5 years

"To be loved by...any animal should fill us with awe-for we have not deserved it."