Author Topic: Got harrassed by punks driving by  (Read 5262 times)

Offline ratdog

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Got harrassed by punks driving by
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:14:11 pm »
I was outside in the front yard with Cody to use the bathroom (the backyard needs some work) and a car came driving by. From all of the profanity coming from it I heard, "Walk that dog b***h." There were at least 3 or 4 people in the car. It scared me because I realized that I had no way to protect Cody and me if I'd needed to. And they know where I live. And they seemed to know my routine. They started yelling BEFORE they got to us.

Any suggestions in addition to fixing the back yard? (A tree fell on our fence and it will be a while before we can afford to have the tree removed and the fence fixed.) I'm really nervous about my mom and Cody being at home alone at night while I'm at work. We do have an alarm system but that doesn't do a lot to calm my nerves.
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Offline mynameislola

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 02:29:00 am »
If you see them again, try to get the make, model, and license number of the car.  A video camera can help there.  Stills tend to be blurry, so video is more likely to give useable images.  

Some states will give information at the DMV for license numbers if it involves something legal.  Some states also have laws forbidding the harassment of animals and can even involve damages if the harassment causes an injury, like if the dog got scared and tripped you and you fell.

There are a few things you can do to make your house safer.  Keep garage doors and windows closed.  Have a porch light on after dark.  Keep landscaping away from the building so bad people cannot hide in it.  A cellphone next to the bed at night is a good idea.  Another nifty thing to have nearby is an air-powered horn, expecially if you have neighbors close enough to hear it who will call the police.

If you can change your routine, please do.  Around here the worst time to be out walking or driving is right after the high school lets out.  Between the kids driving way too fast to impress their buddies and the thieves stealing a little something on the way home, when I lived in town I stayed home at those times of day.

Since I do not know your personal situation, I will not make any suggestions here, but we have guns.  Statistically, they are more of a danger than a help for most people.  On at least two occassions while my hubby was at work, he works nights, I could hear someone walking around my house checking all the doors and windows.  

The second time I said to the dogs, "Ssssh.  We want them to come in so we can shoot them."  It was a bluff but they left running.  Almost all the surrounding homes have been robbed except ours.

Modified to add that my teenaged niece says that if you get video, post it on YouTube.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 02:30:58 am by mynameislola »
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Offline ratdog

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 02:45:21 am »
I was thinking about calling the police. I feel a little stupid because I can only give them the color of the car. But like you said, it will be on record. I've got PTSD from a really bad robbery I was in and this has set it off a bit. (Short story - I had a gun held to my head for 15 min and was kept in the bathroom another 15 min.)

I always keep Cody on a leash if we are not in an enclosed area. Not only because it is the law but because it keeps her safe. I get irritated at people that leave their dogs off of the leash because you never know what may set them off and then they may run in front of a car.
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 02:55:55 am »
If you see them again, try to get the make, model, and license number of the car.  A video camera can help there.  Stills tend to be blurry, so video is more likely to give useable images.  


There are a few things you can do to make your house safer.  Keep garage doors and windows closed.  Have a porch light on after dark.  Keep landscaping away from the building so bad people cannot hide in it.  A cellphone next to the bed at night is a good idea.  Another nifty thing to have nearby is an air-powered horn, expecially if you have neighbors close enough to hear it who will call the police.

If you can change your routine, please do.  

Holding Cody and a video camera makes me laugh. It would make anyone else laugh that saw it, too. But I can memorize as much as possible.

We have bars all around our house with an alarm system. We always keep the porch light on after dark.

It would be detrimental to Cody to change the routine. We're finally getting her to where she is always pooping outside and she is just now getting to where she barely pees in her crate. (This is amazing - I witnessed this - She peed just a little bit in her crate and literally wiped it up with a cloth!!!) But with her finally "getting it" I hate to change anything. I will try again to go in the back yard but with all of the dogs around us that bark when we go out she has a hard time focusing on what we are out there for.
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 04:08:14 am »
Can you ask friends, family, or neighbors to stop by at different times - all they have to do is pull in the driveway (assuming there is one?)  If there is traffic in and out of your home at different times your routine won't appear as typical.

How scary for you  :'(, I'm sorry people have to be such idiots and upset others.

Offline ratdog

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 07:59:57 pm »
We went outside in the back yard tonight and things went ok. She was pretty distracted by the dog barking at her but she finally did her business. Maybe if we keep it up then she'll learn to ignor all of the barking going on around her. That is now the plan anyway. I won't ever leave her unattended outside. If I'm not actually in the yard with her I'm looking out the door. But 99% of the time I'm with her. I just don't want to chance anything.

Thanks for all of the suggestions and encouragement. It really scared me.

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Offline mynameislola

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2008, 02:08:04 am »
Glad to hear your Cody is getting into the routine.  Our daily routine usually involves sillyness.  I have been lifting my Cody's ears up like your Cody's and saying, "Which Cody are you?" 

On using a baseball bat as a walking stick...depend ing on the local police's view on weapons, a better walking stick might be a golf putter WITH a ball or two.  If the bat stays in the car, add a glove and some sneakers so it looks less like a weapon.

On pepper spray, if someone thinks they might have to use it, carry some milk with you in case you have to wash out anyone's eyes.  Find the wind direction and get it behind you before spraying.

Now for PTSD, I have been dealing with it since 1979 from a similar situation and other events as well.  Holler for tips and tricks for getting by with it.

The canine kids:
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Offline ratdog

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 04:24:58 am »
Glad to hear your Cody is getting into the routine.  Our daily routine usually involves sillyness.  I have been lifting my Cody's ears up like your Cody's and saying, "Which Cody are you?" 

On using a baseball bat as a walking stick...depend ing on the local police's view on weapons, a better walking stick might be a golf putter WITH a ball or two.  If the bat stays in the car, add a glove and some sneakers so it looks less like a weapon.

On pepper spray, if someone thinks they might have to use it, carry some milk with you in case you have to wash out anyone's eyes.  Find the wind direction and get it behind you before spraying.

Now for PTSD, I have been dealing with it since 1979 from a similar situation and other events as well.  Holler for tips and tricks for getting by with it.

Thanks. I will holler at ya :^)
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2008, 04:33:17 am »
That is sad that you had to experience such things in your own front yard. People can be such arses sometimes. I am glad things are working out for Cody in the backyard.

Offline ratdog

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2008, 04:36:56 am »
That is sad that you had to experience such things in your own front yard. People can be such arses sometimes. I am glad things are working out for Cody in the backyard.

Thank you. At the moment I'm chasing her all over the house. LOL She is barking at things that I believe do not exist. But if it makes her feel good then ...
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 05:18:38 am »
That is sad that you had to experience such things in your own front yard. People can be such arses sometimes. I am glad things are working out for Cody in the backyard.

Thank you.

I saw a cop car that had a bumper sticker that said, "I like my dog better than most people."
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 09:29:43 am »
Funny sticker! Sorry you were yelled at.
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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2008, 09:45:49 am »
Oh ratdog, I hadn't read your post til now!  That's aweful.

Punks are that....punks.  I remember when I was 38weeks pregnant with my, what's now is 5 year old.  My oldest son and I decided to walk up to sonic for a smoothie.  Mind you, I jogged throughout every pregnancy so I was fat and

On the way home, some teenage boys drove by and yelled at me "fat f-ing b-tch....whore".  I was horrified.  I was 9 months pregnant and I internalized every ounce of what they said. 

YOU CAN'T.  You cannot worry about what someone may do or you will worry yourself silly everytime you take her peepee.  Keep yourself safe.  Do the things necessary to keep you and your family safe that doesn't harm or infringe upon anothers rights. 

You, sweetie can't make a punk an unpunk. 

I would report them to the police to have it on record.  If they come by again, report em.  My husband and I are concealed weapons carriers so stupidity by words on anothers part is stupidity and ignorance.  They get out of their car and threaten our lives, that's different.  A single woman needs to do what's legal but what's reasonable to keep herself safe.  Alarms are great. 
Varying routines and times of activity are good.  Taking cody to different places will help her.

I live in the country and odin doesn't have a fence so I open the front door and he goes out pees, poos and returns!  Only fishing guides or lost old people come down my street.

The locals see me out front on the punching bag so they know I will take out a testicle, an eyeball, and the trachea if they try to come at me.....then the 226 will greet them at the door.  :)    I'm so so sorry you had to be traumatized by stupidity.  Karma willget always does!  And we don't have to do or say a thing.
karma is kewl!

Offline ratdog

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Re: Got harrassed by punks driving by
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2008, 12:34:22 pm »
I spoke with a cop last night and he said that if I get a license plate number then report it.  As it is, I'm just gonna try to keep us out of sight. Until the back yard gets fixed I'll take her to my vet's or friend's houses to play. She seems to be getting used to going to the bathroom in the back yard.
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Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
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