Author Topic: Protecting Tonka  (Read 4950 times)

Offline LuvmyMal

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Protecting Tonka
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:11:16 pm »
Today when the rain stopped brandon took tonka to the doggy park for a little play time. While there she met Mocha(not sure what breed), a husky, and 2 labs.  Well Tonka sniffed everyone and said hello, then brandon told me that Mocha came up to her barking just wanting to play and the husky defended tonka by growling at mocha. I thought that was so cute when he told me, this has never happened before. Has anyone else encountered this?

Offline jabear

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Re: Protecting Tonka
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 06:56:23 pm »
How cute! What a good husky to protect baby Tonka.  ;D Once at the dog park there was an Aussie who was the "peacemaker of the park". Everytime this one mean dog would go try to bully someone the Aussie would jump in the middle and protect the innocent picked on dog. It was so cute!
  Mom to one handsome black Bear.

Offline zimas_mommie

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Re: Protecting Tonka
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2005, 07:12:17 pm »
Just wanted to say thank you for welcoming us to bp!! That is tooo cute!! I have yet to make it to a dog park out here butI think its neat how they take up for each other! Dogs are just like children with four legs!!lol

Offline LuvmyMal

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Re: Protecting Tonka
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2005, 07:18:08 pm »
They are and I think that taking Zima to a dog park would be wonderful for her. Tonka was a little scared at first now she likes to go and play with her friends.