Author Topic: Ellie And I Need Help(P.S. Miss Y'all TONS!)  (Read 4869 times)


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Ellie And I Need Help(P.S. Miss Y'all TONS!)
« on: February 23, 2008, 06:35:59 am »
Hi Y'all!

First let me just say - I sure do miss y'all sooooooo friggin' much!  I have been keeping up best I can with reading posts - but hate, hate, hate the fact that my new job prevents me from spending  the amount of time here that I want.... and NEED!  :) Hopefully that will come to an end soon as I am in the process of changing my career course (details to soon follow)!

Okay - here is the problem at hand... my poor Ellie (4 year old dobie/pit)is having tummy issues... She has been drinking lots more water lately and reguritating regularly (not always after water gulping). And this morning she did not eat her breakfast. She is not vomiting and sometimes the gulped water comes back out and only few times there has been a little bit of chewed-up food mixed in.

She is currently eating Raw Instinct by Nature's Variety and hadn't had a problem up until I fed her the lamb flavor last month (she was fine on that before too)... I am going to change her to Orijen because it is reportedly good for bladder issues, which she has been plagued with since  puppyhood.

I did some research on the internet this morning and am thinking she is suffering from indigestion or acid reflux.

Wheeeewwwww - how is that for a babbling amount of info.. haha!

Has anyone experienced this with their pups? Any advice, suggestions, comments, editorials?

As always - thanks a bunch!
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 07:59:47 am by EllieAndBlu »

Offline shangrila

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Re: Ellie And I Need Help(P.S. Miss Y'all TONS!)
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 09:25:00 am »
I hope it's just indigestion, but I think you should go to the vet and get her checked in case it is something more serious like liver damage. My cat Frisky had liver damage and she would do exactly what you are describing - drink more and vomit all the time. Plus, when they told me Zoey had lymes disease, they said one of the biggest things to watch for would be if she was drinking a lot more water because that would indicate liver damage. I don't want to scare you, but it's a really good idea to go to the vet just to be safe
RIP former BPO

Offline CrazyLoveRosie

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Re: Ellie And I Need Help(P.S. Miss Y'all TONS!)
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 10:53:26 pm »
For easing Rosie's tummy, the vet has told us before to give her a couple doses of Tagamet. We'll normally give this to her when she's on some antibiotic that tends to irritate her stomach. We've also given it to her when she's gotten into something she shouldn't have... like leftover beef grease in the trash.

Giving the vet a call to make sure this is appropriate would be advisable. And then I'd schedule an appointment for a better diagnosis.
Rosie - Newfoundland


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Re: Ellie And I Need Help(P.S. Miss Y'all TONS!)
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 03:37:39 pm »
Oh I really do adore you all! Thanks so much for the responses... and all the info... and well wishes! I have to admit - the liver thing freaks me out a bit...I will get the ol' girl checked out by the vet...

In the meantime, I am pleased and relieved to report Ellie seems to be feeling better... she ate yesterday, and today was her playful self...and I didn't notice any reguritation sounds from her (at least not while I was around). I raised her food bowl higher, so hopefully that is helping... hhhmmmm, though I do think her breath is still a bit sour smelling.

I am going to keep a close eye on her... and analyze her EVERY the nuerotic mom that I am  :)

Thanks again y'all - BPO'ers are the BEST!