Author Topic: I love my dog because...  (Read 36287 times)

Offline Newly Newfed

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I love my dog because...
« on: February 23, 2008, 04:18:11 am »
I just gave Sierra a bath and watching her after bath antics just made me think of all the things she does that make me love her so much.

I love... the hair on her ears get all crinkly when she's wet. she turns into "Punk Newfie" when she shakes water off and get a spiky hair-do.

...the absolutely adorable look she gets when she knows I have a treat in my hand and she's trying her hardest to convince me to give it to her. her snoring causes me to turn the TV up louder. she hurtles herself at me as soon I walk in the door and demands petting. she patiently stands and pushes her head against my chest while I sit on the floor and rub her dry after a bath. she turns a yawn into that whiny-growly sound. she'll be sleeping peacefully, then suddenly spazz out and start rolling around, wave her feet in the air, and make noises and than suddenly fall asleep again for no apparent reason. she lets me play with her floppy lips and she just looks at me like she is enjoying every minute of it. she goes crazy chasing a laser pointer dot. she hasn't quite seemed to master using her big feet yet, and trips over them.

...her obsession with plastic water bottles. she chases a ball at top speed but forgets to slow down when she gets to it and ends up tumbling head over heels. I have to trick her into letting me wipe her mouth and how she nonchalantly tries to prevent me from doing it. her lips flap back and forth when she puts her head out of the car window.

...that she finally comes when I call her! she lays across our feet wherever we may be sitting., when I'm at the computer, she uses her big nose to flip my arm up so I'll pet her. she knows she's not allowed on the furniture but, she tries to get up on them whenever she can by loving up to us and slowly climbing up and when she thinks we're not home. she tries to look innocent, but always get caught doing something wrong because she doesn't realize there is trash or cat food stuck to her face and/or lips. she instantly goes crazy when Jeff makes that squeaking sound with his lips. she plops down on anyone sitting on the floor and just assumes that they want her draped across their laps.

...playing with all the extra skin around her neck.

...that the biggest collar I can find commercially is only one notch away from being too small for her. she becomes paralyzed, her eyes glaze over and her back leg starts kicking the instant your hand touches her belly or chest. various item that go into her mouth get "lost" and can be found stuck somewhere in her lips. she looks at me and you can see in her eyes that she's telling me she loves me.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 04:32:48 am by Newly Newfed »
Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras

Oscar, Gina- Cats
Peaches, Sean, Thunderbolt, Chablis, Lucky, Miracle, Ivy, Riley-Whitetail Deer


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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 05:06:09 am »
Awww!  I loved this post!  Man..that last one got me all choked up!  It's so great to have people in the world that understand what it means to be loved by a pup! 

Offline shine

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 01:11:19 am »
Okay, some of the many things I love about Bodhi (if I listed all the things I love about all my dogs I would blow the server, lol)....

How he always manages to look like an explosion of brown fuzz, no matter how much I attempt to groom him

How he smells, even when he is damp and particularly ripe

How he smacks his lips before he falls asleep

How he rolls onto his back and sttrrreeeeeeee tches when he wakes up

The soft but prickly fur under his nose

How he throws his big paws at people in a sign of friendship, not knowing it is like punching them in the face, lol

How when he really wants something he will go through his entire repertoire of tricks (one of the has to work!)

How he wakes me up by smashing his big wet nose against my face

How is he such a big baby and comes running to me for comfort when he hears a strange noise

How he just shoves anyone and anything out of his way with his butt

How he will let me put my whole hand in his mouth to pull out something he is not supposed to chew on, and looks at me like "Awww, Mommmmmm...."

His sheer joy at sniffing around the yard

How he always waits to belch until he is right in front of someone, lol

How he puts his big head on my lap and stares up at me adoringly

How one look at his big fuzzy face makes all the things that are stressing/worrying/bothering me just fade away....
Sharing my life and love with
Bodhi - Newfoundland
Rio - Loyal Lab/Beagle Mix
Zildjian - Dalmatian
Dolly - Weird Hound Mix
Stubby - Weird Corgi Mix
Ribbit - Grumpy Cocker Mix
House Cats - Bump, Delilah, Stashe, Mischa, Moose
Barn Cats - Archie, Betty, Midge
The Pigs - Ginger & Marianne

Offline maxsmom

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 01:55:33 am »
I love Max because
He has finally learned not to jump on the bed to wake us and instead, bounces his chin on the bed, waterbed, until we get up.
No matter what stupid, irritating, frustrating, thing he does, he can sit down, tilt his head to the side, look at me with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth and make me smile.
He has finally learned that "foot" said loudly, means he is standing on my foot and needs to move his off of mine.
I love Jake because
He always wants to play. 
He always wants to be petted, but if after 2 attempts to get his head under my arm and turned back over my elbow, I don't respond, he will go back to guarding the sunroom, until I call him.
He always comes running when he hears a leash jingle.
He comes running as soon as he sees me with a brush, cause he needs I am stressed and need some doggy fur to brush and relax with.
I can always count on him for some warm, snuggly fur in my face at bedtime.
I remember how pathetic he looked, all filthy and matted, when we first got him and how happy and playful he was after his first bath and brushing out.
I love Cody because
He gets all mean looking, fur standing up, paws pounding on top of the gate in the kitchen and growling/snarling when someone comes in the house and then looks back over his shoulder at me, to see if he is doing the right thing.
I still remember him desperately trying to get the dog he saw in the mirror to come out and play with him, when we first got him.  (He only recognized Tibetans as playmates and didn't know what to do with Max.)
I love all of my dogs because they are each unique individuals who bring so much to my life individually, and make my life livable and bearable, and sooo much happier, because they are in it.

Max  2 Irish Wolfhound
Jake  2 Great Pyrenees
Cody   3 Tibetan Mastiff
ChiChi 1.5 Caucasian Ovcharka
John and Nicki Maine Coon cats

Offline GreatPyr

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 07:23:55 am »
I love my dogs because they make our family complete,they make us laugh,they are vey loyal,they are great shoulders to cry on vent to,they are always there ready to do what you want,they are never moody,they make my son laugh,they each have a place and job they hold within the family and they are all"Great Dogs" ;D
Max-3 Year old Golden/Lab cross
Buddy-8 Year old English Cocker Spaniel
Bear-4 month old Great Pyrenees
Tigger-barn kitty
Shiloh-9 year old Painthorse

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 08:37:33 am »
they are always there ready to do what you want
Not that either, LOL!

But I do love my dog for bringing me back to earth with her attitude
For guarding me
For making my come home so happy
For teaching me patience
For being persistent on asking to go for walks and keep me in shape
And just being such a sweetheart :-* ;D :D
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 08:42:23 am by People Whisperer »
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)


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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 10:23:22 am »
Due to the number of dogs that I share my life with- I am going to try and keep it to a minimum- there are so many things that I could write but I will keep it short.

Jake- Is a truly incredible dog who has no idea how large he is- However Jake is my protector, my guardian and my friend, I will always cherish and love the big oobey doo for his unconditional commitment to me.

Bailey- Tank sent me Baily - no doubt about it. She saved me from a severe depression. Bailey is my go every where girl and my bed buddy, who is the most gentle sweet dog that I have ever had the pleasure to love.

Zoey - The princess diva. She is beauty and grace. I have been blessed to have her call me her mom.

Bella- Oh boy- the wild child- I love her because she is such a free spirit who needs so much reassurance in life. Give her a little bit of love and she returns it ten fold.

Annie-  this child  suffered terribly at the hands of someone else- this dog has showed me the power of love and forgiveness. The first mothers day that she was with me- she gave me my first kiss.(it took her 8 months to get the courage) It was the sweetest kiss I have ever gotten from any living being.

Garrett - another abused dog- He is another dog that loves unconditionall y and has forgiven the human race for being abused.

Tugs- My baby- Took me a year to accept the fact that I needed another male Pyrenees in my life. Tugs has filled my heart with love. He is a big lug, who has no idea what to do with that large body that he calls his own, other than to body slam me with happiness.

Dakota - the grand old lady- What a beautiful loving old girl she has turned out to be- she was abandoned by the only family that she had ever known and has given our entire family a chance to make her last years happy ones.

All of the dogs- both keepers and fosters have shown me what unconditional love really is and they have taught me to have patience and compassion far beyond what I thought was ever possible. I hope that in my rescue endeavors I can return what they have taught me to those who are less fortunate.

Offline macybean

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 10:49:19 am »
I love Sadie because she is always happy. Always. As a former roommate put it, she is goodness and happiness embodied. I love that she overcame her fear of people after her rough start to life and now loves to meet people and get love. I love that she likes to dry herself off just about as much as she likes to swim. I love her gusto and how she wags her entire body. I love her because her main goal in life is to merge with me and whatever I'm up for doing, she's happy to do. LOL I love Sadie because she guards the house and me with all the seriousness of a pack of German Shepherds. I love Sadie because she has to clean Riley's ears and eyes and her own paws like a cat. I love her because when you tell her kisses, she'll kiss your cheek, but when she decides to kiss you on her own, she's all about arms, legs, necks, etc. I love Sadie because she will lay in my spot on the bed, head on the pillow, until I tell her to move, then she'll move over beside me, head on the other pillow, and look at me with those big brown eyes.

I love Riley because he is the neediest creature and makes no apologies for it. I love him because if things don't go his way, he will grumble to tell you he doesn't approve. I love Riley because he will stand in front of me if he thinks someone is a threat and growl and bark, letting Sadie run out in front to bark and put on her show. I love Riley because he lets Sadie bite his tail and collar and hang onto him as he walks around the dog park. I love Riley because if I get up and walk 10 feet to a trash can when we're at a park, he has to follow me, just in case. I love that when you tell Riley "kisses", he puts his nose to your nose and licks/smears his mouth around your chin. I love Riley because he rides "copilot", his butt on the back seat, feet on either side of the bump behind the console, and head over the console.

I love my dogs because they greet me at their baby gate doing their little dance-Riley swaying side to side and Sadie jumping up to stand on her back feet and shaking her whole body.

Offline peytons mama

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 11:21:12 am »
She has made me a more patient person. I love her because she turned darrin into "daddy" and she knows it. I love how she kisses us with her eyes open. I love how no matter what we are feeling, she always has a smile on her face and tries to make it so that we smile too. That no matter how mad we get, she still wants us in her life. I love how she barks to let us know she wants something and when we don't listen, she takes us by the hand. I love Peyton because she made me "mommy". I love her also because she made us a 3 "person" family. I love her because even if I am chasing her to drop the papertowels she just stole from the table, she ends up making me laugh. I love the way she asks for hugs and then goes to lay down. I just love her.

Can you be completely in love with a dog?
Your house isn't a home until you have made a bed for a dog.


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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2008, 07:54:32 pm »
Yes You can be completely and TOTALLY in love with a dog.
Welcome to that club

Offline GreatPyr

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2008, 09:36:11 pm »
I have all males,now you know why..ha..ha.. :D
Max-3 Year old Golden/Lab cross
Buddy-8 Year old English Cocker Spaniel
Bear-4 month old Great Pyrenees
Tigger-barn kitty
Shiloh-9 year old Painthorse

Offline People Whisperer

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 09:45:08 pm »
I have all males,now you know why..ha..ha.. :D
LOL! You are right about that  ;)
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)

Offline ratdog

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 10:23:47 pm »
When Ratdog passed away, I did not think I could ever get another dog. There was a void and pain in me that is unexpressable. She was so much a part of my life. She even went to 2 of my jobs with me.

Then Cody came along. She is filling that void that I'd been experiencing for 3.5 years. When I saw her for the very first time she came up to me and started licking me on the nose. That sealed it right there.

What I love about Cody:

When it is time to eat she has to play and eat at the same time (she will even put her ball in her bowl sometimes).

How when I first got her, before she learned the sit command, she would sit to get a treat (the breeder said that she did not teach her this).

How when she growls and barks at something her hair stands up from the back of he head to her tail.

The look of expectation she gets on her face when we are playing or when she is about to get to ride in the car or go into the pet store and in so many circumstances.

How, when we are in the bed and she needs to go outside, she will lay down right next to me and put her little face next to mine and give me "wet willies".

How she likes to lay in front of the heater.

How she loves to play ball.

How she has to be touching you most of the time, whether it be on the bed, or in the car, or just sitting at the breakfast room table.

How when she wags her stump of a tail her whole booty wags with it.

I love how she can climb up on the couch with me when I'm laying down (though she is not supposed to :^) even though there is only 6" of room.

I love her happy self.

I love how funny she is.

I love how she makes me feel.

And I thank God for putting her into my life. I think it is one of the ways that He shows His love for me.
Best friends forever:
Tal, my cat, 1990-2007
Ratdog, my dog, 1992-2004

My new love:

Offline Newly Newfed

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2008, 03:24:28 am »
Can you be completely in love with a dog?

Of course.  Isn't that why BPO exists?  For those of us who are so madly in love with our dogs that we are almost afraid to admit it to anyone else?  :D

It is perfectly ok and normal to love your dogs beyond reason.  I have loved every dog I've ever owned, but I have never been "in love" with a dog until I got Sierra.
Dogs are not our whole lives, but they make our lives whole - Roger Caras

Oscar, Gina- Cats
Peaches, Sean, Thunderbolt, Chablis, Lucky, Miracle, Ivy, Riley-Whitetail Deer

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: I love my dog because...
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2008, 09:14:14 am »
oh i can't do this for my guys, its unfair to them because
Zero- is perfect, thats why i love him. every thing he does *minus farting and eating poo and hating memphis* But every  other thing he does... he will come up to me, and groan, which usually sounds almost like saying "i wuv mum"
Jigsaw- she gets these cute crazy moods where she will wag her tail so fast her whole bum waggs, and her ears pin back and she goes nuts running and licking and being a sweetheart
Memphis-i love how when we walk him he thinks he is the king of the world, he will grab his leash as if to say "no im walking you" and he will suck on it for about 10 mins... then enjoy his walk normally...
Reba- i love her little antics of being small, but thinking shes big -beating on Jigsaw; and doing ballet spins on her hind end...
i cant keep listing, this is just a few that sticks out in my mind
Jodi & Darcy
Proud Parents of
Zero-Bull Terrier
Jigsaw-Bull Terrier
Repo- Jigsaw's baby Bull Terrier
Reba-Chinese Crested
Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~