Author Topic: i think peyton might have "the curse"  (Read 2331 times)

Offline peytons mama

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i think peyton might have "the curse"
« on: February 26, 2008, 02:25:51 am »
do female dogs have "heat" symptoms like how female humans do? i ask because in the last 3 days, peyton has become very very whinny. she now enjoys laying next to me on the couch, when before she would naw at me and want me to play. yesterday she decided she would stay in her kennel (with her new blankie) instead of come out and play with me and all she did was whine when she didn't come out. i took the blankie out and then she wanted to play with it, but then about 10 mins later took my hand (in her teeth) and lead me to the couch and pushed me down to sit and jumped on me and went to sleep. i know when i am PMSing i get whinny and want to sleep alot! she is about that age right?!

or is this a sign that is not related and she is telling me she is "old" now and doesn't want to play anymore.  ;D
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Offline peytons mama

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Re: i think peyton might have "the curse"
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 10:24:23 am »
well, let's get graffic as possible...yea h it does look a little bit swollen. but i don't know if that is just from maturing or if it's actually swollen. i am going by my experience in humans and yeah it does kinda look like it could be about her time. maybe that's why she is soo atached to her blankie. but, no blood. and i "heard" that big dogs bleed blg blood. but then i heard that it could just be a couple of droplets. i read about heat in books and online but they don't really go into MUCH detail. i don't care if she is "starting" or not, I just want to make sure she is okay. physically, mentally and emotionally. i know i get emotional as all heck, do dogs? can dogs get cramps? if what i go through happens to her, i don't want her to go through them at all. (we keep dragging our feet on making the appointment only because we are affraid to put her under, ya know?)
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