Author Topic: New slideshow of the boys!  (Read 4204 times)

Offline Amy (guffer)

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New slideshow of the boys!
« on: March 24, 2008, 10:33:59 am »
Hi all!  I've been real busy lately with work and the skin kids.  Three of my four boys had birthdays this month!  I'm so partied out!!! ;D  Anyway, Zues and Apollo are doing great and I just wanted to post a little slideshow I made today.  I took a bunch of pictures of them playing at the tennis courts near my home.  We go there when the ground's too muddy and mushy for them to play in the yard.  They just love it there!  Well, you'll see by the smiles on their faces!  LOL!  Here's the link:   ;D

Offline Amy (guffer)

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Re: New slideshow of the boys!
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2008, 08:57:47 am »
They definitely get some great exercise at the tennis courts!  I love to see them get to run at full speed, chasing each other trying to steal toys!  It's a nice change from their daily walks, where they have to behave and listen to hubby and me.  The weather has been so crappy lately here in Michigan that I just don't want to let them in the back yard yet.  When it's mushy out, their big paws just tear up the ground and I don't want the yard to look like a mud pit again! 

And they are getting big!  When we got them last June, they were, I think, 67 and 69 lbs.  Now they are both 90+ and still growing.  They're still kinda thin, but at least you can't feel hip and shoulder bones protruding anymore!  You can still feel the ribs, and their abdomens tuck up a little, but it's better than being overweight.  I don't want to pack the pounds on them and have them end up with joint issues.  So far, so good.  They seem to be perfectly healthy!  :D