Author Topic: He's not going to be very happy  (Read 3600 times)

Offline aggghgmom

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He's not going to be very happy
« on: March 25, 2008, 05:35:21 pm »
Harley looks so handsome today - the mobile groomer came to our house and gave him a nice bath, nail clipping and hair cut - that was torture number one

Now for tortune number two - I want to teach an older dog (6 years old) new other words, I want to train Harley to be a better, more well behaved dog.  He has been to a few obedience trainers as well as staying at one for over a week...he really listens to her..just not us.

So the reasoning is, as some of you know my husband really doesn't like Harley, he admits he is a wonderfully gentle dog who is great with kids, but that he doesn't listen at all.  (for the most part that is true).  So last night I was trying to behave and walk on the treadmill (not something I enjoy and would look for any excuse to get off) so Harley starts barking over and over at my husband who is sitting on the couch keeping me company.  Hubby got mad at Harley, I get mad at Hubby and accuse everyone of trying to screw up my diet and exercise.  Hubby goes upstairs, slams the door and leaves Harley and I downstairs, I'm really OK with this but I think Harley could have a better life if hubby liked him so...

I want to teach Harley some manners.  He knows sit and down but will not, will not stay!!  He whines and barks excessively.  When giving him a treat or dinner he does sit first.  So all you wonderful trainers with good dogs - where do I go from here?

Thanks, sorry soooo long


Offline aggghgmom

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Re: He's not going to be very happy
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2008, 07:41:52 pm »
No everything is me - the only things anyone does is my daughter feeds dinner, my son feeds breakfast, hubby picks up poop.  If hubby is going for a walk he will take Harley under protest.

He really doesn't want to be involved it is easier to grunt and yell at him than to put effort - hubby always says harley doesn't listen that is why they don't get along.

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Re: He's not going to be very happy
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2008, 08:18:51 pm »
Here is my idea of teaming up: Have a nice sit down dinner with candles and wine :) Decide on what reaction and commands you will use every time for the same behavior and think about how much happier your family will be when your dog finally does listen ;D It's a huge accomplishment!!! Everyone will benefit :)
It is a lot of work BUT if you are consistent and patient in 6 months or less you will have a better companion...Yo u can't show frustration or anger to you dog. The leader should be calm and assertive! The dog will not doubt your power of leadership ;)
Good luck! I hope it would work...You deserve it  :) 
"To once own a Great Pyrenees is to love and want one always."
Mary W. Crane

I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it :)

Offline aggghgmom

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Re: He's not going to be very happy
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2008, 10:23:44 am »
The saga continues - my plan was to take Harley for a nice walk to tire him out before hubby got home...well with kids the best laid plans are ruined so we didn't get to our walk.  So we were sitting around watching American Idol (guilty pleasure) and Harley just stood about 10" from hubby staring at him - I would call him over to lie down and he would pop up and go stare again, hubby got mad put him in a down stay in the kitchen, Harley starts inching out and kept getting put back...I got annoyed and off I went to the basement again, just Harley and I.

I will talk to hubby about getting involved in Harley's training, tell him it is important to me, etc.  By the time he gets home from work, he has dinner, and put the darling daughter to sleep it is close to 8:30 and I doubt he will find dog training high on his list of priorities...I feel like I have been deceived when we were thinking of getting married we talked about dogs and he said he liked I think he likes dogs, someone elses dogs!!


Offline aggghgmom

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Re: He's not going to be very happy
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2008, 11:06:03 am »

I don't mean to sound harsh, but someone needs a little kick in the pants.
He will have to make it a priority. You do, I do, everyone here does.
He needs to understand that if he is not willing to be a part of the solution, then he is part of the problem.

Oh he is DEFINATELY a part of the problem!! 

Offline Nicholeigh

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Re: He's not going to be very happy
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2008, 11:28:08 am »
You might want to consider getting Harley on the treadmill for about a half hour a day.  It will help him focus when you do start working/training him.  Before I work with my Malamute I put him on the treadamill for a little while so he can work out some of his energy and be ready to focus. 

As previously stated... consistency is key. Good luck, I'm sure you guys can make it work. ;)