Author Topic: HD?  (Read 2893 times)

Offline cwarner

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« on: April 26, 2008, 09:25:45 pm »
Well, just got back from the Vet.  Kodi has been having some pain the past couple of days.  after he has been laying down for a while, when he goes to get up he cries quite a bit and also cries during the first 5-10 steps he takes.  He was reluctant to climb the stairs to get back into the house after going to the bathroom plus just him not acting like himself lately.  My fiancee was getting worried over Kodi's crying and got him an appointment this morning.  The Vet examined Kodi's legs and joints.  They tested him for Lyme disease, which is quite common in our area, and can cause joint pain, but he was negative for that.  The vet said that he is concerned about and wants to do x-ray's tomorrow morning to check for HD.  He's 19 months old, at a perfect weight according to the Vet.   I know there's  a ton of posts on here regarding HD, and i've been doing some research here at work about it too.  Just looking for any advice from those of you who have had to deal with this.  Hopefully the x-rays come back clean, but i have a bad feeling that they wont. 

Offline shangrila

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Re: HD?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 08:08:22 pm »
Sorry to hear Kodi is having a tough time. Have you ever noticed if he does a 'bunny hop' when he runs - both of his legs move together instead of at different times? That's one of the biggest symptoms. He might have HD if he's reluctant to climb/rise and showing pain, but I am wondering if it is something different because you said it has only been the past few days. HD doesn't really cause sudden pain, because it is more affected by the growth of the joint and also the wearing down of the cartilage, both of which happen over time. So if it has only been the past couple of days as opposed to a gradual change, then I would wonder if he was injured or something.

Hopefully the xrays will be okay, but the thing you have to realize is that even xrays don't really tell you how much HD is goiung to effect him if he has it - some dogs have almost normal looking xrays but terrible symptoms, while others have horrible looking xrays but have few symptoms.

There's a thread called everything you ever wanted to know about hip dysplacia stickied at the topof the medical forum. It's a complition of some posts about hip dysplacia.

Also, let me know if you have any specific questions
RIP former BPO

Offline cwarner

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Re: HD?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2008, 08:36:16 pm »
Thanks,  He does do the "bunny hop" thing with his hind legs when he really gets running around.  He's always done it since we adopted him almost a year ago, and at first thout it was a funny way to run, but never knew it was a symptom of HD, untill i started doing some research.  Another symptom i notcied is that he has been carrying his tail down alot lately where he usually carries it up on top of his back.  Something else i didnt even think about,  He used to pounce on the bed when he would get up with me, but the past 2 or 3 weeks, he's been doing this thing where he tries to crawl up on the bed, and i have to help him up.  I thought he was just being a goofball, but now i'm thinking that he was having pain from jumping up onto the bed.