Author Topic: NDR-Pain  (Read 3778 times)

Offline Pyr Heaven

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« on: May 16, 2008, 08:26:34 am »
Holy freakin' cow, I'm about to rip off the right side of my face!!!!!!! :o

One of my wisdom teeth is coming in, and it is pretty much killing me. My mouth is not big enough to accomodate for this thing! But I dont want to run to the dentist (it's only been like 3 days of pain so far) because (1) I hate the dentist and (2) I'm thinking if I just wait it out a bit longer, it will get better eventually. It's not the actual tooth that hurts. It's my mouth/gums/(now also throat). And that numbing crap does NOT work. My cheek is pretty much swollen too.

Anyway...any advice?

Pretty much I can't open my mouth very wide right now either...or chew for that I've resorted to a strictly liquid and mashed potato diet. (Although yesterday I managed to smoosh a burrito flat enough to fit in my mouth from taco bell. hahaha

I'm a pathetic baby. I hate the dentist. :P
Milwaukee, Wi

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 11:55:00 am »
hahaha. Thanks for the advice guys. I'm thinking my mouth/gum/cheek/jaw/whatever is swollen because the tooth is sort of pushing on it (meaning all those things I listed haha)...making it that way. It feels a bit better than it did this morning, so that's good. If it doesn't get better in a few days, I'll be going to the dentist I suppose. Bleh.  :P
Milwaukee, Wi

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 02:54:51 pm »
I agree with everyone else.. Get them out! If there is no room for them to come in they will shift your other teeth over to make room, or become impacted.

Mine were removed in the office while I was awake but heavily frozen. So frozen in fact it took about 6 hours before I 'unthawed'. LOL I didn't feel a thing. But I do have a huge fear of needles. So the fact that they got me in that chair in the first place shows just how much pain I was in. ;)

I agree with Tina... Advil is DA BOMB! I was also given some heavier pain medication but I only took one since they sent me into la la land. hehe I prefered to be conscious rather than sitting there drooling on myself. LMAO

Offline Pyr Heaven

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 03:07:41 pm »

Oh man. I just have these images of your guys all drooling over yourselves. hahaha

Yeah. I am sure I'll have to get them out. :-\ But I want to keep them. I might not be as "wise" without them!!! (ok, that was dumb). hahaha

Anyway, I think I have pericoronitis. Ew. A mild version as the pain just started 3 or 4 days ago. I read online that I need to rinse my mouth with warm salt water after I eat and stuff. It said I may need antibiotics if it has spread to the cheeks and jaw. But like I said, it just started. So I'm going to wait it out a little bit. I think the tooth is coming in correctly, but it's only partially "erupted" causing infection. So pretty much I'm gonna try the salt water thing, and I'm going to brush my teeth like 5 times a day. And rinse my mouth with mouthwash also 5 times a day. hahaha And maybe it will go away on its own. ;)
Milwaukee, Wi

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Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 03:46:53 pm »
 If it's an infection you risk having it spread to your heart, no BS!!!!  Infections can run rampant in the body very quickly.  See a dentist if your still swollen and in pain, if you start to run a fever, go to the ER immediately.
My husband is in the medical feild as well as most of our friends, and a few of those are dental tech's and any time myself or one our kids whine about tooth pain, I swear they are trying to pry our mouths open and nag till I have an appt with a dentist!  I share your feelings about the dentist fully, but when your cheek swells you need to be seen. Always better safe than sorry.
Kira- Akita
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Offline Lacey

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Rash - Help
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2008, 03:53:50 pm »
Okay, Ozzy has a very strang rash on the top inside of his hind leg ... he's even limping due to it, but otherwise seems his happy puppy self.  The vet suggested bathing him in a skin formula shampoo and having him come in to be seen on Tuesday afternoon!  Is there anything I can do to help relieve this rash for the poor guy?  He's also got a nasty scab under his chin that we've been watching for two days and putting bacitracian on.  I was wondering if he might have an alergic reaction to the fluffy bed blanket we put in his kennel (so that came out today) ... I welcome ALL advice ... poor puppy ...

Again, just to clarify, he's eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, and playing like nothing's wrong ...

Lacey ... caregiver to:

Fable ~ 8 yeard old husky mix female
Minerva ~ 2 year old rat terrier female
Ozzy ~ baby Australian mixed with 'something big' male

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2008, 03:58:18 pm »
When our Kira had skin infections they gave her steroids to stop the itch and when seh was weaned off that I was told I could give her benadryll for the residual itch.  I have no clue what the dosage was either, we didnt have to use it because she stopped scratching after the steroids.
BTW, did you mean to post in this thread??  lol
Kira- Akita
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Offline Lacey

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Re: NDR-Pain
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2008, 04:01:26 pm »
no, I posted to the thread by mistake, so I reposted it to the general board ... but thanks for your response ... I'm thinking about trying some benedryl tonight ... I have the puppy weight chart/dosage info.  I just feel so bad for the guy, he's not scratching like crazy (at least not when he's around me ...) but the limping makes me feel like it must be a painful rash.

Lacey ... caregiver to:

Fable ~ 8 yeard old husky mix female
Minerva ~ 2 year old rat terrier female
Ozzy ~ baby Australian mixed with 'something big' male