Author Topic: Summer cut for Newfoundland  (Read 39401 times)


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Summer cut for Newfoundland
« on: May 18, 2008, 10:29:13 am »
First, I hope I've registered to the correct message board. Every link to register brought me to 'Welcome to Tiny breeds.' If I've erred perhaps a gentle nudge to the correct place.

We have a couple of 9 month old Newfie pups and I was wondering about summer cuts for them. We live outside of Spokane WA with cold winters and hot summers. I've never seen a buzz cut on a Newf, but they are already uncomfortable with the heat. Our reputable groomer says she gives summer cuts all the time to St. Bernards, Newfies, etc. Our veterinarian says to only give them 1/2 cut or their fur will not grow back properly. Any comments on what's best for our babies is greatly appreciated. Thanks 


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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 12:59:55 pm »
Thanks for your input. I'll ask our groomer about the Mars Coat King. I'd love to post a picture of our pups as soon as I figure out how to do that. This is the first message board I have joined so I'm hoping to get up to speed soon. I haven't learned anything new on my computer since my daughter left for college - Four years ago! (Tried to put the 'grin' but all I get is ;D)
Anyway, thanks again.

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2008, 03:46:53 pm »
how sweet!
~Thelma & Karl~

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2008, 06:18:04 pm »
We live in Texas which beats Washington summers any day. We do not give Rosie a shave during the summer, except for a buzz cut in her belly area. She's a bit more lazy around the summertime, laying around the house a lot more, so the shaved belly keeps from developing huge mats and also allows more belly contact with our tile floor.

In general, they shed a lot of their undercoat during the spring/summer months anyway, so keeping up with it with frequent brushing is better. And the previous post was right about their fur actually insulating them from the heat. Rosie had surgery on her leg a few months ago, so her entire leg had to be shaved nearly down to the skin. We noticed that the re-growing fur actually grew out with a thicker undercoat, which required even more raking and slicker-brushing.
Rosie - Newfoundland

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2008, 12:51:03 pm »
We have a couple of 9 month old Newfie pups and I was wondering about summer cuts for them. We live outside of Spokane WA with cold winters and hot summers. I've never seen a buzz cut on a Newf, but they are already uncomfortable with the heat. Our reputable groomer says she gives summer cuts all the time to St. Bernards, Newfies, etc. Our veterinarian says to only give them 1/2 cut or their fur will not grow back properly. Any comments on what's best for our babies is greatly appreciated. Thanks 

You are smart to ask about this as there are many differing opinions on this subject.  Ever since Drake was a pup, we have been cutting his hair short.  We have done this year round and for several reasons.  First, it gets REALLY hot here in California during the summer so, obviously shorter hair will help him cool off.  Also, he's doing more outdoor activities during that time so it's easier to keep him clean.  Also, as most of us Newf owners know, they start to stink really badly after a while, no matter how clean they are, and it's especially bad when their fur is long.  We give Drake a puppy cut or summer cut about every 3-4 months and we, and most people who see him, think he looks great.  He just seems happier and more comfortable with a short coat.  I posted pics a while ago of what he looks like, check out these links:,1348.0.html,5488.msg70183.html#msg70183

The first link really shows how handsome they can be after a clip and the second one just shows the dramatic and much needed difference a clip will make during the summer.  As for it "ruining their coats", unless you're planning on showing your dogs, does that really matter?  I think your dog's comfort is more important than having a perfect coat.  Drake's coat looks great and everyone comments on how beautiful he is.  So that's my 2 cents, I hope you make an educated decision with your dogs best interests in mind.  Another tip, those little plastic kiddie pools are great for cooling off your pups during the summer, we have one filled and sitting out at all times for Drake during this time of the year.  He loves it!  Cute pups by the way!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 12:58:48 pm by Newf Lover »
My Newfoundland Lives My Life As Passionately As I Live His.

Offline Winslow 151

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2008, 01:50:35 pm »

Winslow and I are in Massachusetts, I do not cut his coat for the summer, you just need to rake it frequently, I would assume (and you know what they say of assuming) that your climate is fairly close to mine. Meaning a longer cold winter then hot summer. The coat is an insulator, meaning it keeps heat (winter)or cool (summer) in when needed. Your puppers metabolism will slow down when it is hot, just like your's I bet!! If you feel like jumping in a pool or the lake you can be sure your Newf does too, if you are not as hungry because it is hot, pretty much the same for the puppers!!

Their skin is white so a short coat can lead to sunburning the skin,meaning more dandruff and scratching (like when we get sun burnt) the breed has survived a long time in varying climates so you really don't have to mess with the coats you just have to care for them.

I say if you feel hot they probsbly do to. If you want to sit in the airconditioned house bet they do too!!

The kiddey pool is fabulous!! get one for each and change the water daily your pups will use it when they need too, and often just because they want to.

So I guess my point is, if you are feeling uncmfortable with the heat, what do you do to cool off, in all likely hood you puppers will be feeling exactly the same!!

Hope that helps!!
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad


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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2008, 02:38:00 pm »
Thanks for all the great advice. Wish we went with the kiddie pools. Because of their anticipated size we bought a 6' diameter stainless steel sheep watering tub thinking this would be ideal because they can't eat it. After destroying one of our garage panels from the inside out and shredding all the insulation out of their 8'x 10' homemade dog house (puppies will be puppies)we felt this was wise.

The problem is the drain hole is not low enough to let out enough water to be able to lift and clean properly. And boy does it need to be cleaned after a days activity. Not only is it full of all the dirt, straw, wood bark they manage to drag in, there is about 3" of dog hair floating around. Not too appealing when they get a drink from it and long strands of black seaweed is hanging from their jowls. Kisses anyone?


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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2008, 02:42:58 pm »
Thanks for the ideas. Cute picture of Drake. My husband's into Micro Brews, looks like his kind of dog.

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2008, 03:10:31 pm »

The kiddie pools are cheap at Walmart, like $5.00 bucks so no real loss if they chew, but for some reason they seem to like the really huge water bowl and know that is not something to destroy ;)
Happy Tails to All
Winslow's Dad

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Re: Summer cut for Newfoundland
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2008, 10:52:06 pm »
JUst to let you know that here in Australia it gets very hot. We use ponds, river and kiddie pools for our newfs. Once you have clipped you will never do it again. It takes forever to get the beautiful hair back and all you get is this fuzzy undercoat and all the shine will not be there for a very long time. We just comb and get rid of all the undercoat and they will be no different to any other dog heat wise. If you get a dog that seems to suffer, just cut the belly hair, sothat if they lie on a cool surface they get instant relief. :-\
Newfsie, from Downunder
owned by Annabelle, Tessa, Nugget and six horses

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