Author Topic: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2  (Read 7592 times)

Offline Bear

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Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« on: June 09, 2008, 05:32:36 pm »
Bear is attempting to follow my buddy across the log.

He decides he won't follow us off a cliff and takes a safer, wetter route.

The snow was a mixed blessing as it kept our drinks and fish cold, but we got really

lost as it covered 40% of the trail.

Bear leading the backpackers. As if he knows where he's going.

One of Bear's many breaks.

Considering going down the rock water slide?

Finally we're here. First things first of course.

Next, lets catch fish!

Bear is shown here guarding the loot.

Getting ready for dinner.

Bear is calling it a day.

Next morning, Bear is still tired.

Where better to have a seat than in the water?

Bear has been banished from leading the pack; he almost sprained his leg twice by

falling through melting snow. So at this point, I kept him behind me so I could navigate

his path.

Finale - waterfalls!!


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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2008, 06:10:33 pm »
What a sweet boy.  what a lucky boy.

Don't worry Bear...Grace isn't allowed to lead either.  She knows where she's going but chooses to take the path less traveled.


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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2008, 06:50:10 pm »
How old is Bear? And did you have to do much training to get him to hang around with you guys while hiking? We've got our two 9month olds and I still have to keep them on flexi leashes just to hike around our 10 acres. We love to backpack and you guys paint the perfect picture of how we idealized some later trips. But our goof balls see anything more interesting than whatever bribe treats I carry and they are off. Sophie will come when called if I pull out the good stuff, but Syrus is, "yeah, hold that treat for me, catch ya later I gotta check this out." I just can't see hiking on a trail with flexi leashes wrapping around every tree or bush.

Sorry, didn't mean to take away from what looks like a wonderful time. Bear is one handsome dude! I'm just envious.

Offline Bear

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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 07:24:19 pm »
Bear's going on 6 years old. I don't think he ever needed training to stick around. We started taking him out with us on hikes at 6 months old and we've always let him explore at his own will and pace. I think most dogs, given the experience of freedom and personal choice, will learn there's less of a reason to run off as there is still an abundance to explore locally. Other dogs are different. I know my sisters dog has to be on a leash no matter what.

I would practice a little. Wear them out as much as you can, to the point they're just spent, and then let them loose. They won't go far without the energy, they're Newfs! Education for everyone.


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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2008, 08:09:20 pm »
Wow!!!  I loved your pics!  It looks like you all had a great time!  Where where you? It looks beautiful!!!  The video of bear eating the fish was awesome too....althoug h, I'm not sure if he even tasted it....I think he swallowed it whole! 


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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2008, 09:14:36 am »
I just love the picture of Bear sitting in the water. What a great trip everyone had!

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Re: Bear's Backpacking Trip Part 2
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2008, 01:48:55 pm »
What an amazing adventure for Bear! Great pics :)