Author Topic: NDR-I need to vent...Do all men get this angry?  (Read 8110 times)

Offline danwins

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Re: NDR-I need to vent...Do all men get this angry?
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2008, 02:02:37 am »
Another male perspective. Approach him now don't wait for another outburst, because if you wait and confront him when he "reacts" you WILL get an angry response and he'll be UBER defensive.

You can even given him the choice to have that convesation then or within a day or 2. This way you give him sometime to think about it, let him know this is very important to you and for your relationship together.

You will have a much better result if you have the discussion at a neutral time and not in the heat of the moment!!

2 more cents for that bank!

Hello Again,(sounds like a song / or am I dating myself?)

Winslows got this one right about catching him on one of your "good moments" but try and catch him on one of HIS as well.  Also if you are leary of his reaction, do it in a semi public place like a park or a coffee shop you both like or anything that just might have people passing by but not any of your friends he may feel "ambushed" and that would not be good no matter what.

Again hope all works out and above anything else Protect yourself 1st and all others later. 

And let others know you are worried.
I know you said this was "venting" but if you are venting here then deep inside you are worried and you had to get some of it out to others who dont know you to get the lay of the land so to speak.
Well looks like an overwhelming response of "BE CAREFUL"

So let family and friends know you are worried and get their opinion.  That way someone always knows whats going on.

Looks like all pet lovers take care of their own
and He may not be a pet lover.

Take care of "yourself" first in this type of situation and I think you will be OK.

You are in mine and my wifes prayers.

Danny W.
Danny W.