Author Topic: Oh Geez.. Do I really need another kitty? Updated with new pics!  (Read 23268 times)


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Hmmm, I called to see how he was doing and if the vet wanted to keep him for another night and I usually just talk to the techs and they tell me how he is and what's going on. This time the vet wants to talk to me. I'm waiting for him to call me back. Now I'm freaking out and thinking something is wrong. :'(

Offline Ali

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waiting on pins and needles...that humane society and foster lady sound totally lame, BTW. Why in the world, seriously, would she think that you would allow, or much less WANT, her to take lil' boss man overnight????? That's just stupid! All my thoughts are with your little guy.  :-*
mom of 4 humans AND
Tani (TAH-nee or rhymes with "Bonnie")- Aussie/Pittie?Boxer?Mutt!
Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
Mika and Nishi - kitty sisters, foster failures!
Tasia Ladysnake - ball python

Offline aggghgmom

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Oh poor kitty and poor you - we will keep our fingers and paws crossed that he is on the road to a long happy and healthy life 

Randy and Harley


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I hate it when vet's do that! LOL Anyway he did call finally. He said he wants to keep the little man for another night, but he's breathing a bit easier and has a huge appetite whether he can smell or not. That's my little piggy. LOL So he may be able to come home tomorrow. I'm to call around 4pm tomorrow to find out for sure.

Back to the drama situation.. The 2 kittens he was kept with at her house also tested positive for Coccidia. So either he gave it to them or they gave it to him, regardless he had it before he got here and she knows it.

I'm just getting sick and tired of defending myself to this woman. She never comes right out and says it's your fault.. it's more in a round about way. Like.. Have your cats ever had coccidia? Are they fully vaccinated?.. yada yada yada. Plus my cats have not been anywhere near him or used his litter or vice versa. And now with the respiratory infection I get hmmm wonder where he came in contact with that? I just said no my cats don't have, or have they ever had a respiratory infection. The only place he's been is upstairs at my house or the vet clinic.

And regarding the vet care she wants to know everything that's been done and what they are doing now. If it was just that she cared about the kitten, great. But it's more accusing to me than caring. Like she's trying to find something I've done wrong so they can take him back. I got him vet care which is more than I can say for them. >:(

Hubby thinks we should call the kitten Cash for obvious reasons. LMAO

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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maybe she is worried that you are going to look to her/organization for payment for his illnesses,  which they should be partly responsible because they did place him w/out a health check.
It's great to hear that he is eating and looks ro be on the mend.  I cant wait to see more pic's of him.
LOL, at your hubby!!
Kira- Akita
cockateils-Peanut Butter & Jelly
Beta fish-Mak

Offline Ali

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Cash - LOL! I like it! That's funny! Nicer than "Money Pit"!
mom of 4 humans AND
Tani (TAH-nee or rhymes with "Bonnie")- Aussie/Pittie?Boxer?Mutt!
Kai - Aussie/Dobie
Kenji - big ol' black cat
Mika and Nishi - kitty sisters, foster failures!
Tasia Ladysnake - ball python


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hahaha yes! cash!!!


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That's a good possibility since it doesn't look good on them that they didn't treat him. I'm sure if they took in a stool sample they would have found the coccidia. The sample I took in was loaded with it. And with him being so small he went downhill really fast.

Ann, The home visit was really not what I would call a home visit. We sat in the kitchen and filled out the paperwork. She didn't meet my cats or the dogs, or really ask too many questions. She was more concerned with how the kitten reacted with us and his surroundings. Which is important too but? I don't know.. There were definitely questions I was thinking.. Hmmm shouldn't she be asking me this or that.

Even though I've only had him 8 days, 3 of which were spent in the vet clinic.. I feel a connection with this kitten that I can't really explain. I know you guys will know what I mean.. noone else does. LOL


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I think we all feel connected to him. We were all on pins and needles waiting to hear what was going on through the adoption process and were soooo excited when you finally got him.

I think he is going to do just fine. Once he is fully recovered and settled in he will get stronger every day.

As for the rescue, I would totally break contact with them. Who knows what their motives are, but it would be less stress on you just to disconnect yourself.

My Boomer is small too, only about 5 lbs, he is 12 years old and still very active (knock on wood, he has never really been ill). He is really fluffy so he looks bigger. I have never had a cat throw up more hair balls though. He sheds "cotton balls" and not individual hairs. He will chase them around on the hardwood floors and inevitably swallow them. You have so much to look forward to with your new little guy, don't let these morons get you down.
My name is Lori.

Mom to
Tinkerbear (lab/kom mix)
Harley (Newfy/Saint mix)
Boomer (Cat-russian blue)
RIP - Tater Marie (basset 11/95 to 1/08)
RIP - Velcro (Kitten-Tiger Stripe)


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He's a strong little guy so I have high hopes that he will be fine.

I called the vet and I can't bring him home today. :( While he's feeling better, he's still really congested. :'( It could be up to 3 weeks before he totally kicks it. Once he starts breathing better he can come home.

Has anyone had the 6 weeks free shelter care insurance? It looks like they cover Coccidia and URI's up to $500 each. I was just curious how it works..   

Offline MagicM3

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Even though I've only had him 8 days, 3 of which were spent in the vet clinic.. I feel a connection with this kitten that I can't really explain. I know you guys will know what I mean.. noone else does. LOL

I can't think of a person on this board that doesn't know about that kind of *heart connnection*  and whoever doesn't know what you are talking about isn't worth explaining yourself to..

This is your baby and you have saved his life..
Did you decide to name him CASH I think that is a great name. ;D

Tricia and the fur kids


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No they are definitely not worth explaining myself to. They don't get it anyway.. Their dogs/cats are just animals... these are the same people that can't stand Bubba and Lola's drool and are no longer welcome in my house anyway. LOL

We were going to name him Cash but so far it's not sticking. We haven't actually seen his true personality yet since he's been feeling so miserable so we are having a hard time picking a name that suits him. I think once he's home and feeling better a name will just come to us.   

Offline Rajas Mom

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I'm glad to hear that he is doing better and I hope that he is home soon!  What a nightmare, huh?

As for the name game, I know what a headache that can be too.  I was stumped when we adopted Charlie (her foster name was Tipsy).  I finally let my husband at it, as he had picked such a winner name for Bocephus (which means Wild & Crazy, and he certainly is).  Raja's name we kept as it was, and I like it.  Shadow was a pound dog, and we were stumped for days ("We have to start calling her something!")  Finally we did the cliche of Shadow as she was black and following us everywhere in the house. Truthfully, I wish we would have given her an old lady name, because she certainly is an old biddy!
Raja (Our Princess), 3 yr St. Benard
Charlie (Our Calico Cat), 3 yr
Bocephus (Wild & Crazy Lab), RIP
Shadow (Secretly a Cat Schipperke Mix), RIP


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Re: Oh Geez.. Do I really need another kitty? Updated with new pics!
« Reply #73 on: August 11, 2008, 03:55:15 pm »
Well it's been a month since we adopted the wee man we now affectionately call "Demon". What can I say he's evil and rotten. LOL

He's still battling the upper respiratory infection. :'( But the coccidia is gone. This little guy's immune system is just shot. :(

Here's some new pics I took today. He's definitely growing! Ignore his grubby ears, it's just wax but I haven't had the heart to pin him down to clean them just yet, Plus I'd like to keep my skin where it is. LOL Oh and don't mind the fugly blankets in my Father's chair.. He covers all their furniture with blankets. Drives me batty, but thank god it's not plastic. LOL

First pic.. See how sweet and cuddly I am? LOL
Second pic.. Yawn.. so sleepy.
Third pic.. Stop touching me!!!  :D
Fourth pic.. Maybe if I ignore you, you will go away!  :D


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Re: Oh Geez.. Do I really need another kitty? Updated with new pics!
« Reply #74 on: August 11, 2008, 04:18:41 pm »
We haven't been back to the vet yet. He's sounded wheezy for the past week but they said it just needed to work it's way out. The snotty nose just started again today so I called and they told me to start the Clavamox again since I still have some left until they can squeeze me in for another appointment. He's breathing fine so no worries at the moment.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2008, 04:19:29 pm by Lyn »