Author Topic: This new baby might be mine...what should I name her? Will she fit in with Zima?  (Read 7615 times)

Offline zimas_mommie

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THis might be my new baby? What should I name her and do you guys think her and Zima will get along because Zima doesnt get along with other dogs?

Offline zimas_mommie

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Are pitts concidered a large or med. breed?


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Med...A pit without any other blood mixed in should be around 50 lbs and maybe 60 but anything weighing more than that has some other blood in there...

Pits you never know...You really wont see if she is dog aggressive until around two plus you have an Akita which too can be one of the breeds known for dog dominance or dog aggression so it might be one of those always have to be cautious because once both dogs mature their could be issues and they are of the same sex

My breed, the males are dog aggressive/dog dominant so I will have to add a female and I will look for a middle of the road in regards to temp to compliment Zero and not challenge him

How long have you had the first dog and how old is he?  And, do you have full control and issues done with one dog before adding another?

Good Luck in your choice and I hope the best for them...

PS  I am not trying to be a party pooper I just to make sure the what if's because right now one is a pup and the other is a year so you wont see any issues at first BUT down the road you have two very powerful breeds on your hand of the same sex

Offline Anky

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I really don't want you to take this the wrong way (Don't you love when sentences start out that way?), but why are you looking at getting another dog when you said Zima doesn't get along with other dogs?  I mean honestly it's a dog to dog basis, and no one can make a judgement over pictures or breeds, but Akitas are generally not very dog friendly, and you already said that yours doesn't like other dogs.  I have to agree with Babs, Akitas and Pits are very powerful dogs, and I'm not saying that you can't handle it if something goes wrong, but why set yourself up for it?  Just my opinion....... ..

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Offline kilbaraberry

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I have to agree pits are VERY VERY strong dogs and require a lot of training, I have one and when another male came near katie he tried to get in to it(of course katies preg with his pups so that had a lot to do with it)The best thing to do I think is get them fixed(i wasnt sure if they were)itll curb some of that agrestion(this is my boy bear

Offline vonissk

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she is a beautiful puppy.  I got to thinking last night after our chat that you really should get a dog of opposite sex if you are going to get another dog.  And things may go along fine for a while and the pittie may bot be dominant, but because these are both dog aggressive breeds, the time may come when that pittie gets tired of being pushed and then you are going to have a big problem.  I believe BabsT said that same thing in an earlier post.  I don't want to burst your bubble either but knowing what I know about same sex aggressive dogs.......... ...I had a wonderful opportunity to buy an import female--everything I wanted in a dog and I trusted the importer--I kept thinking about how my female is and I just had to turn it down because I'm unable to seperate big fighting dogs anymore.  I know I told you they miught get along but as I said afterwards I thought about it and I just think you need to rethink it.  Minta

Offline zimas_mommie

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This is why Im even taking her...... Zima grew up with 3 other dogs she just didnt get along with one of them.... she is sooo lonely.Zima ia also well trained but yes she will def have to the be the dom. one......the pitt puppy ..Im taking because she is being takin to the pound today.... as far as pitts being agressive ....I have had several of them a none were aggresive or dom. Zima is fixed and coarse she would be too...I just figured I would have a better chance of her getting along with a puppy instead of a full grown dog sice a puppy wouldnt challange her...If it doesnt work out then I can find her a good home.thx for the concern...

Offline zimas_mommie

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We will see if they get along long enough today..... I will probably just foster her untill I can find her a better home! Any name sugg.... she is such a cuttie...... she shouldnt be hard to place. but I want a good home for her!

Offline Nina

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Getting a puppy is a great idea, I have a male(puppy) and female(adult), and the puppy didn't try to challange until he got older and Harley kept dominating him. She is still alpha now ;D

Good luck


Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
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I dont think you will have prob as first but in all honesty, both dogs are still immature and puppies.  One is not an adult in large breed dogs more like two or three...What sex was the dog that she had issues with and what provoked the agression with the other dog?

There is just a lot of questions and it would be horrible if they dont get along in the future...You could keep them seperated when they are older if they dont get along...

If you have had multiple dog households and owned pits then go for it...I have a terrible time with names LOL so dog ask me...:)

Offline Nina

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HMMM names I always wanted to name my dogs chinook, and shamrock. Never happend but your more than welcome to use them ;D

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline zimas_mommie

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UPDATE ..... All is well for now..yeah...Bu t I do have a few questions maybe you all could help me with!! The new puppy is not agressive at all! Yeah and like babs said they are both still puppies and you never really know untill they are older....but  I am worried about Zima . She seems to be doing okay but she will not let the puppy walk around! She follows her through the house and stands right over her like she is testing her? Im not sure.... but she also nudges her and plays kinda rough. Will this last long? Is this something she may always do? I have also had problems recently with her and my daughter. Zima has grrowled at her a couple of times and will try to bully her for food and things? Is this because my daughter is so little? I have made sure she is not alone with her ....just to be on the safe side . The puppy also! Zima is so sweet and I love her to death ! It is so strange to see such a diff. in personality. Its like she is too diff. dogs sometimes lol! Any sugg.... and again thank you all for the earlier sugg also. That was all info that  I needed to know! I have owned pittbulls in the past.... they were always my fav. and Akitas are new to me. Like I said I have never owned an agressive pit so I have no experience with agressive dogs! Please help!  ;D

P.S. And even if I dont like what your sugg. are ... no hard feelings!!! No bursted bubbles lol..... I know I am out of my mind sometimes and need a reality check from time to time... we all do! lol...... I honestly believe that a true friend will be honest at all times and tell you the good with the bad! I may not always follow ( a little hard headed hehe) but I always listen.... and because you all where honest with me.... iknew what to look for and to keep my on!!  So thx again all!

Offline Nina

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To me it is Zima trying to show her dominance, as long as she os only doing it to the puppy it is fine, to any of your children, nip that in the but ASAP.  Teach your children how to disipline her like you do, so that she knows they are above her. ( not saying that you aren't doing this already :) ) But with children I find it is harder, as dogs will try and challenge more often. My puppy is always trying to challeng me! But I always win in the end :)

Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)


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Luckily I have Rotts.  They will always be about challenging and dominating me and eachother.  It'll be a neverending battle.  :)  I'm so thrilled by this.  :)
I love em...but they drive me nuts sometimes.

Offline Scootergirl

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I think the puppy is beautiful. I disagree with her not becoming dominant because she is younger than Zima, though. We got our aussie when my golden/collie mix was 7 years old. The aussie became head of the pack by the time he was about 9 mos. old because my Oasis is so laid back and timid.

Names, though... In sticking with the liquor theme, how about:

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principle difference between dog and man." -- Mark Twain