Author Topic: Warning about Sergeant's Gold  (Read 92603 times)

Offline daytrippers

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Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« on: July 07, 2008, 05:38:08 pm »
We bought Sergeant's Gold flea and tick drops today at Wal-Mart.  We applied it per directions, and within 1/2 an hour, 3 of our dogs had severe allergic reactions.  6 baths later, we learned our lesson.  I would use caution with anything that contains Cyphenothrin.
Loki-Golden            Poncho the Donkey(no joke)
Abby-Rot/Lab cross     Oden-Blue Heeler
Zeus-Corgi/Pit cross   Harley-Shep/Chow cross
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Offline JulieWG

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 01:39:55 pm »
Hi there,

I’m replying to you today on behalf of Sergeant’s. I’m so sorry to hear about the allergic reaction your three dogs have encountered. With flea and tick season here in full force we encourage all pet owners to read up on product labels and warnings. Carefully reading all product labels and proper application is extremely important. It is also imperative that when treating multiple pets at once, they are separated for at least 24 hours to keep them from grooming on each other.  Please join us at our “Sergeant’s Cares” page on Facebook to learn more and read through some helpful Q&As:

Best wishes,

Offline daytrippers

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 04:51:07 pm »
Just for the sake of discussion, you have chosen to speak on behalf of this product.  We read the directions, we applied them per the directions, and yes we read the warning.  The warning in a nut shell says "with ALL pesticides there is a risk of an allergic reaction.  If reaction occurs bath pet with mild soap and rinse with plenty of water."  Not a whole lot of specific details.  Secondly, we have used another named brand for years without incident.  The great thing about message boards is I can share my experiences with others. If it happened to us, it could happen to others.  I appreciate all your suggestions.
Loki-Golden            Poncho the Donkey(no joke)
Abby-Rot/Lab cross     Oden-Blue Heeler
Zeus-Corgi/Pit cross   Harley-Shep/Chow cross
Shadow-Heinz 57        Roxy-Malinois pup
                Bo-Lab R.I.P. 8/08

Offline tunisianswife

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 05:42:15 pm »
I am experiencing this right now. I bought this brand today for both my lhasa and shihtzu thinking that it would be a good preventative because of killing the eggs and larvae as well. They do not currently have a flea problem so it is monthly preventative and a different brand than what I normally buy. 15 minutes after application, my lhasa started running around, trying to hide in corners, hiding under furniture, panting, barking, whining; just would not sit still. I immediately knew it had to have something to do with this so I bathed him and gave him a benadryl. As I went to bathe the shihtzu, he too began to experience the same symptoms. I have called the 800 number and given the same instructions as you but nothing is helping. I know I'll be up all night. My vet's office is closed on Thurs. but they will go the first thing in the morning.  No vomiting or foaming at the mouth. I was also instructed to give them tuna juice to take any taste out of their mouth had they licked the areas which I don't think they did. They are both exhausted, I know I will have a sleepless night, and they are inconsolable. You are correct. There is no specific 'side effects' stated on the package.

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2008, 01:15:27 am »
I am going through this also right now. My dog is walking funny, drooling, and is very anxious. She is normally a very independent dog but she is pressed up next to me and cant relax...I think she is scared. I gave her 2 baths with dishsoap and scrubbed her down. I also gave her tuna water to ge the taste out. SHe has been drooling for an hour already. I cant take her to the vet becasue it is 3am and its 70$ to just walk n the door and obviously my bank isnt open. I followed the directions and applied it to all our dogs here and everyone else seems fine but now I am afraid they might come down with the same symptoms...Ple ase pray for my Rosie dog...I will never use this stuff again. This isnt worth the risk!! There should be a warning on the package about this risk! I didnt know anything about the danger of this stuff until it happend and it is all over the internet. SO many dogs are going through and have gone thorugh this. There is NO reason for it.

Offline GabbisMom

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2008, 12:09:25 pm »
Those of you that has experienced these problems with your babies recently, can you tell me if they are better now? We used this kind on our Great Dane 2 times and he was fine. Now I have used it on my yorkie mix and she is having the same problems as your dogs. Hyper-activity, Running and hiding, drooling, smacking her lips, etc. I'm terrified! I have bathed her with Mane & Tails shampoo and shes laying on me sleeping now, but I'm so scared.

Offline VetTec

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2008, 03:07:16 pm »
My warning to everyone is never purchase an Over-the-Counter flea and tick prevention. These products contain chemicals that have a high rate of reactions. I work in a veterinary clinic and I have seen burns, seizure, and rashes to name some side effects. Your best method of preventing parasites is to use products from your vet clinic. In the long run it will save you medical expensive related to adverse reactions of these poisons.

Offline daytrippers

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2008, 03:43:43 pm »
I am so sorry to read that others have gone through this since we first posted the warning.  All but one of our pups recovered within a day, but poor zeus was suffering for nearly 3 days.  Our Vet gave him something to reduce the irritation.  I don't want to bash Sergeants, it's just really an unfortunate risk of a reaction that we will never ever take again. Frontline from our Vet is what we'll use in the future.
Loki-Golden            Poncho the Donkey(no joke)
Abby-Rot/Lab cross     Oden-Blue Heeler
Zeus-Corgi/Pit cross   Harley-Shep/Chow cross
Shadow-Heinz 57        Roxy-Malinois pup
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Offline DonnaM

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2008, 09:02:42 am »
I have had the same exact experience in recent weeks. My sister gave me some Sergeant's Gold flea insecticide for small dogs recently, because her Silky Terrier had had an allergic reaction to it within about 20 minutes of her applying it (per the directions, in a straight line from between the shoulder blades, to halfway down the back). He had never had that reaction to either Hartz or Frontline flea spotters, but she figured her dog must be highly allergic. Of course, she had to wash it off right away, which helped a great deal. I tried it on my Maltese mix last week, and had the same reaction - but in my case, it took several hours before my dog started showing signs of allergic response. He sleeps with me (fortunately), and I awoke in the middle of the night - around 3 am (I had applied the Sergeant's flea spotter to him late in the evening) because my poor little dog was going nuts. He was climbing all over me, and whimpering. These symptoms were similar to the ones my sister had described her Silky Terrier exhibiting, so I immediately jumped out of bed and gave him a thorough bath. The instant I turned the faucet on him, and began swishing the water over the area where I had applied the Sergeant's flea spot drops, he appeared greatly relieved. If my sister hadn't described the symptoms to me, though, I might not have connected the reaction to the flea spotter, since some 6 or 7 hours had passed since I'd applied it to him! This is a very dangerous product, and I believe it should be removed from the market. I've applied other brands of flea spotter to my little dog in the past, and never seen any kind of allergic reaction from him. Shame on Sergeant's for not taking this issue - and customer complaints seriously!


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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2008, 12:26:36 pm »
It is ridiculous that this company does not take responsiblilit y for their lack of conscious let alone responsiblilty for harm done.

Please take care and beware of these products sold "over the counter" and in grocery stores, Walmarts, etc.

To have had a "Representative" ~ if I could call her/him such ~ checking in on forums says volumes to me. BUYER BEWARE!

Your Vet Clinic may charge more for a product than an over the counter. But these are our Babies here. And they deserve the best and the safest. Agreed?  :)


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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2008, 10:18:54 pm »
we used this on jazmine our dane and all of the fur on her back fell out!!! She had a reverse mohawk,....i felt horrible! I learned my lesson the hard way, we stick to frontline, it seems to work best for us!

Offline daytrippers

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2008, 05:37:30 pm »
Again, it makes my heart ache to read about more pups having to go through this. :'(  If you look at the 3rd post from julieWG above, you can see the company's standard respone.  Reading it again today nearly a month after the fact, it still makes me feel like she is twisting it to sound like I did something wrong!  ???  Please share you experience with those outside BPO.  Word of mouth can still save a pup from suffering!   ;) 
Loki-Golden            Poncho the Donkey(no joke)
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Zeus-Corgi/Pit cross   Harley-Shep/Chow cross
Shadow-Heinz 57        Roxy-Malinois pup
                Bo-Lab R.I.P. 8/08

Offline WeimConvert

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2008, 02:45:03 pm »
My dog is yet another victim of this senseless poisoning.  He had classic symptoms - drooling, restlessness, twiching ears, diarreha and vomiting.  When he refused food the next morning, I knew something was wrong. 

I didn't mention using this product to the vet because you figure if it's still on the market, it must be safe.  HA. Thank goodness for web sites like this to help spread the news.  Bottom line, wash the stuff off with dishwashing soap and call the vet.

I'm using word of mouth to spread the news - I had NO idea this stuff (and Hartz) were potential killers, nor do the vast majority of consumers of pet products.

PS - love the Irish Spring soap idea.   

Offline DeogisMom

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2008, 11:18:21 pm »
I'm so glad I found this forum tonight! We used Sergeant's Gold on Deogi and within a few hours he was exhibiting all the same symptoms others have described: drooling to the point of foaming at the mouth, lethargy, scratching and redness around the application site. I tried to call the emergency number on the back of the box and was on hold for 15 minutes before I gave up and called the ASPCA poison control hotline (888-426-4435). My boyfriend and I are giving him baths with dish soap and plenty of water now. I'll post with an update in the morning -- keep Deogi in your thoughts! (And it goes without say that I will NEVER use this product again)

Offline MeAndMyMuttz

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2008, 11:26:59 pm »
hi guys! Yes, Sergeants and Hartz products can and will KILL dogs and cats, I have seen it happen myself at the clinic. Best not to use ANY product besides those prescribed by your vet. I hope this post enlightens people to that.

The flea shampoos and baths over the counter also can cause similar reactions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE only use medications, even shampoos and topicals FROM YOUR VET!!

P.S. If this happens to anyone else and the bathing does not work, take your pet to the nearest vet IMMEDIATLEY, they can administer Robaxin which will stop the tremors and start them on fluids to help them recover more quickly. At which point keep all of your paperwork and the package to the flea/tick medication you used. You can file suit against the company for vet bills if you followed the directions exactly there are actually a few class action lawsuits pending against Sergeants and on a woman is getting together a petition to the FDA to ban the active ingredient in these medications.

"A dog is not "almost human," and I know of no greater insult to the canine race than to describe it as such." - John Holmes