Author Topic: Warning about Sergeant's Gold  (Read 92609 times)


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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2008, 09:56:06 am »
I have never used it for Angel, but I did on Dotty. Dotty never had a problem, but my mom's cat did. She was listless and drooling. We bathed her immediately and after a few minutes she was better. We had the vet standing by waiting on our call back. After seeing how Heidi reacted never again will I buy Sergeant's Gold. I wouldn't even take it for free...

Offline pugbully7

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2008, 10:19:44 am »
On Friday Sept. 5,2008 I applied two diiferent size appr. Sergeant's Gold flea and tick squeeze on to my 2 dogs.  When I got home around 5p.m. I noticed my pug had not peed in her litter box since early that morning, her pee pad was dry and my husband said when he got up that she was asleep in her litter box, which was unusual.  I began to notice that my pug and english bulldog were panting heavily, continuously shaking their heads, and scratching.  When I looked at their food bowl it was still full of food.  When I walked in the door I noticed the smell of the stuff I had applied to their neck.  My husband said they had been laying around and panting since he had woke up around 2pm.  I freaked out because I knew something was wrong and immediately washed them with vet-oatmeal dog shampoo, applied dog hydrocortisone and gave them benadryl.  They slept with me Fri night and all night the pug was scooting through the pillows and covers.  She would roll, yelp, scratch and shake.  My bulldog was shaking her head but didn't seem as restless.  On Sat. I called the emergency # on the package and HOLLY told me to wash dogs 3 times in dawn that the oatmeal wasn't strong enough to remove the product and then apply vit. e. She said it was probably a parasitic reaction.  My dogs did'nt have fleas. I did every thing she told me to do.  You could still smell the topical after 3 washes with dawn, they were still shaking and itchy and lethargic.  By Sat. late afternoon my bulldog ate a little and seemed to feel better and my pug finally peed. (she had drank from a cold water bottle Fri., but it was over 18 hrs. before she peed) My pug would drink a little but not eat.  They stayed in the bed with me and about midnight I put the bulldog in her crate because she began rolling and pacing.  She cried off and on through the night.  My pug was still restless, but not as bad as the previous night.   I thought things were better.  BOY WAS I WRONG!!!!  When I took my bulldog out Sunday morning to potty, I noticed her fur looked matted on her right side of her neck down her shoulder.  I took a close look and saw there was puss and blood on her fur and skin.  By the end of the day I noticed a large area behind her left ear had hair missing and it was yellow with puss oozing out.  By that night her whole left side of her neck, shoulder and behind her ear had puss, blood and small bits of hair were falling out.  On Monday morning I called my vet.  They had to sedate her so they could shave off her hair and clean all of the infected abcesses caused by an irritant applied to her skin.  While I was waiting to pick up my bulldog from the vet I had gone home to check on my pug.  She had still been head shaking and scratched at her ears, but the skin redness had looked lighter.  It's a good thing I took that alone time with her to give lots of hugs and kisses or i would have missed the fact that she had also developed an abcess on her neck that was oozing puss.   I took her to the vet and she too was shaved and treated thank God I found it or the infected skin would have spread as fast as it did on my bulldog.  I have lots of pictures.  They both are on antibiotics and creams.  Neither slept Mon. night, even though they had cortisone shots they are still trying to scratch at their wounds.  So for another night I stayed up listening to them cry. they are still shaking, rolling and lethargic.  My vet bill was nearly $300.  I guess other bills just won't get paid on time.  My daughter just received a wish from the MAKE-A-WISH FOUDATION at the end of Aug.  Our family certainaly does'nt need this added stress.  We love our dogs and I want something done about my vet bills and mostly I want this product removed from every shelf!!!!  We need to band together to stop this product from hurting and killing more animals!!!

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2008, 12:53:02 pm »
I can't believe this product is still on the market. I used it about 5 years ago on my cat. Within 15 minutes she had a reaction, the area that it was applied to had turned bright red and she was howling in pain. I called the emergency vet right away and they told me to wash the area with sunlight dish detergent several times to remove the product from her skin and if she became lethargic to bring her in right away. Thankfully I had caught it right and she was fine. But never again will I buy any of their products.
Nina and Tim
Calgary, AB, Canada
Harley(Lab mix)
Dilbert(Pyr mix)At the bridge
Jolene (cat)

Offline Lorraine

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2008, 11:17:59 pm »
Dear Bob,
Greatly appreciate that you have replied to our concerns. 
Although I would not describe the experience I went through as an unpleasant event.  Watching two of my loved ones suffer and cry as the result of your product for 3 days straight would qualify more like tragedy to me.   
My experience along with all the other postings are evidence that your product is dangerous.  It brings me little comfort to know that you use it on your dogs and would take the of risk sharing it with your friends and family.  I believe your words were trying to convince me of the confidence of your product.  Yet the "comforting" statements only reflect that you do not understand the tragic experience your customers go through as a consequence of your product.
I am glad that you have not had to suffer a "reaction."
To your point regarding differences in the physiology of dog's skin...
both of my Pugs come from different breeders with no genetic links yet both experienced the same severe symptoms.  Making the point you bring up regarding skin type influencing reaction potential to be a false assumption.
Ideally, I would like to have trust and confidence in a Company's reputation along with its leadership to invest in products.  The more I read your response, I am feeling doubt that the real Bob Scharf wrote the reply.  I would hope that a person who rose to the position of President would take action on customer's feedback rather than respond in generalities.  The only Action to Negative feedback is Corrective Action.  Corrective Action equals taking this product off the market because it does cause suffering of living beings.
Sergeant Sufferer,

Read more Sufferers Daily!

Take it off the Market. One Animal Suffering is Cruelty.

Offline dogandcat_mom

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2008, 01:49:19 am »
WOW! I'm insulted by the remarks made by the supposed president of this company.
To the President of Sergeants Poison:
 I can read!!! And I think the rest of us on this forum can as well. First, I thought my dogs may have had an allergic reaction, ok, that happens. However, I have two different breeds of dogs, 2 completely different breeds. Allergic reaction, maybe if only one of them had gotten sick. I can't believe that you consider for a second that over 40 thousand complaints, that is the number that I have found online, is minimal! That's 40 thousand way to many!! If you ask me. Sure, i would brush this off had I only found a hundred or so. Ok there's a million dogs in the world, but 40 thousand is hard for me to swallow. As for your "read the label crap" that's what it is. I quote, if irritation occurs? What exactly do you consider irritation. As for me and the rest of the people here its certainly not what our loved ones suffered through. We are not uneducated, illiterate people as you seem to want to label us. How about you read the label to your product, and you tell me where it says my dogs could die if I use your product, or where it says they will become disorientated and fear for their lives. Or even where it says they could have seizures, or tremors. My dogs were poisoned by this product that is the bottom line. If this wasn't something people would be concerned about the local news station would not have put your product in such bad light! Yeah I did that, Mr. President of poison.
My dogs appear to be their happy healthy selves again, however I'm not taking chances. we went to the vet where they drew blood to check their enzymes, liver function, blood levels and several other things. They don't do that for allergic reactions. Allergic reactions do not affect the liver and kidneys. I'm already out $400 dollars in vet bills that is only rising, thanks to your product that is suppose to protect my "kids". And as many others here that's a lot of money for me to come by unexpectedly.
I don't appreciate your insulting us by your brushing away our complaints and assuming we are idiots. You will hear my name again, most likely when your sitting beside me in court. >:(

Offline Lori in NC

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2009, 05:42:44 am »
Wow! I sure wish I had read this forum before using this stuff. I put the flea drops on my 10 lb rat terrier last night and she responded with the same symptoms I am reading here. She is thrashing around and coughing with dry heaves. She is biting her feet and won't relax. I washed it off her with mild dishwashing soap and I called Sergeants. They told me that she will be fine and that its a "mild" reaction. They told me to put vitamin E oil on her coat where the drops were applied and to use a cold wash cloth on that area. They said she is experiencing a burning feeling. If anything happens to this dog, they are getting the pants sued off them. My dog is trying to relax now but I am fearing long term problems from this stuff. She still wont come out of her crate. She wont eat, go outside or come to me. Now understand, this dog is my BABY and thrives on my attention. She is not herself AT ALL.
These companies are in the business of "caring" for our pets, or so you would think. With this many posts regarding this product, one would think there is obviously a problem with the use of it. I realize all medicines have a possibility of side effects and reactions but when this is such a common occurence as shown here, that should be enough for them to pull it off the shelves. They asked me for the lot number on the box and all, so that tells me they may have let batches leave the factory that should not have been used. Legislation should put the same protocols in place for pet products as they do for humans. If there is a problem with a human medicine, its pulled and researched by the FDA. The same should apply here. This is what I get for trying to save a few bucks after being laid off from work. Thanks for listening

Offline Lori in NC

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2009, 08:33:24 am »
Thank you. She is starting to slowly perk up a little. She still wont eat but I am hoping for more recovery with each hour.

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2009, 04:02:28 am »
Hello again. It's the next morning here and she is much more perky and social. She ate & went out like normal, however she is still shaking her head back and forth as if to rid her head of something on it. It may be still the residual toxins that have penetrated in her neck creating a tingling or burning in her ears? She still prefers being in her crate but she did sleep with me last night as she always does.
Anyone else that went through all of this, if you could tell me about the head shaking and how long that continued. I just want to know that it will go away. It's been about 36 hrs since application.
I'm just SO HAPPY she seems as if she'll be alright.

Thank you all

Offline Lori in NC

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2009, 11:42:00 am »
You read my mind. :D I'm going to bathe her again after dinner. I did notice the skin on the inside of one of her ears looks a little red. I'll put some vitamin E oil on that too. Thank you

Offline Lorraine

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2009, 04:38:43 pm »
Quality News Reports regarding Sergeant Sufferers and their Pets:

Please log your complaint on Consumer Affairs Website to warn others and so that their Lawyers can help us!

Thank you!
Lorraine a Sergeant Sufferer for Life

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2009, 10:45:33 am »
Please read the below 06-16-09 blog from Sergeants....t o me!
It is evidence that they are aware of the suffering they are causing and yet choose to make a profit instead of stopping it.

Thank you,
Sergeant Sufferer for Life

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Re: Warning about Sergeant's Gold
« Reply #42 on: April 20, 2010, 09:52:07 pm »
Michael Scott Green ESQ has filed a class action against Sergeant’s products. 

He is looking for Sergeant Sufferers located in the N. J. area.

Please call him at 732-390-0480 if you wish to assist in the investigation.


