BPO Medical Forum > Medical Conditions & Diseases

Warning about Sergeant's Gold

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Those of you that has experienced these problems with your babies recently, can you tell me if they are better now? We used this kind on our Great Dane 2 times and he was fine. Now I have used it on my yorkie mix and she is having the same problems as your dogs. Hyper-activity, Running and hiding, drooling, smacking her lips, etc. I'm terrified! I have bathed her with Mane & Tails shampoo and shes laying on me sleeping now, but I'm so scared.

My warning to everyone is never purchase an Over-the-Counter flea and tick prevention. These products contain chemicals that have a high rate of reactions. I work in a veterinary clinic and I have seen burns, seizure, and rashes to name some side effects. Your best method of preventing parasites is to use products from your vet clinic. In the long run it will save you medical expensive related to adverse reactions of these poisons.

I am so sorry to read that others have gone through this since we first posted the warning.  All but one of our pups recovered within a day, but poor zeus was suffering for nearly 3 days.  Our Vet gave him something to reduce the irritation.  I don't want to bash Sergeants, it's just really an unfortunate risk of a reaction that we will never ever take again. Frontline from our Vet is what we'll use in the future.

I have had the same exact experience in recent weeks. My sister gave me some Sergeant's Gold flea insecticide for small dogs recently, because her Silky Terrier had had an allergic reaction to it within about 20 minutes of her applying it (per the directions, in a straight line from between the shoulder blades, to halfway down the back). He had never had that reaction to either Hartz or Frontline flea spotters, but she figured her dog must be highly allergic. Of course, she had to wash it off right away, which helped a great deal. I tried it on my Maltese mix last week, and had the same reaction - but in my case, it took several hours before my dog started showing signs of allergic response. He sleeps with me (fortunately), and I awoke in the middle of the night - around 3 am (I had applied the Sergeant's flea spotter to him late in the evening) because my poor little dog was going nuts. He was climbing all over me, and whimpering. These symptoms were similar to the ones my sister had described her Silky Terrier exhibiting, so I immediately jumped out of bed and gave him a thorough bath. The instant I turned the faucet on him, and began swishing the water over the area where I had applied the Sergeant's flea spot drops, he appeared greatly relieved. If my sister hadn't described the symptoms to me, though, I might not have connected the reaction to the flea spotter, since some 6 or 7 hours had passed since I'd applied it to him! This is a very dangerous product, and I believe it should be removed from the market. I've applied other brands of flea spotter to my little dog in the past, and never seen any kind of allergic reaction from him. Shame on Sergeant's for not taking this issue - and customer complaints seriously!

It is ridiculous that this company does not take responsiblilit y for their lack of conscious let alone responsiblilty for harm done.

Please take care and beware of these products sold "over the counter" and in grocery stores, Walmarts, etc.

To have had a "Representative" ~ if I could call her/him such ~ checking in on forums says volumes to me. BUYER BEWARE!

Your Vet Clinic may charge more for a product than an over the counter. But these are our Babies here. And they deserve the best and the safest. Agreed?  :)



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