Author Topic: Grace's first ride in the new Jeep (and I think she busted her other leg)  (Read 12772 times)


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So I even bought a dog ramp and we planned on training to use that today.  It started out ok with her looking at it and at me as if to say, NO, I'd rather jump.  I coaked her and put treats on the ramp and she refused. She veered around it and jumpped efortlessly into the back of the Jeep.  We rode to the park and took a quick dip in the river before she wanted to head home to the AC.  We got home and she seemed fine.  But as soon as we stepped inside she started limping.  I put her to bed so I could run a quick errand and she strolled out of her crate when I got home still limping pretty good.  Now, she's been stiff getting out of bed since she had her right ACL replaced.  This could be just how that's going to be from now on.  But tonight's limp is probably the left ACL having been torn.  We knew it was going to happen anytime as it does with Rotts, but I was hoping to avoid it.  And I feel so guilty for not pushing her harder to use the ramp.  I really really hope it's just a strain since she hasn't been jumping a lot these last 6 months.  That would be denial though. 
I'll call the vet next week and get her fixed up just like I did when the right leg went out.  My poor pupper. 

Offline KiraNGunnersmom

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Sending healing vibes.  I hope it isnt her ACL, poor girl.  Keep us updated.
Kira- Akita
cockateils-Peanut Butter & Jelly
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thank you.  I hope it's not her ACL too.  she's walking a little better a couple hours after the fact, but she put a good bit of weight on her other leg before they did the surgory too.  I gotta face facts.  it is most likely the ACL. 


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this morning, Grace is walking like nothing happened.  ok there is a slight limp, but she's putting weight on it and launching across the living room to bark at people walking by. I'm going to assume, 1.) it's not bothering her or it's only a partial tear or 2.) I dodged a major bullet.  if it were a partial tear she would still show signs of lameness.
i'm going with option 2.  she's walking well and putting  all her weight on it. 
so she's going to learn to use that ramp if she wants to go on another ride. 
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 07:52:47 am by Lin »


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ok..i'm inclined to think it's her ACL.  she's favoring it pretty good.  looks like another operation in our future.  we'll find out for sure soon.


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Sorry she's having a problem Lin.  :'(
~ Just curious ~ which ramp did you buy?


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I'm not really sure the brand name.  it's a telescoping ramp that slides together to make it really long.  it's over $100 at the store if that helps.
i'm sure she tore it partially a few weeks ago when she met the neighbor dog and this jump just did it in.  It was bound to happen.  at least it's not going to be a winter recovery.  that was brutal this February and March. 
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 10:46:10 am by Lin »


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That sounds like the one I have for Rain and Whisper. This one came from PetSmart and was supposed to support 300 lbs.  :-\ It's not all that sturdy. And I would never use it extended the full length.

Rain had her problem after jumping out of my Jeep Cherokee at a Pet Walk for the HSUS & thankfully she's recovered fully without surgery. But it was after that when I bought the ramp. She HATED it!  ??? So I would place it between rooms in the doorway. You would have laughed to see ME walking across it time, after time, after time! Telling My Girl "watch Mommy!" "Good Mommy!!!!" (Glad no one was watching.) After she mastered that I took her outside to watch me (yes me) walk up the ramp into the back of the Jeep. I think it was out of pitty for Her Person that she finally agreed to use it. ;) Whisper was ramp trained from day one.

Still to this day I park the vehicle backed up to a hill so they don't have that far to go and the ramp does not have to be extended fully. I'm fortunate to live in hilly country.  ;)

I really, really, really, hope Grace does not have to go through another surgery. Any time 'cutting' is involved there will be problems down the line. Fingers, toes, and paws are crossed that she won't need it.



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I park against curbs and with the Jeep facing down hill too.  It helps a lot.  but after this surgory i'm sure we'll be done with the worry.  I still need to get her used to the ramp.  i hadn't thought of the walking on it myself.  I sat on the open part of the tailgate so she had no choice but to get in on the ramp, but she waited for an opening.  I should have gotten in and had her climb to me.  i'll try your way soon.


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I'm going to check out that right now while I'm online. I've not heard of this one. Sounds good to me!


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well she's got an appointment Thursday.  She's limping pretty regularly now.  I was hoping to get her in sooner and have this operation Thursday so I could have the weekend to keep her still...get used to it all again.  But it'll be early next week at this point.  I just want this behind her all over again.


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it was going to happen sooner or later.  I tried babying her and playing it safe...and then i started seeing signs that it was starting to tear anyway.  she bounced on it pretty good about 3 weeks ago and that was the start of it.  i guess i'm relieved the wait is over and we can get through it and be done with it.  I'm pretty resiegned to the fact that this will be it...and preparing for the whole ordeal and making plans for arranging things and places to contain her while i'm at work.


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we just got back from the vet.  1/2 way through the visit the power went out.  that was fun having to get blood drawn for the heartworm test and shots given in the dark. 
Grace has lost 5 pounds.  1 more pound and we can get on the less expensive heartworm treatment.
The vet felt some motion in her left leg he didn't like.  He gave us rymidal for 7 - 10 days and put her on couch rest.  (We had limited success with the ramp again tonight).  He thinks it's a strain on the ACL or a partial tear.  either will blow soon if it hasn't already.  She wouldn't relax enough for him to move it a lot so i'm thinking it's a partial tear.  her right leg (even when she was tense) gave 2 to 3 points of movement in February leading to that operation.  i was surprised he didn't order us to to call to get her in to the surgical center tonight.  We shall see in 10 days if she's feeling better, which she is, but is still not putting 100% of her weight on the left leg.
all in all, heartworm test, ear goop (because her left ear itches now), office visit and meds: $154.50.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 04:20:00 pm by Lin »

Offline newfsie

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When we first tried to get our old Newfie Zack in the back of our Jeep with a Ramp, we used to park near a mound, sothat the ramp was not very steep......... .He eventually got used to it steeper and steeper. He loved the back of the Jeep (we Miss him so). Our new rescue and Coltriever both are able to jump in. What a difference that makes. I see that the Vet is also expensive in the USA, as it is here in Australia. Wishing your dog good health..
Newfsie, from Downunder
owned by Annabelle, Tessa, Nugget and six horses

"Never underestimate the warmth of a cold nos

Offline chrisg

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  My rottie would never make an the agility training and has always had problems getting into my jeep liberty.  I pull up the front passenger seat as far as I can and he jumps in on the floor of the back seat, the same to get him out.  Part of the back seat folds down so I can do that to then get him into the very back.  Works better than slipping off a hill I think.