Author Topic: pics of macey 9 months old and Cujo 2 years and our new puppy yet to be named  (Read 6733 times)

Offline goldensaint25

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 I havent been on in awhile thought I would send pics of all the pups. I lost River a few months ago which has been hard, but I cant give up on my dogs I still have..

Offline goldensaint25

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Oh by the way Macey is the white one she is shaved so if she looks funny thats my doing. Cujo is the big boy. The puppy we havent named yet, but I was thinking Kodiak due to losing River. Any name suggestions for him?

Offline Apreston

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I think Kodiak is a GREAT name!!
I am so sorry for your loss of River.... I am sure the new baby is not to replace River but an extention to your family! I love how fluffy he is!!
Big Hugs and Kisses....
Adrienne & Titan

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Re: pics of macey 9 months old and Cujo 2 years and our new puppy yet to be na
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2008, 11:43:56 am »
I'm so sorry about River!!!!

They are all beautiful!!!! I'm jealous I want 3 Saints too:) I like the name Kodiak,but I do think we need lots more pics of  him and the rest of the family!!!!
Michelle, Butt, Tub and Everybirdie

Offline ZooCrew

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I'm sorry to hear about River.
I think Kodiak is a great name for a boy.  Very powerful name.  He looks sooo tiny!
I love Macey's markings.  I don't think I've ever seen a st. with so much white! She's very striking.  :)