Author Topic: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy  (Read 23461 times)

Offline Astrids mom

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2005, 11:05:55 am »
Well last night Astrid and I slept together in the guest bedroom as my kitty must sleep with her dad every night and I promised her I would not take that away and she does not like Astrid yet. No barking tilll horse I took her out right before bed and then agian at 1am and then 3:30 am things went pretty good although she did have 2 accidents when I left the room for a minute.

Astrid is a cling on does anyone else have a cling on puppy. I cant even leave the room and she starts barking up a storm.

Jabear I am located in southern Maine.

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2005, 11:09:40 am »
I'm beginning to think all newfs are cling on's! The dogs, not the people. Okay, some of the people to.

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2005, 11:19:04 am »
Absolutelyl Cling-Ons!  I'm sitting after just getting out of the shower and as usual, Cowboy is right next to me, just out of the shower too!!! He showers with me every time I shower!  As a result I'm a little dirtier, all the time, and he's a little cleaner than we should both be ALL THE TIME!  Sometime I just don't feel like mopping up the bathroom floor  so we skip a shower!  If I close the bathroom door, he just continues to pound on it and scratch and whine.  The worst bit was earlier this week when Chester came in as well.  NOT AT ALL a pretty picture!!!  Two newfs and a naked middle age woman.  What a horror film!!!

I will not be posting pics!!!

Offline TwoNewfies

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2005, 11:23:33 am »
Hi Astrid's mom!  Everyone here has given you a lot of good info.  I would echo what the others have suggested and recommended.  You're in the right place for support and newfie info ;D

We have 2 Newfs, and our youngest is 5 months.  After recently going through 2 puppy phases i can honestly tell you it WILL get better.  That saying is right, having a puppy is like a having a baby.  Which is true, as these pups are babies....just BIG ones ;)

What we did is we crate trained....and at night we have the crate next to our bed.  Rocco, our 5 month old, feels comfortable and safe in his crate, and at bed time will walk in his crate to "retire for the evening"!  He has always liked his crate whereas Bella our 1 yr old never did like it. But she'll go in it if we want her too.  When we got Rocco the weather started to get warmer, and he heats up pretty quick, so we bought a small fan we set next to his crate.  He fell in love with that and loves the fan now.  When he didnt have it and was hoot he wouldnt sleep well and was always moving around trying to get comfy.

As I babble on, my only suggestion would be to move the crate near you in the bedroom, so Astrid feels more safe and comfortable. She's going through an adjustment, being away from her litter mates and mother, and is probably feeling unsure right now. That will soon change. Newfs like to be near and with you so this should help her at night.

Keep us posted. Just know that things will change for the better. Hang in there. We understand :)

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Offline Astrids mom

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2005, 11:26:31 am »
newflvr that is so funny!!! They are somehting else!

Offline newflvr

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2005, 11:28:53 am »
Yep.  They are truly  something else...and I wouldn't change a single thing for the world!   Cowboy is next to me while I cook dinner....didn't know my arms could get so long stretching across his big, ole self to saute the mushrooms!  and Chester is next to him!!!!

Offline brigid67

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2005, 11:39:44 am »
Well it sounds like things are getting better....that is good.   We did not have one accident all night here....very good.

Offline Astrids mom

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2005, 02:22:31 pm »
Thanks everyone for the great advise and support!! I took a couple days off next week so I can really work on a schedule with her.

Twonewfies thanks for the fan suggestion I will be going to get her a little fan today. She was very restless last night and was shifting all night long.

Offline Jessdryden

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2005, 03:13:06 pm »
I agree that newfies (doggies, I mean!  ;) ) are cling ons!  My husband calls Sasha his shadow.  She follows him everywhere during the day.  When she gets too hot, she'll take a little break in the shade and then come right back.  It's really pretty cute!   :)

I'm glad to hear that things are a little better with sounds like she's settling in.  I'll bet she's a real sweetie!   :)

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2005, 05:24:55 pm »
First of all I want to say welcome to BPO. I love the name Astrid, that is such a cute name on a little girl.

You have already gotten great advice here. and from what I read it seems to already be getting a bit better. Real great advice is to NEVER let the crate be a punishment, the crate should be someting nice and comforting and safe. I am personally not a crate person, I have done crates when really needed but other than that I just let my dogs get used to being in the house from get go.

One thing you could try also, a little while before bed time, make her tired. do some playing, tug of war and the kind she can do even if still so young. take her out for a last pee and poo and then maybe she will sleep a little longer when she is all "played out"

As for cling ons, we can add mastiffs to them too lol...... Both Hera and Galahad are velcroed to me most of the day. Newflvr..... I totally understand the shower issue. And I could add a chapter to that book, with two mastiffs and a middle aged woman lol.... we have glass doors on the shower, so when I take one, well I have two dogs sitting outside almost pressing their noses to the glass. When I go to the bathroom, they just have to come with and sit infront of me as an audience hehe (you get used to it) when watching tv, they are sitting or lying on me or having at least a butt sitting down on my feet. When in the kitchen, I am constantly tripping over giant dogs who very smoothly and quietly manage to move and put their big bodies right behind or infront of me. I think it is a big dog thing....... At heart they are all little mojos and dont realize how much room they take up  ;D

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Offline brandon

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2005, 06:17:50 pm »
Definetly gets easier..I just got to sleep two nights in a row until my alarm went off!..WooHoo! :)
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Offline luvmenewfs

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2005, 05:42:51 am »
Hang in there!! 
Wow.  Only just 9 weeks.  Ya know, this is no criticism, but you truly have a baby.  Newfie babies are not usually released until 10 or 11 weeks old.  They need certain socializations from their mother until this time.

So, you are going to need to have some super duper sensitive understanding for Astrid!!

Crate in the room, in fact by your bed if need be.  Both my boys slept by me or hubby for the first month!  In a crate mind you.  And always in our room.  They are still in our room only with open kennel doors.  SO see!  It does get better, it just takes time.
  I agree with everyone else, we too set our alarm for every 2 hours.  You don't want accidents in the kennel, and when that happens, it's not the baby's fault.  During the day, the baby cannot be left for more than 2 hours--4  at the most until she is older. 
During the day...boys were leashed to one of us most of the time.  This was to know where the pup was and if the sniffing and whining started, out the door!!  LOL
Out the door on a leash and pee pees but no plays.  Plays was directed at a different time.  This way when pup was outside to go pees, pees he went.  THen play!!  Try to take puppy potty at the same place!!  They can smell the last pees or poos.  It reminds him or her that they have to go!!  LOL

As a friend once or twice told me, newfie babies have the attention span of a mouse.  They forget what they are doing at the moment they start doing it.  So be consistent!!

After the first couple of weeks we hung bells on the door.  Bryce would ring the bells to go out!!  It is totally amazing how fast the little fellows or gals learn!! Smart Smart Smart!!!


Offline orion5221

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2005, 09:00:23 pm »
Hello, I don't know if this had been posted, so I apologize if it has.  Seperation anxiety is a hard issue to deal with.  My new pup had it when i got her and she is doing alot better now ( i have had her 7 wks) Couple of suggestions:

1. when you enter or leave the room do not be emotional, i would go as far as not to even talk to her for 3-5 minutes

2. whenever you do leave her, give her a high value bone ( stuffed kong, bully stick, greenie) when you return , practice "drop" and take it away from her.  DO this many times during the day.
3. a tired puppy is a good puppy.  excercising her mentally and physically. I train my pup probably 8 -10 times a day ( 2-5 minute session) and she gets lots of excercise with other dogs and one on one with walking.
4. leave classical music on when she is in the crate.

5. If you can have her sleep in a crate in your bedroom.  ( I just moved my pups crate out of my bedroom a nd she is doing great)

6. If she is throwing a tantrum ( my puppy used to get anxious when getting out of the crate and all she would jump on my and paw at me, do not correct that physically it will only intensify it. Just ignore it and look away).

7. I would get the pup checked for a uti and a stool sample for parisities. Although it does sound like she is getting herself so worked up that she is eliminating.  IF you can calm her down on the inside, the toileting behavior shoud get better.
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Offline sarnewfie

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2005, 09:29:52 pm »
You know this is nothing against you astrids mom
but i get so dang frustrated,
the age you got your pup.
i cant believe it!
i have pups here till ten weeks and believe me, they pee and poo a LOT!!!
HUGE; often, a lot!
they go poo an hour and a half after eating, and the younger they are the more they poo at night.,
becouse here we good breeders are, cleaning up the mess they leave, i cant tell you how many people contact me, and only care about the price.
dang it.
if we could sell them for less we would.
but tonns of work, socialization EDUCATION TO THE OWNERS and tonns of tears go into each and every litter.
i dont think 1700 dollars is a lot considering everything i put into these pups.
and believe me, there is a difference in the personality of a pup from myself and good breeder, than a pup bought at six and seven weeks, that sat in a run or barn or in a side room apart from the family and just fed played with and that is it, than shoved out the door at six weeks or i will sell it to someone else becouse it is eating my profits and peeeing and pooing and tonns of work.
gosh darn it.
did this breeder educate you in the least?
i get so many calls from people at witts end becouse their breeder is not there for them, they take the money and run, it is sad to, becouse these BYB or Mills or Shoddy breeders are charging now 1200 bucks for a newf.
i cannot believe people would go to someone like that, who does not even socialize those pups
my litters have gone for several car rides by the time they leave for their new homes.
they have been used to crates, they play in them, they are socialized for hours with mom and the other adults per day.
we work on commands like go potty , and go outside, and work on eye contact, we also go thru the steps of imprinting on them,
there is so much more to whelping a litter than putting them in a run and letting them run amuck and at will till the owners come to get them.
sorry for the rant but i get so frustrated.
there is a lot of good advice here, and i hope you have learned your lesson, buying a pup to young, the potty issues are gonna be there, even at ten weeks they are there, they are small inside their organs are not developed enough that they can hold it for more than two hours, .
it takes time and patience, and watching them like a hawk, they should be crated in your bedroom so they feel part of the pack.
take care, good luck to you.
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Offline newflvr

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Re: NEED HELP!! new newfie puppy
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2005, 10:22:49 pm »
Got to agree with you, Sar.  We got Chester at 12 weeks.  The breeder had been feeding all the pups in crates for weeks.  They were well socialized, used to being groomed and overall it was a breeze to bring Chester in to the family!   As I understand it, (please correct me if I'm wrong), Newfs, and maybe all the giant breeds, mature later than other dogs.  So it would make sense to have them stay with the litter longer so they have time to get all the lessons from the mature dogs that they need.

I wish there was a code of ethics for breeders!!!

Thanks for your wisdom!