Author Topic: bladder/kidney infection  (Read 3402 times)

Offline boxermama

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bladder/kidney infection
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:42:09 pm »
Help does anyone have any long term solutions:

I have recently been kennel training my 5 year old boxer because we are being forced to move into an apartment and she wont have access to a "bathroom" during work hours. For the last 4 years she had been outside on a patio where she was able to relieve herself throughout the day but now she is being crate trained for about 9 hours a day.

I had been giving her a natural supplement from PetSmart called "calm Down" because she is and has always been an high anxiety dog.  I got the largest kennel i could find and while it takes up a good portion of the family room she can stand up comfortably and move around a little.  I give her her favorite toys and bedding and leave cartoons on for her all day and until now she has been great.

She has always drank an excessive amount of water since she was a puppy and i have never tried to control it. But knowing now that she cant drink all day if she cant "go out" i have started regulating her food and water intake I still give her free reign but only from when i get home from work (usually by 5 pm) till about 11 pm and then i take the bowls away. I give her a few licks after i give the calming pills to wash it down. 

Yesterday when i took her out went to the bathroom as normal then later in the evening i went to take out the trash and when i returned she had peed on the carpet (she hadnt done that for years) I was mad so i put her outside on the patio and i noticed she peed again and it looked dark colored then i watched her try again and only a little puddle of blood came out. She did this all last night where she would pee then try again and would follow with a puddle of blood, she is neutered and this is definitely not a heat and i know i need to take her to the vet after work today (i took her to my parents house for the day to watch her and it doesnt seem to have changed at all) but my main concern is the future because i dont want this to be a reaccuring hardship for her...she is my baby and it deeply troubles me. I dont know if it was the kennel, or the supplements, or what or a combination but i dont know what to do to stop this from reaccuring...d oes anyone have any suggestions for the kennel training and this problem?

thanks sorry its so lengthy/detailed!!!


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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 02:17:26 pm »
UTI's are NO FUN!   Maybe she'll get used to things soon and you won't get another one. 
I recently took a job that allows me to come and go from home.  Before this, Grace was able to stay at home in her crate, but has a lot of freedom now.  She adjusts well to either situation though.  She just got over a UTI (her first) a few weeks ago.  She was bleeding when she went potty and going alot, but never inside.  She was a trooper.
Part of the peeing on the carpet when you turn your back might be a little retaliation.  Your pup might be acting out so to speak. 
I'm sure you'll find a happy medium soon.

Offline boxermama

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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2008, 04:03:33 pm »
thank you Jack's mom, yes this move is not a wanted or expected one! We only had a total of 60 days and are being forced to move on Oct 1 st. lol, yes i have often thought about doggie daycare but unfortunately for me she hates/and agressive towards all other dogs (except my parents dog) and i know they are professionals but she is tricky and she even got away from my dad once and he is used to her and other animals like horses doing the same things.

you see the real issue is that we lived only a block from my parents and between them and the patio setup we had she was fine.  but now we are being forced to move to another town far away from them and too far to go home at lunch too :(   otherwise she would get all the TLC she needed during the work day!

thanks for the advice i really need it
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 04:04:48 pm by boxermama »

Offline boxermama

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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2008, 05:46:31 pm »
hi lin and grace

yeah this move really stinks and thanks for the encouragement because it is totally discouraging me from this whole crate training program but i really dont have much of a choice :( It really is a relief to know others have gone thru the same thing because as I am sure you and other are aware, as i am now too, seeing blood pouring out of my dog when i know she is neutered: not a good site.  She has been the perfect lady until last night and your right she probably was commiting a "hate crime" she is super sensitive to us packing and is always full of anxiety like she thinks i am not going to pack her!  We havent moved in 4 years but everytime we go on a vacation she freaks out when the suitcases come out and the last time i moved she was a little over 2 years and she was left inside for like 20 mins alone and chewed up a Prada heel (she never goes for the old or cheap ones! hence why she is outside til I get home from work!)

ps i am glad your baby is feeling better :)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 05:48:36 pm by boxermama »

Offline boxermama

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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2008, 05:51:57 pm »

thanks that is a good idea, i will have to do research on that one because unless i could afford it once a day it would defeat the purpose....als o i live in orange county ca so everything is overpriced out here so i would definitely need to see if it was reasonable (not that i even know what that would be!!)


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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 06:36:18 pm »
Just wanted to welcome you to the board and throw in my couple of cents worth too.  I know there are some people that give their dogs cranberry to help with UTIs and also some that swear by a little cider vinegar added to the water keeps UTIs from occuring.  I've never used either so I don't know if this is true or not. 

For myself, I use a little cranberry lemonade with vodka.  Helps to pass the time and ease the pain.   ;) ;D ::)
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Re: bladder/kidney infection
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2008, 02:51:06 pm »

I live in Orange County and this is the land of the dog walker, doggies daycares etc.  You definitely need to research these resources so feel free to write me privately for some recommendation s.  Hourly dog walker rates here are typically $15 an hour.  Even if not every day, it is still worth it, so don't think all or nothing - even 2-3x per week would help.

Nine hours a day is too long to be in a crate.  Why cant she be in the apartment loose if you address her health problems (she clearly has an infection or something worse so please get to a vet asap).  If this isn't feasible, then an x-pen is more appropriate to give her room to move around.

If you need a vet recommendation, then also let me know. Depending on the diagnosis, look at if it fits the bill.
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