Author Topic: Have anyone expirence...  (Read 18176 times)

Offline ting1sf

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Have anyone expirence...
« on: April 28, 2005, 03:50:39 am »
Has anyone else have the problem of their puppy going  potty in their crate? I am having that problem right now.... 
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Offline kildeskennel

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2005, 06:15:44 am »
Nope!  But I have heard that if the crate is to big they will potty in there.  They should only have enough room to lay down and turn around comfortably.  I of course did not follow recommendation s like this because the giant breeds grow so fast and did not want to keep buying a new crate, sooooI went BIG immediately.  I was home though with them until they were older and did not use the crate for periods of time long enough that they would need to potty.  How big is your crate, and how big is your puppy?
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Offline ting1sf

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2005, 09:51:13 am »
My puppy is 11weeks old and I am nto sure how many ponds is she. Although when she stand up her height is to my kneels. Her crate is a large. BUt she seem to just fit when she pan out. If she is in a ball she just take up half the crate. The odd part is she pees and lay down right on it. Like  it's nothing. I only leave her there from 12 am to 7 or sometime from 2 am to 7 am but for some reason she still goes in her crate..People's been telling me they don't go in their crate but apparently she does. I wonder if there is something wrong with her...
I rather love a dog than a human. Because you put  100% into a dog , you get 200% back. As for humans you sometimes you get nothing back.

Offline kildeskennel

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2005, 10:41:05 am »
Typically they won't go potty in their crates and usually don'y lay in it.  That is very strange  :-\  I guess I am at aloss, I would have a vet check to be sure she does not have a bladder inf or something.  ANyone else have any ideas?  I assume you take her out to pee before crating her, but to just potty where she sleeps is definately weird.
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Offline new2saints

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2005, 10:51:30 am »
Make sure you clean the crate with an enzyme cleaner like Nature's Miracle.  Otherwise, she will smell that and continue to pee in it.  I would have your vet check if she has a bladder infection.  Also, where did you get your puppy from?  A lot of times puppies from puppy mills are kenneled and learn to sleep in their own urine because they are not properly cared for.  Maybe you still need to get up during the night for a few weeks and take her out.



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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2005, 11:10:52 am »
My in-laws bought to big of a crate so they reduced the size by putting up a wall in it with ply wood blocking off the back end.  Also I would soooooo call a vet!  The crate doesn't sound that big.  I made the mistake of putting water in the crate thinking she might get thirsty, silly me! But I had never crated before either.  Live and learn!

Offline dufus

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2005, 12:12:02 pm »
We had problems like this all the time with Day-z, she is now 7 months and still not 100% dry at night.  She actually would walk into another room and go to the bathroom in the crate.  Needless to say we gave up on the crate as keeping her clean was a nightmare.

The good news is that now she sleeps on her bed and never pees on it.  I think that some dogs just don't mind doing it on their bed, despite all the stuff about never soiling their den etc.

It has worked itself out for us as Day-z as grown up.

Good luck

Offline coonie1970

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2005, 07:10:42 pm »
Day z is sooo cute.
Judge has been really good at going outside to pee. LOL We made a real big deal evey time he went outside and it worked wonders. When he did have an accident we just used a firm voice and told him NO. He is a very smart dog and caught on very quick.
Hope this hlps.
Karen :) Image hosting by Photobucket

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2005, 09:20:46 pm »
For cleaning the cage, you can also use white household vinager diluted with water, that takes even cat pee odor away!!!!! I dont know how you feed or water her, but maybe make sure she does not get fed before crating, at least so she has time to produce whats going to come out before she goes in there, and the water, a lot of puppies are social drinkers, dont take me wrong I am not suggesting to dehydrate you pup, but maybe monitor how much and when she drinks, and later on in the eve. take the water away, give her a good watering and then let her get that out of her system. But my also, make an app. with your vet. she may have a bladder infection. Good Luck and keep us posted

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Offline Terrasage

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Re: Have anyone expirence...
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2005, 01:33:30 pm »
William is 16 weeks on Monday, and up until about 14 weeks, he would pee in his crate.  "They" say that puppies can hold it an hour for every month old they are-well William has not peed in his crate for about 2 weeks now and he's in there from about 8:30 until noon, then 1 PM until 5:30 PM, so that's about right.  He does fine during the night now, but body functions slow down at night for animals as well as people.  He never slept in it though.

I started him out in a big crate with papers at one end and a lambswool thing for him to sleep on in the the other end because I knew we would not be able to let him out to go pee as often as he would need to.  You might try giving him a designated potty area for now.  Hopefully as he gets older, it will be more distasteful for him to go in his crate and he'll have the control to hold it until you get home.

Hang in there!
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