Author Topic: Toe Nail Shells lifting *pics, warning, kind of graphic*  (Read 15953 times)

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Toe Nail Shells lifting *pics, warning, kind of graphic*
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:30:29 pm »
my little zero has the worst toe nails ever. They are so brittle and break all the time. he has some food allergies and so his toes get very red and painful. Because of this we have a very hard time trimming his nails, so they get long. they are always shattering but our worst problem is the top shell of the nails, breaks and lifts up. it is broken all the way to the skin and it just lifts like a car hood i'd guess, if  you could imagine? now, those who know bullies, broken limbs etc. and a bully is still as active as can be... (so we try to keep them quiet, ugh, not on this life time). But this injury is so painful that zero is limping and crying... we do pull them, which immediately takes the limping away, but is there any other things we could do to prevent? suppliments, etc???
here are  a few pics- i'll take any advice...

thanks in advance
Jodi & Darcy
Proud Parents of
Zero-Bull Terrier
Jigsaw-Bull Terrier
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Reba-Chinese Crested
Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Toe Nail Shells lifting *pics, warning, kind of graphic*
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 01:55:29 pm »
Oh wow, and I thought Gunther's nails were bizarre.  I  have no suggestions but I feel for him.  Gunther's nails split easily too but nothing like that. I normally just have to peel off a small edge piece.  that really does look painful.  :(

Gunther last month ripped off part of his nail.  Really he ripped off part of his quick, with the nail still intact.  the outer nails on all his feet (so 8 nails altogether) have growths (almost like a callous) that grow beyond the underneath of the nail (unlike most dogs, whose quick is flush with the nail).   He ripped off the portion protruding beneath one of his nails when we got a layer of ice on top of snow several weeks ago.

Only now does it look like it's finally healing up.  For awhile there ever time he went outside it would start bleeding again but I really didn't want to wrap his foot b/c the area needed to harden up again.

Not only that, but every winter he scraps his back legs to bleeding on his hocks.  He is so accident prone with his feet.  :P

Offline ruffian

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Re: Toe Nail Shells lifting *pics, warning, kind of graphic*
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2009, 11:03:17 am »
Try and find a flex shaft for the dremel, then the motor part does not go near his feet, it just hangs in one spot, some dogs accept the noise better if it is not coming at them.

Offline Gevaudan_Jo

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Re: Toe Nail Shells lifting *pics, warning, kind of graphic*
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2009, 12:34:01 pm »
Great thanks!!!!!!!!! :D
Jodi & Darcy
Proud Parents of
Zero-Bull Terrier
Jigsaw-Bull Terrier
Repo- Jigsaw's baby Bull Terrier
Reba-Chinese Crested
Simba,Sabbath,Kimahri, Lil' Meow & Slimon-Cats
Robin the hermit crab and the 8 legged freak, Webley!
~ waiting at the bridge, Zeus and Memphis, great danes ~