Author Topic: Big Paws Forum Rules  (Read 44731 times)

Offline bigpawsadmin

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Big Paws Forum Rules
« on: April 23, 2005, 03:06:23 pm »
These rules are in place to keep the integrity of our site and keep the conversations flowing harmoniously. We want to ensure that everyone follows these rules so that there is no question as to what is considered inappropriate to post.
1.   No profanity shall be used in any posts unless of course you are referring to a female dog (ie. bitch).
2.   No degrading comments towards anyone on this forum.
3.   No advertising of a specific breeder of a specific breed so that we don’t cause arguments that bring back grade school memories like “Mine is way better than yours”.
4.   No advertising of puppies for sale or we might just be tempted to buy one of everything…and I don’t think our landlord would allow that many pets in one place.
5. We have nothing to do with the postings on the forums. These are solely views of the members.

Members will be given one warning for the following offenses. Two warnings will be considered grounds for banishment and in some cases forwarding of the collected information to the proper authorities.
1.   Harassing anyone in any way. In case you are wondering what things might fall under this category, think before you type and if any comment could make you look like the 2nd syllable in the word harass, don’t write it.
2.   Threatening anyone in any way. Remember what you tell your kids (human or 4-legged) “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.
3.   Repeatedly posting topics which get locked (i.e. stirring the pot or intentionally causing trouble). This proverb should help to keep your memory fresh: “One mistake, shame on me. Two mistakes, shame on you”.

Understand that the rules are here in the interest of fairness. We support our Moderators and will believe them first in all cases. If you have a complaint about them please let us know.

Now on to the good stuff! Here are things you are encouraged to post about:
1.   Pictures of your dog(s), yourself and family members because we love to see you and your beloved babies.
2.   Asking for help with something, giving advice, support or encouragement to others.
3.   Links to stores/websites that sell a product that may be of use to others. Without collaboration from others how would we know what restaurants are the best in town?
4.   Names of medicines, food, good stores, etc. that many be of use to others. Personally, everything I use for our doggy-dog has been recommended from others, so why not share those great things with others?
5.   Posting a pedigree of your dog(s). We think of this as your dog’s heritage, so share at will.
6.   Upcoming events. If they are near us count us in!
7.   Any relevant information on dogs and/or dog organizations (good or bad). We all need to know who the yucky people are so we can stay from them and we need to know who the good guys are so that we can join them in their efforts!

We hope our “rules” are used while you are part of the Big Paws family. Have fun and happy posting! 

« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 04:45:48 am by bigpawsadmin »
Just trying to keep the bugs off the board!