Author Topic: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking  (Read 12890 times)

Offline ZooCrew

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Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« on: January 07, 2009, 03:01:58 pm »
Ridiculous!!  >:(  >:(

Talk about being proactive..... ........puttin g a dog to sleep for barking at someone?

Offline CadillacQueen

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2009, 03:38:59 pm »
I have a mixed opinion on this one.

If I was out for a nice ride, and was suddenly threatened and was consistently threatened for over 10 minutes by two dogs acting aggressively towards me, I wouldn't be willing to just 'let the matter go'.
Obviously they have threatened an intent to be violent, and that has to be rectified in some way.

I would setter for a court order on muzzling the dogs when outside family property, not death.

My dog Shanty has growled at my daughter before, so I know that any dog can show a display of violence, no matter how sweet and cute.

The thing is, the judge obviously thought that this was the beginning of a show of violent behavoir.
A THREAT to attack must be taken the same way as an ACTUAL attack, or next time they're out without their owners controlling them won't be so lucky.

Note, before the flame-war begins, I have not stated that it is right for them to die.
a tough restraining order on the dogs would be sufficient for me. Restraining order, as in order that they must be fully restrained from a situation in which they might conceivably attack a stranger.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2009, 03:58:51 pm »
Actually it never said they acted aggressively.  It said that the man felt threatened.  I have to ask........... ..would he have felt threatened if it were another breed that had approached him?  That is my main concern with the ruling.  Say it were 2 german shepherd, do you think the judge would have come to the same ruling?

Viking Lady

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2009, 04:50:28 pm »
I think their reputation does do damage to them. I was scared to death of them, having never met one, just based on what I had seen on TV and hearing stories about them. Then a friend of ours had one that is one of the sweetest dogs in the world. I did the same thing with Dobermans because I had only seen them as guard dogs. I think the judge's decision is rather drastic but I agree that there needs to be some assurance that nothing is going to happen. I just don't know what that would be since they had gotten out of their pens. You can't muzzle them if they sneak out.

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2009, 05:00:17 pm »
I think their reputation does do damage to them. I was scared to death of them, having never met one, just based on what I had seen on TV and hearing stories about them. Then a friend of ours had one that is one of the sweetest dogs in the world. I did the same thing with Dobermans because I had only seen them as guard dogs. I think the judge's decision is rather drastic but I agree that there needs to be some assurance that nothing is going to happen. I just don't know what that would be since they had gotten out of their pens. You can't muzzle them if they sneak out.

I know some of the sweetest pitt-bulls in the world, and have no fear of those individual dogs when I'm around them.  At the same time, I see one walking down the street and I am much more anxious than I would be if it were a lab.  Far too many of the wrong people have and improperly care for and train this breed. 

I think it is terrible for dogs with no prior complaints who have not harmed anyone to be "proactively" put down.  Should the owners better contain their dogs and be fined and given a severe warning of future consequences, yes! 
Raja (Our Princess), 3 yr St. Benard
Charlie (Our Calico Cat), 3 yr
Bocephus (Wild & Crazy Lab), RIP
Shadow (Secretly a Cat Schipperke Mix), RIP

Viking Lady

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2009, 06:29:16 pm »
What I don't understand is, they paid fines and fixed the reason for the digging out. Where did the court action come from? Is the victim(?) taking it to court? Or is it the city taking it on, or what?

Viking Lady

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2009, 06:34:54 pm »
The reason I asked in the prior post is that our dog supposedly bit a dog catcher (years ago)when he got loose from our yard. Our vet, who had to confine him for 10 days, told me that the dog catcher got his finger caught in the choke chain trying to get him in the truck and that he didn't believe Poco would bite. Anyway, we paid a fine because there was a leash law. Later, when the insurance company tried to sue us for the medical bills, our attorney told me that when I paid the ticket it was an admission of guilt so we couldn't fight it.

Offline Amy (guffer)

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2009, 06:51:37 pm »
This story is heartbreaking.  Those dogs are adored family pets.  You can tell that the family takes good care of them.  Just because one person "feels" threatened, their lives have to end?  It makes me sick.  And who is this trainer that actually agrees they should be put down for barking at someone near their property?  Does he know anything about dogs?  Ridiculous!


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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2009, 08:45:44 am »
Maybe the biker's spandex were too tight and cutting off too much circulation and he wasn't seeing e pitbulls were probably just saying hi.


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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2009, 09:05:43 am »
At least the dogs have a stay and the owners have a lawyer. What a lot of trouble over nothing. *grumble*

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2009, 11:00:16 am »
In MA they are trying to pass a law where if your dog is barking outside and a neighbor calls and complains then the animal control can euthanize the dogs while the owners are away.  It is the anti-dog nucence law!!!

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2009, 11:42:02 am »
In MA they are trying to pass a law where if your dog is barking outside and a neighbor calls and complains then the animal control can euthanize the dogs while the owners are away.  It is the anti-dog nucence law!!!

OMG!! That is just aweful!  >:(  I can't imagine that would pass.  I mean for pete's sake, all dogs will bark at some time when outside.  I would hate for someone's dog to be put down b/c their neighbor hates their dog or has a grudge against them.

Offline CadillacQueen

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2009, 01:55:00 pm »
Would he feel threatened if they were wagging their tails and rolling over to show their bellies?

If he felt threatened enough to have to use his bike as a shield against them, then they weren't out to play.

Offline ZooCrew

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Re: Judge orders 2 dogs be euthanized for barking
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2009, 05:13:52 pm »
Would he feel threatened if they were wagging their tails and rolling over to show their bellies?

If he felt threatened enough to have to use his bike as a shield against them, then they weren't out to play.

I DISagree completely. I am a dog walker and have walked by with perfectly behaved dogs from Labs to Great Danes to schnoodles and had people freak out completely. As soon as we're about to pass they will slam up against a building or put theirs arms up against them to try and prevent a dog bite, meanwhile the dog I am walking is smelling the ground and not even looking at the person. Many people OVERREACT big time and I bet that man was.

And there is certainly NO NEED to punish the dogs if NOTHING happened.

I agree with Julie.  Gunther has a weird habit of liking to smell people sometimes either as we pass, or the second we pass them he'll turn to get a whiff.  He's not doing it aggressively, merely a swing of the head in their direction.  He continues walking in a straight line otherwise.

I have had people freak out on this.  Most people just stiffen up, some move out of the way long before we even get close.  Some raise their arms out of the way (not sure what this is doing other than they think he drools?........really they're just getting his attention.....  And I had one guy I think almost pee his pants......... .lol.  And this was when Gunther was a pup and being much more obvious on the smelling.

Really, this is the equivalent of having someone arrested  b/c they were following you, looked at you funny and you felt threatened that they might mug you.