Author Topic: How Much do you Feed?  (Read 7055 times)

Offline ZooCrew

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How Much do you Feed?
« on: January 10, 2009, 11:04:54 am »
Okay I know this thread has been done before........ ....somewhere, couldn't find it quickly enough.  ;)

I'm specifically intersted in those feeding Evo.  When we switched Gunther over, I was modeling how much to feed him by what I saw on here.  I thought I was modeling it by Holly but now I see she doesn't feed Evo so I could be mistaken.

Anyway, we started him off on 4 cups a day.  After awhile, he started looking really skinny.  So I weighed him and he lost 13 lbs.  :( :(  So I upped him to 5 cups a day a few weeks ago.  Weighed him last week, and again this week (b/c I was hoping last week's weight was a fluke) and he's lost 2 more pounds.  He is looking a bit anorexic right now.  :(

I am now upping him to 6 cups a day, starting this evening. Which to me seems like a huge amount for this type of food.  I will almost be paying double what the old food was per month (he was on 8 cups of Nutro Natural Choice before).

So I just want to know if I just have a dog with an abnormally high metabolism or what?  We're lazy lumps in the winter b/c I hate going outside (I get cold/frostbite easily) so we're not at the park nor do we go for walks.  The only exercise he gets is in the yard, which isn't much.

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Re: How Much do you Feed?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 02:31:50 pm »
Gunther would eat more food if I put it in there.  He loves his Evo.  On the Natural Choice, he would usually eat it all, but sometimes would leave some in there.  Now he is licking the bowl clean and going back a few mintues later to see if more suddenly "appeared".

This weight was lost over several months, we started Evo sometime around Aug/Sept.  Wasn't until about 3-4 wks ago that it was really noticable though.

I might have to try mixing something else in.  I don't think I can afford to spend about $90/mo in food just for him.

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Re: How Much do you Feed?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2009, 04:53:28 pm »
I  had thought it was you! . I remembered you had said that the girls were around 3-3.5 cups and buddy was around 4.  I figured Gunther was bigger than the girls, but not nearly as big as Buddy.

A normal weight for him is just shy of 140, and that is on the lean side.

We were just at the vet today, too.  :P  I had mentioned his weight loss to the tech when we weighed him, but was more concerned with Posey as she hasn't been feeling well so they wanted all her info and I soon forgot about Gunther.   ::) ::)  then didn't think to mention it to the vet when he came in.......and the vet apparently didn't notice his boniness.  :P

I don't think its worms, as more than likely the others would have them too and we really haven't been anywhere since Oct b/c its been too cold for me.  I haven't noticed anything in his stool and I just cleaned the yard the other day (stools are normal).  I have thought thyroid so i suppose a blood test is in order along with a fecal.  His general exam today was good, of course that lasts all of about 10 seconds.  :(

thanks for the info everyone, I  had though it seemed like he was needing an aweful lot of food.  :(

Offline patrick

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Re: How Much do you Feed?
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 12:43:33 am »
I agree with DaneInsane  Some dogs don't do well on certain foods even though the food is known to be high quality.  and at 6 cups he should be at least maintaining.  But different dogs do have different needs  I do have some Pyrs here (a breed that has a notorious low metabolism) that are getting the equivalent of 6 or more cups a day and some that are doing well at 3 cups a day.  For weight gain I usually add just carbohydrates and fat to their food to up the calorie count- just like in people! I do that with supplementing (doggy stew) but you can do it by changing dog food as well if you are not inclined to add toppings.

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Re: How Much do you Feed?
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 06:59:46 am »
I need to alter what I said yesterday.....

I remember now why it wasn't an issue at the vet's.  I weighed him at work last week and it was 123+.  At the vet's it said he weighed 125 so I thought he was gaining weight so it wasn't an issue at the time.  We stopped by work after the vet and I weighed him again b/c I wanted to see what the difference in the scales were.  Well, it said 122+ so instead of him gaining 2 lbs, he had actually lost a pound.  :P

Though surprisingly, his ribs aren't sticking out, other than where the ribcage ends.  Its  his waist that looks horribly skinny, along with some spine showing.  :(

Well, looks like I'll be taking some money out of savings again.  :P