Author Topic: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves  (Read 17692 times)

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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2009, 03:22:18 pm »
Hahaha!  :D

Zane - St Bernard/Shepherd mix
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Offline BritnyLe

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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2009, 04:52:18 pm »
I'm at petco with Hades and a lady comes up to us with her four kids.

The lady "Now thats what I call a Saint Bernard. See kids thats a Saint Bernard over there."

She walks up to me.

"Thats one pretty Saint Bernard you've got there. He's about 6-7 months right?"

I reply while trying to hold him back from her kids who are now all pulling on him and messing with him.

"No he's only 4 months right now and he's a mix."

The lady, "My parents used to breed saints theres no way he's only four months. He's way too tall."

I reply, "Well his dad was a great dane/english mastiff mix and he's get his height from him."

The lady, "I think you got the wrong information, thats definatly a 6-7 month old saint he's got perfect markings."

I reply, "Well I know the guy I got him from and both the parents."

She continues to argue with me until finally my boyfriend makes up an excuse that we're running late for something and we leave.
Hades: 2 year old, Saint Bernard/Great Dane/English Mastiff mix
Jypsi: 8 week old Cocker Spaniel/Australian Cattle Dog mix
Kane aka Poe, Kira, Karma, Kalypso, and Krystal my kitty kids
A ball python
Otis the rabbit

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2009, 04:58:49 pm »
When Naja drools on people, I tell her it's how she say's "I love you."   :D

My BIGGEST issue, is the people who approach Naja and I without asking permission.  Naja has aggression issues when approached like that, and I can usually tell if it's gonna be a "sniff your hand and let you pet me day", or a "don't come near me or I'll freak" day.  Or people at the dog park that will approach her for pets even when she's barking at them and backing up, with me saying "She's really not in the mood right now, I don't think you should come any closer".  One lady tried arguing with me telling me "No it's alright, Dogs Love Me"  Well NOT this one, not right now.  I had another incident with a mentally disabled person one day.  We were making our rounds and a guy who looked 16 approached Naja, he was wearing a hoody and sunglasses, and she couldn't see his face, so naturally she started barking and ran away.  This guy starts laughing, and CHASING her!!!  I'm running after him telling him to back off, not knowing his name I'm calling him "kid".  His caretakers, got mad at ME!  Saying he's "not a kid, he's a full grown adult, and his NAME is ...".  So I told them I don't care how old he is, to get him away from my dog or I'm afraid she's gonna bite him!  I'd bite him too if he were chasing me around like that when I'm scared.
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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2009, 05:09:01 pm »
I have the same problem with Roxi. Some people she just doesn't like. She used to be bad with guys but now shes fine if they kneel down by her but she'll start barking and growling once they stand up. Also she kinda freaks out if someone comes up behind me and I don't see them. She seems to be fine with people when I talk to them first.

Most people stop and don't keep approaching her because alot of people think she's a pit bull and will pull back because they assume things.

I had a guy once bring his male pit who was growling and snarling closer to Roxi who automatically got defensive because she's become kinda like Hades "mom" and wanted to protect me and Hades. The guy then laughs and says "Wow maybe we should let them go in the field over there and see who wins."

I was so mad. I pull Roxi to me and told the guy to get a life. I am friends with everyone that works at the petco and they were over there right away and told him he had to leave and shouldn't come back.
Hades: 2 year old, Saint Bernard/Great Dane/English Mastiff mix
Jypsi: 8 week old Cocker Spaniel/Australian Cattle Dog mix
Kane aka Poe, Kira, Karma, Kalypso, and Krystal my kitty kids
A ball python
Otis the rabbit

Offline London_Pyr_Lover

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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2009, 05:15:07 pm »
People are the opposite way with Naja.  Because she's all white and fluffy, they automatically think she wants to be mauled, and fauned over.  I wish she were better with people, and less apt to freak (I originally wanted her to be a therapy dog), but she's not, and I love her, and I want to protect her.  If that means telling little old ladies to F off when they don't leave us alone once in a while, then so be it. 

I'll be going to h*ll, but my dog will be safe.  ;)

Modified, 'cause I don't like sounding too rude.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 05:15:53 pm by London_Pyr_Lover »
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Re: Comments on walks, parks, etc-pet peeves
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2009, 03:59:30 am »
People are the opposite way with Naja.  Because she's all white and fluffy, they automatically think she wants to be mauled, and fauned over.  I wish she were better with people, and less apt to freak (I originally wanted her to be a therapy dog), but she's not, and I love her, and I want to protect her.  If that means telling little old ladies to F off when they don't leave us alone once in a while, then so be it. 

I'll be going to h*ll, but my dog will be safe.  ;)

Modified, 'cause I don't like sounding too rude.

I know exactly how you feel.. I do the same with Lola. I don't like being rude to well meaning people but when they won't take the hint there is nothing else you can do.

Lola has an invisible personal bubble that she doesn't like *most* strangers to enter. People seem to think that cutsy baby talk is going to change her view of them. Honestly it seems to freak her out more, like she thinks that person is seriously off their rocker.

Why ever bother asking if you can pet my dog if your intention is to try anyway whether I say yes or no.  >:(

Like my trainer says.. Better to be viewed as a b*tch and protect my dog than have my dog protect herself.