Author Topic: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!  (Read 8306 times)


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2009, 03:52:34 am »
Wow, I can't believe all the help you have all given me!! You guys ROCK!  

I bought the Evo, but I'm going to hold off on feeding him that and give him some chicken/rice for the next week or so.  He's got digestive issues at the moment and I'm convinced it's the antibiotics.  I ran out and bought some Probiotics so he started those today, hopefully that helps!

Koby actually seemed happier last night, so I'm hoping the antibiotics are working.  Tony came home from work with Buddy and the two played for about 2.5 seconds, which is a heck of a lot better than Koby just sleeping on the couch 24/7.  I'm sure he's in a lot of pain because of his ear, so I'm hoping once the infection goes away he'll be back to his crazy self!

Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it!  ;D


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2009, 04:58:44 am »
Are you using anything specific for his ears? I've had really good luck with Liquid Health K-9 Ear Solutions. This is the cheapest place to order it (that I've found, any way):

Slag almost always has one ear that is waxy, and if I don't keep it cleaned out I'm afraid it might become a problem.


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2009, 05:30:20 am »
Are you using anything specific for his ears? I've had really good luck with Liquid Health K-9 Ear Solutions. This is the cheapest place to order it (that I've found, any way):

Slag almost always has one ear that is waxy, and if I don't keep it cleaned out I'm afraid it might become a problem.

We've been using Vet Solutions Ear Cleanser.  It works great, but the process of getting the solution into the ear then cleaning it is the problem. Koby fights us every time, he's gotten to the point if you even touch his ears he'll back away and then go try to hide!


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2009, 03:55:19 am »
Tina we've tried everything when it comes to treats and ear cleaning!  He's gotten to the point were he'll spit out the treat then ignore us for hours! lol  When we actually do the ear cleanings he just gives us this look like "I'm so over this crap, leave me alone!"   :)


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2009, 04:07:05 am »
Man, that sucks.


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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2009, 10:31:04 am »
Just a quick update on Koby.  We cleaned out his ears today and they both look fantastic!  No redness or irritation and the infected ear had a lot less "gunk". 

Now we seem to have another problem!  Last night he started ummm....pooing blood.  I took him off the antibiotics yesterday morning because his diarrhea hasn't gotten any better, he's been on probiotics for 4-5 days now.  I've been feeding him oatmeal/boiled chicken.  Today his stool looked bloody/mucus-y but his poo was firmer. (UGH I talk about poo way to much!) I have a call into my vet, hopefully I can get in first thing tomorrow morning.  I'm thinking the antibiotics killed off all his good digestive bacteria, but it's just a guess.  He's been more energetic he's still eating and drinking normally so once again I'm stumped!
This post was supposed to be quick!  ::) Sorry!

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Re: Koby's sick, would love some help/opinions!
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2009, 01:02:48 pm »
In the posts there has been mention of probiotics. There is a human product called KEFER. The have a vanilla flavor that your dog would probably like. One can find it in the health food or natural section of nicer groceries ie Kroger, Publix, Harris Teeter. It has more beneficial bacteria than any other product I have seen. Antibiotics are wonderful but do have severe side affects . (Even short courses)The natural flora balance in the body is disrupted. Try the Kefer. It just may help his sweet belly feel better. The one thing you can be 100% certain of-the probiotics will NOT hurt anything.
Prayers are with you.